[IPython-dev] \citep and \citet for markdown latex citations
Brian Granger
ellisonbg at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 13:53:45 EDT 2014
I am +1 on adding support for other common citation patterns. This
should be a very simple extension of the code we already have. You can
either open a PR if you want to do this yourself, or create an issue
and someone else will pick it up.
On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 7:56 AM, John Griffiths
<j.davidgriffiths at gmail.com> wrote:
> Following up on an discussion re: latex citations here
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22425847/can-other-latex-citation-commands-like-citep-and-citet-be-used-in-notebook-markd?noredirect=1#comment34138366_22425847
> I was asking how one might implement \citep and \citet versions of the
> <cite data-cite="granger2013">(Granger, 2013)</cite>
> syntax for markdown citations in the notebook.
> Seems the natural thing to do would be to be able to write "<cite
> data-citep="
> and "<cite data-citet=" , with syntax otherwise the same as above.
> Ultimately one might want to have more of the natbib citation functionality
> (see e.g. http://merkel.zoneo.net/Latex/natbib.php). To start with though I
> think these two would go a long way to making notebook markdown article
> writing feasible for non-numbered citation formats.
> @takluyver suggests making a modified the citation filter to do this.
> Looking at the nbconvert code this looks like it should be quite simple. But
> what I'm not sure about is what the the data-cite attribute is doing here.
> Would someone mind explaining this a little?
> In particular, would e.g. a data-citet attribute need to be explicitly
> defined somewhere, and would that be a non-trivial exercise?
> I'm afraid I know next to nothing about HTML so sorry if this is a naive
> question.
> Cheers,
> john
> --
> Mr. John Griffiths, MSc
> PhD Candidate
> Centre for Speech, Language, and the Brain
> Department of Experimental Psychology
> University of Cambridge, UK
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Brian E. Granger
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com
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