[IPython-dev] SciPy 2014 BoF

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 18:00:47 EDT 2014

On 4 June 2014 02:37, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:

> thanks a  lot for reaching out... That's indeed a great idea, and it would
> be a good opportunity for us to reach out to the broader scipy community
> with feedback, discussions, etc.
> Folks, the only issue is that I can't deal with this right now. I just
> landed in Alaska for a short vacation, and will be offline in the
> backcountry until the end of next week. If someone else in the dev team
> could fill out the BoF submission, I'd be very grateful.
> One caveat: whomever fills out the BoF form, please note that we need it
> to NOT overlap with the py3 BoF that Thomas and I are working on...

I've created the BoF proposal on the website, and invited all the core team
as speakers. If anyone hasn't got an email and thinks they should have,
please let me know.

For now I've just filled in a very brief, generic description. I think any
of us should be able to edit it. We can discuss in the dev meeting tomorrow
what else we want to put there.

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