From zeitlinie at  Thu May  1 03:48:58 2014
From: zeitlinie at (Zeitlinie)
Date: Thu, 01 May 2014 09:48:58 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Mayavi broken TraitError
Message-ID: <>

Does anyone on this list use Mayavi for 3D visualization?
For me the new version I had to move to is broken.
Trying to just open a figure like

from mayavi import mlab as ml

fails with the error msgs. appended.
If you need a more detailed traceback pls. let me know.
I'm running opensuse 13.1 with the following p Mayavi related packages 


Any help would be most appreciated.

========== Error msgs. =================

TraitError: The 'input' trait of a PolyDataMapper instance is 'read only'.

In [3]: Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/tvtk/", line 
308, in send
     _messenger.send(obj, event, *args, **kw_args)
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/tvtk/", line 
249, in send
     getattr(inst, meth)(source, event, *args, **kw_args)
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/tvtk/", line 
456, in update_traits
     setattr(self, name, val)
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/traits/", 
line 170, in error
     value )
TraitError: The 'alpha_bit_planes' trait of a XOpenGLRenderWindow 
instance must be 'f' or 'false' or 'n' or 'no' or 'off' or 'on' or 't' 
or 'true' or 'y' or 'yes' or 0 or 1, but a value of 8 <type 'int'> was 

If you suspect this is an IPython bug, please report it at:
or send an email to the mailing list at ipython-dev at

You can print a more detailed traceback right now with "%tb", or use 
to interactively debug it.

Extra-detailed tracebacks for bug-reporting purposes can be enabled via:
     %config Application.verbose_crash=True

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/tvtk/pyface/ui/wx/", 
line 535, in OnPaint
     self.light_manager = light_manager.LightManager(self)
"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/tvtk/pyface/", line 
351, in __init__
     light = CameraLight(self.renwin)
"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/tvtk/pyface/", line 
167, in __init__
     self.glyph = LightGlyph()
"/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/tvtk/pyface/", line 
59, in __init__
     tf.input = arrow.output
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/traits/", 
line 102, in _read_only
     name, class_of( object ) )
TraitError: The 'input' trait of a TransformFilter instance is 'read only'.

If you suspect this is an IPython bug, please report it at:
or send an email to the mailing list at ipython-dev at

You can print a more detailed traceback right now with "%tb", or use 
to interactively debug it.

Extra-detailed tracebacks for bug-reporting purposes can be enabled via:
     %config Application.verbose_crash=True

From arnd.baecker at  Thu May  1 04:26:16 2014
From: arnd.baecker at (Arnd Baecker)
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 10:26:16 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [IPython-dev] Mayavi broken TraitError
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.02.1405011001210.18848@ptpcp8>


On Thu, 1 May 2014, Zeitlinie wrote:

> Does anyone on this list use Mayavi for 3D visualization?

A better place to ask is
   MayaVi users <mayavi-users at>
   enthought-dev <enthought-dev at>

> For me the new version I had to move to is broken.

On a SUSE machine of a colleage we also had problems
installing MayaVi as somehow a recent vtk
(ver 6) was installed, while the provided tvtk
version did not support vtk 6.
In the end installing the whole ETS
and a downgraded vtk did solve it somehow;
I don't have the details and would not really recommmend
that approach...
(Note that I never encountered such type of
dependency problems with *ubuntu or debian ..)

Support for VTK-6.x was announced two weeks ago,
so you could give installing the development version
of ETS a try, see
To install this without root access to an arbitrary place
you can do:
   export PYTHONPATH=/MYDEST/lib/python2.7/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH
   python python develop --prefix=/MYDEST

BTW: It seems that the bug you encounter is already described here:

Best, Arnd

From doug.blank at  Thu May  1 12:58:12 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 12:58:12 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
Message-ID: <>

Devs, I have been trying to find the cause of this bug for some time, and I
thought that someone might be able to provide a hint as to where to look to
find the issue.

We have an external kernel that works very well when you connect onto it
with a single frontend. But when you connect two frontends (console or
notebook), then the conversation gets confused.

More detail:

Terminal 1:

ipython console --profile calico

works fine.

Terminal 2:

ipython console --profile calico --existing

starts, but now things are confused. Now, each terminal takes turns being
able to get the prompt. If run in notebook, then code execution never
signals the end of computing (the [*] never turns to a number, but you can
still enter and get results back). In the console, output is received, but
the prompt is in the other terminal.

It works fine with a single front end.

Any ideas appreciated!

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From benjaminrk at  Thu May  1 14:37:11 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 11:37:11 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

What are your socket types on the Kernel side?

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:

> Devs, I have been trying to find the cause of this bug for some time, and
> I thought that someone might be able to provide a hint as to where to look
> to find the issue.
> We have an external kernel that works very well when you connect onto it
> with a single frontend. But when you connect two frontends (console or
> notebook), then the conversation gets confused.
> More detail:
> Terminal 1:
> ipython console --profile calico
> works fine.
> Terminal 2:
> ipython console --profile calico --existing
> starts, but now things are confused. Now, each terminal takes turns being
> able to get the prompt. If run in notebook, then code execution never
> signals the end of computing (the [*] never turns to a number, but you can
> still enter and get results back). In the console, output is received, but
> the prompt is in the other terminal.
> It works fine with a single front end.
> Any ideas appreciated!
> -Doug
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From doug.blank at  Thu May  1 15:45:40 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 15:45:40 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:37 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:

> What are your socket types on the Kernel side?

