[IPython-dev] kernel wrapper example
Ralf Hemmecke
hemmecke at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 17:51:06 EDT 2014
Hello, and thank you for your answers.
I could run the echokernel.py example.
> It would probably work, but I was testing it with Python 3
OK, but see attachment. Log is generated via...
bash ipython-bash.install > ipython-bash.log 2>&1
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but being inexperienced with python, I
don't see what.
That script was executed in a rather vanilla Debian 7 VM with python-dev
$ type bash
bash is hashed (/bin/bash)
$ which bash
Any idea?
-------------- next part --------------
#$ cat /etc/issue
## Debian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l
#$ python --version
## Python 2.7.3
# installation directory
export PATH=$I/bin:$PATH
# source directory
# virtualenv
mkdir -p $S
cd $S
git clone git://github.com/pypa/virtualenv.git
cd virtualenv
git checkout master
python virtualenv.py $I
cd $S
git clone https://github.com/ipython/ipython.git
cd ipython
pip install -e ".[notebook]"
pip install pexpect
cd $S
git clone https://github.com/takluyver/bash_kernel.git
cd bash_kernel
mkdir -p $HOME/.ipython/kernels/bash
cp kernelspec/kernel.json $HOME/.ipython/kernels/bash
sed -i 's/python3/python/' $HOME/.ipython/kernels/bash/kernel.json
ipython console --kernel bash
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Name: ipython-bash.log
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URL: <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/ipython-dev/attachments/20140721/db590513/attachment.bin>
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