[IPython-dev] IPython for Education

Doug Blank doug.blank at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 12:17:49 EDT 2014


I think you are right that there are many possibilities for using
IPython in the classroom. I think many of these could be explored more
easily if the students were logged in via an IPython server... at
least that is where I will be concentrating my explorations this year.
I could imagine: sharing, commenting, grading, hand-in methods,
testing, quizzes, and clicker-style anonymous polling ("are we all at
the same place? ready to move on?"), etc. It would be great to make a
list of such feature ideas, and prioritize....


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Alessandro Gagliardi
<alessandro.gagliardi at glassdoor.com> wrote:
> I've been impressed by the use of IPython Notebook in tutorials at SciPy and
> other places and have been using slides generated using nbconvert for my
> Data Science class at General Assembly and I am interested in taking it to
> the next level. I feel like there's a lot of potential, especially with
> widgets (and someone mentioned XMPP) for bringing interactivity into the
> classroom, though I'm not sure if I have the knowhow to pull it off myself.
> One example of something that would be cool is if I (as instructor) could
> look at what students are working on and easily aggregate their results for
> presentation to the class. (So, say the students are working on a
> classifier. Aggregate the results of each student's classification accuracy
> and present them back to the class.) This is maybe not the best example,
> it's just the first that came to mind. Wondering if anyone is working on
> anything like this. By "this" I mean extensions to IPython specifically for
> the classroom (could be something completely unrelated to my specific
> example).
> Thanks,
> -Alessandro
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