Here is the definitions for our channels:

    public class ShellChannel : Channel {
    base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
public class IOPubChannel : Channel {
    base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.PUB) {
public class ControlChannel : Channel {
    base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
public class StdInChannel : Channel {
    base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
public class HeartBeatChannel : Channel {
    base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.REP) {

Could that really effect multi-frontend, but not single?


> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>> Devs, I have been trying to find the cause of this bug for some time, and
>> I thought that someone might be able to provide a hint as to where to look
>> to find the issue.
>> We have an external kernel that works very well when you connect onto it
>> with a single frontend. But when you connect two frontends (console or
>> notebook), then the conversation gets confused.
>> More detail:
>> Terminal 1:
>> ipython console --profile calico
>> works fine.
>> Terminal 2:
>> ipython console --profile calico --existing
>> starts, but now things are confused. Now, each terminal takes turns being
>> able to get the prompt. If run in notebook, then code execution never
>> signals the end of computing (the [*] never turns to a number, but you can
>> still enter and get results back). In the console, output is received, but
>> the prompt is in the other terminal.
>> It works fine with a single front end.
>> Any ideas appreciated!
>> -Doug
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From benjaminrk at  Thu May  1 16:01:59 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 13:01:59 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

All of those DEALER sockets should be ROUTER sockets. The DEALER behavior
is correct for only one peer, but it will round-robin replies if there is
more than one.  Clearly some documentation is wrong. Where did you get the
suggestion that they should be DEALER sockets?


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:

> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:37 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>> What are your socket types on the Kernel side?
> Here is the definitions for our channels:
>     public class ShellChannel : Channel {
>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>             }
>     }
> public class IOPubChannel : Channel {
>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.PUB) {
>             }
>     }
> public class ControlChannel : Channel {
>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>             }
>     }
> public class StdInChannel : Channel {
>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>             }
>     }
> public class HeartBeatChannel : Channel {
>      base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.REP) {
>             }
>     }
> Could that really effect multi-frontend, but not single?
> -Doug
>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>>> Devs, I have been trying to find the cause of this bug for some time,
>>> and I thought that someone might be able to provide a hint as to where to
>>> look to find the issue.
>>> We have an external kernel that works very well when you connect onto it
>>> with a single frontend. But when you connect two frontends (console or
>>> notebook), then the conversation gets confused.
>>> More detail:
>>> Terminal 1:
>>> ipython console --profile calico
>>> works fine.
>>> Terminal 2:
>>> ipython console --profile calico --existing
>>> starts, but now things are confused. Now, each terminal takes turns
>>> being able to get the prompt. If run in notebook, then code execution never
>>> signals the end of computing (the [*] never turns to a number, but you can
>>> still enter and get results back). In the console, output is received, but
>>> the prompt is in the other terminal.
>>> It works fine with a single front end.
>>> Any ideas appreciated!
>>> -Doug
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From doug.blank at  Thu May  1 16:24:11 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 16:24:11 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:01 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:

> All of those DEALER sockets should be ROUTER sockets. The DEALER behavior
> is correct for only one peer, but it will round-robin replies if there is
> more than one.

If I change the ShellChannel to ROUTER then the kernel will no longer

If I change the others to ROUTER, then I don't see a difference with prior

>  Clearly some documentation is wrong. Where did you get the suggestion
> that they should be DEALER sockets?

Probably a combination of finding what would work, and looking at other
code (it is sometimes hard to translate code and docs between different ZMQ

Thank you for helping me track this down!


> -MinRK
> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:37 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>>> What are your socket types on the Kernel side?
>> Here is the definitions for our channels:
>>     public class ShellChannel : Channel {
>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>             }
>>     }
>> public class IOPubChannel : Channel {
>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.PUB) {
>>             }
>>     }
>> public class ControlChannel : Channel {
>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>             }
>>     }
>> public class StdInChannel : Channel {
>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>             }
>>     }
>> public class HeartBeatChannel : Channel {
>>      base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.REP) {
>>             }
>>     }
>> Could that really effect multi-frontend, but not single?
>> -Doug
>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>>>> Devs, I have been trying to find the cause of this bug for some time,
>>>> and I thought that someone might be able to provide a hint as to where to
>>>> look to find the issue.
>>>> We have an external kernel that works very well when you connect onto
>>>> it with a single frontend. But when you connect two frontends (console or
>>>> notebook), then the conversation gets confused.
>>>> More detail:
>>>> Terminal 1:
>>>> ipython console --profile calico
>>>> works fine.
>>>> Terminal 2:
>>>> ipython console --profile calico --existing
>>>> starts, but now things are confused. Now, each terminal takes turns
>>>> being able to get the prompt. If run in notebook, then code execution never
>>>> signals the end of computing (the [*] never turns to a number, but you can
>>>> still enter and get results back). In the console, output is received, but
>>>> the prompt is in the other terminal.
>>>> It works fine with a single front end.
>>>> Any ideas appreciated!
>>>> -Doug
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>> IPython-dev at
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From benjaminrk at  Thu May  1 17:35:14 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 14:35:14 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

ROUTER sockets use an IDENTITY prefix to determine who the recipient should
be. In an IPython message, this would be the frames prior to the
'<IDS|MSG>' delimiter. You must send these as the beginning of the reply in
order for the reply to arrive at the correct peer.


