[IPython-dev] nush

Doug Blank doug.blank at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 07:51:54 EST 2014

Nice ideas, Carl... thanks for sharing, both code and ideas! It really
did work as easily as you say :)


PS - For those that don't have the time/ability to install and run,
you can get an idea of the project in the docs, here:

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 6:57 AM, Carl Smith <carl.input at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I don't know if anyone here has taken an interest, but it's the
> weekend, so it seems like a good time to mention it.
> I started working on a browser-based programming environment a while
> back that takes a lot from IPython. Though it's very different
> internally, it has a lot of similarity at the UX level. There's a few
> ideas there that were discussed on this list a while back, liked
> tabbed file editing, as well as some reinvention of IPython concepts,
> like bookmarking paths and defining commands.
> If you have Python3 and Chrome or Chromium installed, you should be
> able to just clone the repo and run the app. There's a fairly complete
> wiki on GitHub to get you up to speed.
> If you're an IPython user, you may consider nush a bit redundant, but
> it does do a lot that IPython, by design, never will. The reason I'm
> plugging it here is only that it has features that IPython developers
> may find interesting.
> Thanks, and all the best.
> Carl
> Nush on GitHub
> https://github.com/carlsmith/nush
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