[IPython-dev] feedback on modal UI
Sylvain Corlay
sylvain.corlay at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 15:40:09 EDT 2014
Some people trying the notebook environment for the first time around me
got confused by the modal UI, just because they did not notice right away
the green/gray line around the cell. Therefore we also decided to make it a
bit thicker.
Another 2 cents about the user interface: Some first-time users are
confused by the fact that the "run current cell" button only runs one cell
rather than the entire notebook. How about using the "step-forward"
font-awesome icon for this button?
Thanks for sharing this. I think we prefer to keep the default styling
of this extremely simple and encourage users to customize to suite
their needs. Your feedback is helpful though - we will monitor the
On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 7:58 AM, Alistair Miles
<alimanfoo at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for spam, in case it's useful for anyone else here's a couple more
> tweaks which are helping me with the modal UI...
> div.cell.selected {
> border: 3px #ababab solid;
> background-color: #ddd;
> }
> div.cell.edit_mode {
> border: 5px red solid;
> background-color: #faa;
> }
> div.cell.selected div.output_subarea {
> background-color: #fff;
> margin: .5em 0 .5em 0;
> padding: .5em;
> border: 1px #ababab solid;
> border-radius: 4px;
> }
> div.cell.edit_mode div.output_subarea {
> border: 1px red solid;
> border-radius: 4px;
> }
> div.cell.edit_mode div.input_area {
> border: 1px red solid;
> }
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Alistair Miles <alimanfoo at googlemail.com
> wrote:
>> P.S., adding this:
>> div.cell.edit_mode {
>> border: 5px solid red;
>> background-color: #faa;
>> }
>> ...to custom.css is my temporary solution to help me remember to enter
>> edit mode before typing :-)
>> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Alistair Miles
>> <alimanfoo at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In case this is helpful, here is some feedback on the new modal UI after
>>> a couple of days working with IPython 2.0.0-b1.
>>> I'm sure I will get used to it (I had become very fluent with the old
>>> of shortcut keys) but for now I am having a lot of accidents from
>>> to type and forgetting I'm still in command mode. I've lost count of the
>>> number of times I've accidentally turned line numbers on or off,
>>> added new cells above or below, switched the cell from code to markdown,
>>> etc. Often I've got through typing a number of words before realising
>>> something is wrong, and so found several unintended things have
happened to
>>> my notebook. Fortunately there aren't many words in English with a
double d,
>>> that could be particularly confusing, maybe deleting cells should be
>>> [delete] key? Also having cut as a plain 'x' press is similar, maybe
>>> cut/copy/paste/undo should need a control key modifier?
>>> I know these problems may only be transient and when I'm fully used to
>>> the new UI they'll happen much less.
>>> I know this has been mentioned before, but think it might help if the
>>> visual distinction between edit mode and command mode is made stronger.
>>> eyes literally can't tell the difference between the green outline and
>>> grey outline on most screens. I'm sure others will have better ideas,
>>> maybe the box outline for edit mode could be a couple of points
thicker, or
>>> the cell background could be a different colour/shade of grey/white, or
>>> maybe lose the outline completely in command mode and indicate the
>>> cell by some other means? I'm not a visual designer, I'm sure there are
>>> better ways.
>>> Hth, thanks for the revolutionary work!
>>> Alistair
>>> --
>>> Alistair Miles
>>> Head of Epidemiological Informatics
>>> Centre for Genomics and Global Health <http://cggh.org>
>>> The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>> Roosevelt Drive
>>> Oxford
>>> OX3 7BN
>>> United Kingdom
>>> Web: http://purl.org/net/aliman
>>> Email: alimanfoo at gmail.com
>>> Tel: +44 (0)1865 287721 ***new number***
>> --
>> Alistair Miles
>> Head of Epidemiological Informatics
>> Centre for Genomics and Global Health <http://cggh.org>
>> The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>> Roosevelt Drive
>> Oxford
>> OX3 7BN
>> United Kingdom
>> Web: http://purl.org/net/aliman
>> Email: alimanfoo at gmail.com
>> Tel: +44 (0)1865 287721 ***new number***
> --
> Alistair Miles
> Head of Epidemiological Informatics
> Centre for Genomics and Global Health <http://cggh.org>
> The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
> Roosevelt Drive
> Oxford
> OX3 7BN
> United Kingdom
> Web: http://purl.org/net/aliman
> Email: alimanfoo at gmail.com
> Tel: +44 (0)1865 287721 ***new number***
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