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:

> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:01 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>> All of those DEALER sockets should be ROUTER sockets. The DEALER behavior
>> is correct for only one peer, but it will round-robin replies if there is
>> more than one.
> If I change the ShellChannel to ROUTER then the kernel will no longer
> respond.
> If I change the others to ROUTER, then I don't see a difference with prior
> behavior.
>>  Clearly some documentation is wrong. Where did you get the suggestion
>> that they should be DEALER sockets?
> Probably a combination of finding what would work, and looking at other
> code (it is sometimes hard to translate code and docs between different ZMQ
> libraries).
> Thank you for helping me track this down!
> -Doug
>> -MinRK
>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:37 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>>>> What are your socket types on the Kernel side?
>>> Here is the definitions for our channels:
>>>     public class ShellChannel : Channel {
>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>             }
>>>     }
>>> public class IOPubChannel : Channel {
>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.PUB) {
>>>             }
>>>     }
>>> public class ControlChannel : Channel {
>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>             }
>>>     }
>>> public class StdInChannel : Channel {
>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>             }
>>>     }
>>> public class HeartBeatChannel : Channel {
>>>      base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.REP) {
>>>             }
>>>     }
>>> Could that really effect multi-frontend, but not single?
>>> -Doug
>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at>wrote:
>>>>> Devs, I have been trying to find the cause of this bug for some time,
>>>>> and I thought that someone might be able to provide a hint as to where to
>>>>> look to find the issue.
>>>>> We have an external kernel that works very well when you connect onto
>>>>> it with a single frontend. But when you connect two frontends (console or
>>>>> notebook), then the conversation gets confused.
>>>>> More detail:
>>>>> Terminal 1:
>>>>> ipython console --profile calico
>>>>> works fine.
>>>>> Terminal 2:
>>>>> ipython console --profile calico --existing
>>>>> starts, but now things are confused. Now, each terminal takes turns
>>>>> being able to get the prompt. If run in notebook, then code execution never
>>>>> signals the end of computing (the [*] never turns to a number, but you can
>>>>> still enter and get results back). In the console, output is received, but
>>>>> the prompt is in the other terminal.
>>>>> It works fine with a single front end.
>>>>> Any ideas appreciated!
>>>>> -Doug
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>>> IPython-dev at
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>> IPython-dev at
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From doug.blank at  Fri May  2 12:04:53 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 12:04:53 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:35 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:

> ROUTER sockets use an IDENTITY prefix to determine who the recipient
> should be.

Ok, I think I understand, but still not working. Here is some wording that
(if correct) could be inserted in an expanded discussion of the wire
protocol (which doesn't yet mention socket type):

If you only want to implement basic functionality (one frontend per kernel,
no parallel or cluster support) then using DEALER instead of ROUTER is
fine, and a good place to start because you don't need the complexity of
the routing protocol. You can simply leave out the routing prefixes before
the <IDS|MSG> delimiter in the wire protocol.

If you do want more than the basic functionality (such as allowing two
frontends to a kernel) then you must use the ROUTER socket type, and must
have the correct routing prefixes.

The problem is that I haven't gotten the routing to work, and it seems like
it deserves some documentation. For example, watching the IPython kernel, I
appear to see the following kinds of routing:

message type: "kernel_info_reply", routing appears to be "SESSION_ID":

*** KERNEL SENT: "['860e49d1-3852-4d9a-a623-01271cc95f21', '<IDS|MSG>',

message type: "status", routing appears to be "kernel.KERNEL_ID.status":

*** KERNEL SENT: "['kernel.a5092211-ccf1-4017-bab9-58bab7d8eb52.status',
'{}', '{"execution_state":"busy"}']"

message type: "execute_repl", routing is "execute_reply", raw data (end of
message) is list of session ids:

*** KERNEL SENT: "[u'execute_reply', {'status': u'ok', 'execution_count':
2, 'user_variables': {}, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {}},
{'parent_header': {}, 'msg_type': 'execute_request', 'msg_id':
'4a153840-c5f1-4f24-813f-4585c9eb776f', 'content': {'code': '1 + 1\n',
'silent': False, 'user_variables': [], 'store_history': True,
'user_expressions': {}, 'allow_stdin': True}, 'header': {'date':
datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 2, 11, 42, 50, 892870), 'username': 'dblank',
'session': '1a402950-a0bf-417d-88d3-13b6d58506c3', 'msg_id':
'4a153840-c5f1-4f24-813f-4585c9eb776f', 'msg_type': 'execute_request'},
'buffers': [], 'metadata': {}}, {'dependencies_met': True, 'engine':
u'a5092211-ccf1-4017-bab9-58bab7d8eb52', 'status': u'ok', 'started':
datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 2, 11, 42, 50, 896000)},

Am I reading this correctly? If so, then many kernel developers may stop at
basic communication and use DEALER (which is fine, I guess). For those of
us you want to implement the full spec (with the expectation of having
parallel engines working), each of these cases will need to be dealt with,

Thanks again!


