[IPython-dev] Hide some code cells, show others?

François Deheeger francois.deheeger at free.fr
Thu Jun 12 17:04:35 EDT 2014


one of the way is to use the cell toolbar and "tag" the cells you want to
keep (or delete... depends on the number of both !).
I usually use the 'slideshow' mode of that cell toolbar and tag with
'Notes' cells i want to keep.

Then, by using the idea of the stackoverflow post you mentioned, create the
template you need. It might look like:

{%- extends 'full.tpl' -%}
{% block input_group %}
    {% if cell['metadata'].get('slideshow',{}).get('slide_type','') ==
'Notes' -%}
        {{ super() }}
    {% endif %}
{%- endblock input_group %}

And then use that template through nbconvert.

Hope it helps,


2014-06-12 16:37 GMT-04:00 Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343 at gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> Apologies if this has been asked before - my google-fu has failed me.
> I'm currently writing a proceedings for the scipy conference.  Since they
> require and .rst file with a custom format I was planning to use the rst
> nbconvert template to generate my talk, using raw nbconvert cells to supply
> rst formatting as needed.
> I'd also like to include code for some cells but not all.  In particular,
> one or two of the plots have pretty lengthy scripts associated with them
> and I'd prefer not to have to include them in the paper.
> I've found this StackOverflow discussion, which seems to sort of do what I
> want:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19524554/suppress-code-in-nbconvert-ipython
> but this will suppress the output of *all* code cells.  Is there a way
> (possibly through an IPython extension) in the notebook interface to
> indicate whether or not I want to include a code cell in the nbconvert
> output?
> Thanks for your help,
> Nathan
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François Deheeger
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