[IPython-dev] Results of last year's user survey

William Stein wstein at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 10:43:42 EDT 2014

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Carl Smith <carl.input at gmail.com> wrote:
> Two Pennies...
> On surveys, and communication in general, could you not just add a feature
> to the Notebook that allows it to connect to a central server onload, so it
> can let users know there's some news and lets them load the content
> directly? Users should have an obvious, one click toggle to disable the
> connections, but few would.

If you do this sort of "phoning home", it would be good to come up
with a plan about how you're going to use the resulting data.   You'll
have the potential to suddenly know a lot:

   -  how many people are starting IPython, which could be useful data
to have (e.g., for grants, etc.).

   - where they are using it (based on the ip)

   - what version they are using, so you can tell them to upgrade in
the response message.


  -- william

> If you don't use cookies, or really anything that involves auth or privacy,
> you could do a lot with that easily. Serving Markdown and even pickled [and
> encrypted] Python objects is all easy if you write the client and the
> server.
> On one-- and preferably only one --obvious way, if the buttons are in the
> app, they're all obvious and are all part of the way it's done. The obvious
> way should also always be in the Standard Library.
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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