> In an IPython message, this would be the frames prior to the '<IDS|MSG>'
> delimiter. You must send these as the beginning of the reply in order for
> the reply to arrive at the correct peer.
> -MinRK
> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:01 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>>> All of those DEALER sockets should be ROUTER sockets. The DEALER
>>> behavior is correct for only one peer, but it will round-robin replies if
>>> there is more than one.
>> If I change the ShellChannel to ROUTER then the kernel will no longer
>> respond.
>> If I change the others to ROUTER, then I don't see a difference with
>> prior behavior.
>>>  Clearly some documentation is wrong. Where did you get the suggestion
>>> that they should be DEALER sockets?
>> Probably a combination of finding what would work, and looking at other
>> code (it is sometimes hard to translate code and docs between different ZMQ
>> libraries).
>> Thank you for helping me track this down!
>> -Doug
>>> -MinRK
>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at>wrote:
>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:37 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>>>>> What are your socket types on the Kernel side?
>>>> Here is the definitions for our channels:
>>>>     public class ShellChannel : Channel {
>>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>>             }
>>>>     }
>>>> public class IOPubChannel : Channel {
>>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.PUB) {
>>>>             }
>>>>     }
>>>> public class ControlChannel : Channel {
>>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>>             }
>>>>     }
>>>> public class StdInChannel : Channel {
>>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>>             }
>>>>     }
>>>> public class HeartBeatChannel : Channel {
>>>>      base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.REP) {
>>>>             }
>>>>     }
>>>> Could that really effect multi-frontend, but not single?
>>>> -Doug
>>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at>wrote:
>>>>>> Devs, I have been trying to find the cause of this bug for some time,
>>>>>> and I thought that someone might be able to provide a hint as to where to
>>>>>> look to find the issue.
>>>>>> We have an external kernel that works very well when you connect onto
>>>>>> it with a single frontend. But when you connect two frontends (console or
>>>>>> notebook), then the conversation gets confused.
>>>>>> More detail:
>>>>>> Terminal 1:
>>>>>> ipython console --profile calico
>>>>>> works fine.
>>>>>> Terminal 2:
>>>>>> ipython console --profile calico --existing
>>>>>> starts, but now things are confused. Now, each terminal takes turns
>>>>>> being able to get the prompt. If run in notebook, then code execution never
>>>>>> signals the end of computing (the [*] never turns to a number, but you can
>>>>>> still enter and get results back). In the console, output is received, but
>>>>>> the prompt is in the other terminal.
>>>>>> It works fine with a single front end.
>>>>>> Any ideas appreciated!
>>>>>> -Doug
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>>>> IPython-dev at
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>>> IPython-dev at
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>> IPython-dev at
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From benjaminrk at  Fri May  2 13:04:51 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 10:04:51 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:04 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:35 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>> ROUTER sockets use an IDENTITY prefix to determine who the recipient
>> should be.
> Ok, I think I understand, but still not working. Here is some wording that
> (if correct) could be inserted in an expanded discussion of the wire
> protocol (which doesn't yet mention socket type):

> """
> If you only want to implement basic functionality (one frontend per
> kernel, no parallel or cluster support) then using DEALER instead of ROUTER
> is fine, and a good place to start because you don't need the complexity of
> the routing protocol. You can simply leave out the routing prefixes before
> the <IDS|MSG> delimiter in the wire protocol.
> If you do want more than the basic functionality (such as allowing two
> frontends to a kernel) then you must use the ROUTER socket type, and must
> have the correct routing prefixes.
> """
I would not add this. I would consider it purely an accident that any
kernel with DEALER sockets sometimes appears to work, and no kernel should
ever use DEALER sockets on the kernel. I think suggesting that DEALER
sockets might work in simple cases would only increase the likelihood that
new kernels use dealer sockets, when none should.

The addition of a kernel_info request at startup, which is about to go into
IPython master, will mean that no kernel using DEALER sockets will work in
any frontend, because there will be a minimum of two client sockets
connected to the kernel?s shell channel.

