[IPython-dev] generating input cells dynamically

Zoltán Vörös zvoros at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 15:30:11 EDT 2014

Hi Araron,

Thanks for the suggestion! But the main problem was not how to run the 
notebook, but how to generate the code in the first place. Basically, I 
would like to have a notebook that writes itself. Once it's written, it 
can be run in many ways, as you pointed out.


On 21/03/14 20:13, Aaron O'Leary wrote:
>> Once you've generated the notebook, you could use runipy to run it without
>> having to go through the noteboko UI: https://github.com/paulgb/runipy/
> Or, if you're using IPython 2.0 you can do
>      ipython -c "%run your_notebook.ipynb"
> from the command line. This is the same as opening it and clicking "run
> all cells".
> aaron
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