> The problem is that I haven't gotten the routing to work, and it seems
> like it deserves some documentation. For example, watching the IPython
> kernel, I appear to see the following kinds of routing:
> message type: "kernel_info_reply", routing appears to be "SESSION_ID":
> *** KERNEL SENT: "['860e49d1-3852-4d9a-a623-01271cc95f21', '<IDS|MSG>',
> '1832e7dad75f76550782d188b01d902c259da4b1d12ad9aa51c11bb756176065',
> '{"date":"2014-05-02T11:36:54.231974","username":"kernel","session":"a97ba32b-b539-4b37-ab2e-08076f5a9bd6","msg_id":"e4cc180a-d262-4ac8-b4e0-fbc9e49855fb","msg_type":"kernel_info_reply"}',
> '{"date":"2014-05-02T11:36:53.956564","username":"dblank","session":"860e49d1-3852-4d9a-a623-01271cc95f21","msg_id":"08428883-db50-401d-8601-e62fadcf38ba","msg_type":"kernel_info_request"}',
> '{}',
> '{"protocol_version":[4,1],"language_version":[2,7,5],"language":"python","ipython_version":[2,0,0,""]}']"
> message type: "status", routing appears to be "kernel.KERNEL_ID.status":
> *** KERNEL SENT: "['kernel.a5092211-ccf1-4017-bab9-58bab7d8eb52.status',
> '<IDS|MSG>',
> '1a3ac6b69c87a4e5c30ea95001c86868ee1af08b4e6d953f0478f117ac6f6124',
> '{"date":"2014-05-02T11:37:56.826835","username":"kernel","session":"a97ba32b-b539-4b37-ab2e-08076f5a9bd6","msg_id":"fefb1c9c-8c93-4a7e-85a0-6440eda8af99","msg_type":"status"}',
> '{"date":"2014-05-02T11:37:56.824306","username":"dblank","session":"860e49d1-3852-4d9a-a623-01271cc95f21","msg_id":"335597c6-2101-4343-8d64-2a9d328617ef","msg_type":"execute_request"}',
> '{}', '{"execution_state":"busy"}']"
> message type: "execute_repl", routing is "execute_reply", raw data (end of
> message) is list of session ids:
> *** KERNEL SENT: "[u'execute_reply', {'status': u'ok', 'execution_count':
> 2, 'user_variables': {}, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {}},
> {'parent_header': {}, 'msg_type': 'execute_request', 'msg_id':
> '4a153840-c5f1-4f24-813f-4585c9eb776f', 'content': {'code': '1 + 1\n',
> 'silent': False, 'user_variables': [], 'store_history': True,
> 'user_expressions': {}, 'allow_stdin': True}, 'header': {'date':
> datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 2, 11, 42, 50, 892870), 'username': 'dblank',
> 'session': '1a402950-a0bf-417d-88d3-13b6d58506c3', 'msg_id':
> '4a153840-c5f1-4f24-813f-4585c9eb776f', 'msg_type': 'execute_request'},
> 'buffers': [], 'metadata': {}}, {'dependencies_met': True, 'engine':
> u'a5092211-ccf1-4017-bab9-58bab7d8eb52', 'status': u'ok', 'started':
> datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 2, 11, 42, 50, 896000)},
> ['1a402950-a0bf-417d-88d3-13b6d58506c3']]"
> Am I reading this correctly? If so, then many kernel developers may stop
> at basic communication and use DEALER (which is fine, I guess). For those
> of us you want to implement the full spec (with the expectation of having
> parallel engines working), each of these cases will need to be dealt with,
> right?
I suppose I should add a bit of a zmq primer to the message spec. The
relevant bits:

ROUTER sockets use IDENTITIES to pick the peer to send messages to. This is
the part of the message preceding the ?? delimiter. A ROUTER *must* send
replies with the same routing prefix as the requests it receives.

A simple (Python) example:

DELIM = b'<IDS|MSG>'# request_msg normally constructed by
request_msg = [ b'blob', b'other blob', DELIM, b'message frame 0',
b'message frame 1']
delim_idx = request_msg.index(DELIM)
identities = msg[:delim_idx]
msg_frames = msg[delim_idx + 1:]
# handle msg....
# build reply_frames with the same routing prefix as the request:

reply_frames = [ b'reply 0', b'reply 1' ]
reply_msg = identities + [DELIM] + reply_frames

PUB sockets are different. PUB sockets use only the first message part as a
TOPIC, on which sub sockets can filter. In IPython, this is generally
ignored, but the message spec describes what IPython does with pub topics.
The PUB topic should *not* be the routing prefix used by the ROUTER socket.


> Thanks again!
> -Doug
>>  In an IPython message, this would be the frames prior to the '<IDS|MSG>'
>> delimiter. You must send these as the beginning of the reply in order for
>> the reply to arrive at the correct peer.
>> -MinRK
>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:01 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>>>> All of those DEALER sockets should be ROUTER sockets. The DEALER
>>>> behavior is correct for only one peer, but it will round-robin replies if
>>>> there is more than one.
>>> If I change the ShellChannel to ROUTER then the kernel will no longer
>>> respond.
>>> If I change the others to ROUTER, then I don't see a difference with
>>> prior behavior.
>>>>  Clearly some documentation is wrong. Where did you get the suggestion
>>>> that they should be DEALER sockets?
>>> Probably a combination of finding what would work, and looking at other
>>> code (it is sometimes hard to translate code and docs between different ZMQ
>>> libraries).
>>> Thank you for helping me track this down!
>>> -Doug
>>>> -MinRK
>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at>wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:37 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>>>>>> What are your socket types on the Kernel side?
>>>>> Here is the definitions for our channels:
>>>>>     public class ShellChannel : Channel {
>>>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>>>             }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> public class IOPubChannel : Channel {
>>>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.PUB) {
>>>>>             }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> public class ControlChannel : Channel {
>>>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>>>             }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> public class StdInChannel : Channel {
>>>>>     base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>>>             }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> public class HeartBeatChannel : Channel {
>>>>>      base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.REP) {
>>>>>             }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> Could that really effect multi-frontend, but not single?
>>>>> -Doug
>>>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at>wrote:
>>>>>>> Devs, I have been trying to find the cause of this bug for some
>>>>>>> time, and I thought that someone might be able to provide a hint as to
>>>>>>> where to look to find the issue.
>>>>>>> We have an external kernel that works very well when you connect
>>>>>>> onto it with a single frontend. But when you connect two frontends (console
>>>>>>> or notebook), then the conversation gets confused.
>>>>>>> More detail:
>>>>>>> Terminal 1:
>>>>>>> ipython console --profile calico
>>>>>>> works fine.
>>>>>>> Terminal 2:
>>>>>>> ipython console --profile calico --existing
>>>>>>> starts, but now things are confused. Now, each terminal takes turns
>>>>>>> being able to get the prompt. If run in notebook, then code execution never
>>>>>>> signals the end of computing (the [*] never turns to a number, but you can
>>>>>>> still enter and get results back). In the console, output is received, but
>>>>>>> the prompt is in the other terminal.
>>>>>>> It works fine with a single front end.
>>>>>>> Any ideas appreciated!
>>>>>>> -Doug
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>>> IPython-dev mailing list
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> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
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From doug.blank at  Fri May  2 17:31:58 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 17:31:58 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 1:04 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:

> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:04 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:35 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>>> ROUTER sockets use an IDENTITY prefix to determine who the recipient
>>> should be.
>> Ok, I think I understand, but still not working. Here is some wording
>> that (if correct) could be inserted in an expanded discussion of the wire
>> protocol (which doesn't yet mention socket type):
>> """
>> If you only want to implement basic functionality (one frontend per
>> kernel, no parallel or cluster support) then using DEALER instead of ROUTER
>> is fine, and a good place to start because you don't need the complexity of
>> the routing protocol. You can simply leave out the routing prefixes before
>> the <IDS|MSG> delimiter in the wire protocol.
>> If you do want more than the basic functionality (such as allowing two
>> frontends to a kernel) then you must use the ROUTER socket type, and must
>> have the correct routing prefixes.
>> """
> I would not add this. I would consider it purely an accident that any
> kernel with DEALER sockets sometimes appears to work, and no kernel should
> ever use DEALER sockets on the kernel.
Just to be clear, using DEALER always works without any routing
identifiers, with all of the frontends (only one at a time, or course).
IPython may not have been design to work this way, may have security
issues, and may not work in the future. But with IPython 1, and 2, it
works. But now to my question:

> I think suggesting that DEALER sockets might work in simple cases would
> only increase the likelihood that new kernels use dealer sockets, when none
> should.
> The addition of a kernel_info request at startup, which is about to go
> into IPython master, will mean that no kernel using DEALER sockets will
> work in any frontend, because there will be a minimum of two client sockets
> connected to the kernel?s shell channel.
>> The problem is that I haven't gotten the routing to work, and it seems
>> like it deserves some documentation. For example, watching the IPython
>> kernel, I appear to see the following kinds of routing:
>> message type: "kernel_info_reply", routing appears to be "SESSION_ID":
>> message type: "status", routing appears to be "kernel.KERNEL_ID.status":
>> message type: "execute_repl", routing is "execute_reply", raw data (end
>> of message) is list of session ids:
>> Am I reading this correctly? If so, then many kernel developers may stop
>> at basic communication and use DEALER (which is fine, I guess). For those
>> of us you want to implement the full spec (with the expectation of having
>> parallel engines working), each of these cases will need to be dealt with,
>> right?
> I suppose I should add a bit of a zmq primer to the message spec. The
> relevant bits:
> ROUTER sockets use IDENTITIES to pick the peer to send messages to. This
> is the part of the message preceding the ?? delimiter. A ROUTER *must*send replies with the same routing prefix as the requests it receives.
That is an important bit of info! The IPython section on the wire protocol
is very misleading in this routing section.

> PUB sockets are different. PUB sockets use only the first message part as a TOPIC, on which sub sockets can filter. In IPython, this is generally ignored, but the message spec describes what IPython does with pub topics. The PUB topic should *not* be the routing prefix used by the ROUTER socket.
> What is the "first message part"?

Rather than a primer on zmq, I'd rather see something very specific with
respect to IPython. What does the request look like? What should the PUB
response look like? What would a ROUTER response look like?

Is it true that all kernel sends are in response to a request, except for
the very first "starting" status message? In that case, it creates a
routing identity from scratch?

Thanks so much... I feel I am getting close!

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From benjaminrk at  Fri May  2 18:25:17 2014
From: benjaminrk at (Min RK)
Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 15:25:17 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On May 2, 2014, at 14:31, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 1:04 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:04 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:35 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
>>>> ROUTER sockets use an IDENTITY prefix to determine who the recipient should be.
>>> Ok, I think I understand, but still not working. Here is some wording that (if correct) could be inserted in an expanded discussion of the wire protocol (which doesn't yet mention socket type):
>>> """
>>> If you only want to implement basic functionality (one frontend per kernel, no parallel or cluster support) then using DEALER instead of ROUTER is fine, and a good place to start because you don't need the complexity of the routing protocol. You can simply leave out the routing prefixes before the <IDS|MSG> delimiter in the wire protocol.
>>> If you do want more than the basic functionality (such as allowing two frontends to a kernel) then you must use the ROUTER socket type, and must have the correct routing prefixes.
>>> """
>> I would not add this. I would consider it purely an accident that any kernel with DEALER sockets sometimes appears to work, and no kernel should ever use DEALER sockets on the kernel.
> Just to be clear, using DEALER always works without any routing identifiers, with all of the frontends (only one at a time, or course). IPython may not have been design to work this way, may have security issues, and may not work in the future. But with IPython 1, and 2, it works.

Also to be clear: this will stop being true in master next week, which is why I don't think it's worth mentioning that DEALER sockets sort of work sometimes, because it is always the wrong thing to use.

> But now to my question:
>> I think suggesting that DEALER sockets might work in simple cases would only increase the likelihood that new kernels use dealer sockets, when none should.
>> The addition of a kernel_info request at startup, which is about to go into IPython master, will mean that no kernel using DEALER sockets will work in any frontend, because there will be a minimum of two client sockets connected to the kernel?s shell channel.
>>> The problem is that I haven't gotten the routing to work, and it seems like it deserves some documentation. For example, watching the IPython kernel, I appear to see the following kinds of routing:
>>> message type: "kernel_info_reply", routing appears to be "SESSION_ID":
>>> message type: "status", routing appears to be "kernel.KERNEL_ID.status":
>>> message type: "execute_repl", routing is "execute_reply", raw data (end of message) is list of session ids:
>>> Am I reading this correctly? If so, then many kernel developers may stop at basic communication and use DEALER (which is fine, I guess). For those of us you want to implement the full spec (with the expectation of having parallel engines working), each of these cases will need to be dealt with, right?
>> I suppose I should add a bit of a zmq primer to the message spec. The relevant bits:
>> ROUTER sockets use IDENTITIES to pick the peer to send messages to. This is the part of the message preceding the ?? delimiter. A ROUTER must send replies with the same routing prefix as the requests it receives.
> That is an important bit of info! The IPython section on the wire protocol is very misleading in this routing section.
>> PUB sockets are different. PUB sockets use only the first message part as a TOPIC, on which sub sockets can filter. In IPython, this is generally ignored, but the message spec describes what IPython does with pub topics. The PUB topic should not be the routing prefix used by the ROUTER socket.
> What is the "first message part"?
> Rather than a primer on zmq, I'd rather see something very specific with respect to IPython. What does the request look like? What should the PUB response look like? What would a ROUTER response look like?
> Is it true that all kernel sends are in response to a request, except for the very first "starting" status message? In that case, it creates a routing identity from scratch?

Adding an example request/iopub/reply cycle in the wire format is a good idea. I will try to draft one this weekend. The general principal: one request has one reply. the routing identity is relevant only to that one reply, and the reply's routing prefix should be identical to the request's. Side effect messages on IOPub do not use routing identities. But they do have a slightly analogous behavior called a subscription topic. This value should not be influenced by the routing prefix, and in practice has no effect because frontends subscribe to all topics (this last statement is already in the msg spec doc).


> Thanks so much... I feel I am getting close!
> -Doug 
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From doug.blank at  Sat May  3 00:11:54 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Sat, 3 May 2014 00:11:54 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Got this stage working; it was largely just getting that identity on the
front of the shell ROUTER packets. I suspect that there will be things to
expand and refine once we can start using the kernel as an engine in a
cluster... I hope that using 3rd-party kernels in a parallel cluster is
still on the TODO list.

I'd be glad to look over any new docs. Thanks again!


> Adding an example request/iopub/reply cycle in the wire format is a good
> idea. I will try to draft one this weekend. The general principal: one
> request has one reply. the routing identity is relevant only to that one
> reply, and the reply's routing prefix should be identical to the request's.
> Side effect messages on IOPub do not use routing identities. But they do
> have a slightly analogous behavior called a subscription topic. This value
> should not be influenced by the routing prefix, and in practice has no
> effect because frontends subscribe to all topics (this last statement is
> already in the msg spec doc).
> -MinRK
> Thanks so much... I feel I am getting close!
> -Doug
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
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From prabhu at  Sat May  3 04:09:05 2014
From: prabhu at (Prabhu Ramachandran)
Date: Sat, 03 May 2014 13:39:05 +0530
Subject: [IPython-dev] Mayavi broken TraitError
In-Reply-To: <alpine.DEB.2.02.1405011001210.18848@ptpcp8>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5/1/14 1:56 PM, Arnd Baecker wrote:
> On Thu, 1 May 2014, Zeitlinie wrote:
>> Does anyone on this list use Mayavi for 3D visualization?
> A better place to ask is
>     MayaVi users<mayavi-users at>
>     enthought-dev<enthought-dev at>

Indeed, that is the right forum to ask as this question is not IPython 
related at all.

> Support for VTK-6.x was announced two weeks ago,
> so you could give installing the development version
> of ETS a try, see
> To install this without root access to an arbitrary place
> you can do:
>     export PYTHONPATH=/MYDEST/lib/python2.7/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH
>     python python develop --prefix=/MYDEST
> BTW: It seems that the bug you encounter is already described here:

Yes, all this is fixed in master, so using master is the best bet until 
we finish some further cleanup and cut a new release.


From clyde.fare at  Sat May  3 11:00:24 2014
From: clyde.fare at (Clyde Fare)
Date: Sat, 3 May 2014 16:00:24 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] Execute python code from the notebook dashboard
Message-ID: <>


I'm trying to create a graphical IPython notebook dashboard that represents
a collection of notebooks as a network, where nodes are the notebooks and
the links between them are links between notebooks specified in markdown

I've got something that kind of works ( but it requires manual
execution of some python code in the directory that IPython is launched
from. I'd like to get rid of this requirement by having this python code
execute when people click the refresh notebook list icon on the dashboard.

I'm very much a beginner javascript wise but as far as I can tell when we
open a notebook a python kernel is launched but at the dashboard there is
no kernel active and so in order to execute some python code I would have
to first launch a kernel and then pass it the code I want to run. I think I
can probably go away and figure out how to do that but I wanted to check
whether this was the right idea, or whether there was a simpler way?


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From klonuo at  Sat May  3 12:31:22 2014
From: klonuo at (klo uo)
Date: Sat, 3 May 2014 18:31:22 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Html object graph
Message-ID: <>

Hey guys,

are you are familiar with LinqPad?<>

If not, just to say it's a lightweight code scratchpad, that can connect to
various databases and allow immediate Linq execution. It can also interpret
any kind of .Net code (although currently without IronPython/Ruby).

I thought to ask you about main output result pane - it's a very
interesting Html table representation of dumped object(s), that adapts on
the object type - allows collapsible nested levels, navigable deep
Exception tree, can display images, rawhtml, hyperlinqs - user defined
lambda functions that are executed on user click, ...

Do you think something similar would fit in IPython?
As object inspection magic, or Qtconsole output pane, or else...?
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From damontallen at  Mon May  5 08:07:22 2014
From: damontallen at (Damon Allen)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 08:07:22 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] NBVierer Down?
Message-ID: <>


Is anyone working on NBViewer?   The Site itself is up by I cannot get any
notebooks to render.  I went to HipChat a couple of times trying to ask,
but no one was there.  I thought someone might want to look into it.

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From doug.blank at  Mon May  5 08:10:58 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 08:10:58 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] NBVierer Down?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This works for me:


On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Damon Allen <damontallen at> wrote:

> Hello,
> Is anyone working on NBViewer?   The Site itself is up by I cannot get any
> notebooks to render.  I went to HipChat a couple of times trying to ask,
> but no one was there.  I thought someone might want to look into it.
> Damon
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From damontallen at  Mon May  5 08:15:12 2014
From: damontallen at (Damon Allen)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 08:15:12 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] NBVierer Down?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

That is odd.  I keep getting error screens until now.  Now other notebooks
are loading...


On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:

> This works for me:
> -Doug
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Damon Allen <damontallen at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is anyone working on NBViewer?   The Site itself is up by I cannot get
>> any notebooks to render.  I went to HipChat a couple of times trying to
>> ask, but no one was there.  I thought someone might want to look into it.
>> Damon
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From rgbkrk at  Mon May  5 08:32:00 2014
From: rgbkrk at (Kyle Kelley)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 07:32:00 -0500
Subject: [IPython-dev] NBVierer Down?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yeah, I just fixed it.

Detailed summary: nbviewer currently pulls from IPython's master branch on
deployments. My guess is that on the last deployment, the git submodules
were out of sync and salt+supervisor were unable to rectify the situation.
I updated the submodules manually then made sure to fix the deployment
setup in the salt states so this isn't an issue again.

-- Kyle

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Damon Allen <damontallen at> wrote:

> That is odd.  I keep getting error screens until now.  Now other notebooks
> are loading...
> Damon
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>> This works for me:
>> -Doug
>> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Damon Allen <damontallen at>wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is anyone working on NBViewer?   The Site itself is up by I cannot get
>>> any notebooks to render.  I went to HipChat a couple of times trying to
>>> ask, but no one was there.  I thought someone might want to look into it.
>>> Damon
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From bussonniermatthias at  Mon May  5 08:48:46 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 14:48:46 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] NBVierer Down?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Kyle you are awesome.

Le 5 mai 2014 ? 14:32, Kyle Kelley a ?crit :

> Yeah, I just fixed it.
> Detailed summary: nbviewer currently pulls from IPython's master branch on deployments. My guess is that on the last deployment, the git submodules were out of sync and salt+supervisor were unable to rectify the situation. I updated the submodules manually then made sure to fix the deployment setup in the salt states so this isn't an issue again.
> -- Kyle
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Damon Allen <damontallen at> wrote:
> That is odd.  I keep getting error screens until now.  Now other notebooks are loading...
> Damon
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
> This works for me:
> -Doug
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Damon Allen <damontallen at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is anyone working on NBViewer?   The Site itself is up by I cannot get any notebooks to render.  I went to HipChat a couple of times trying to ask, but no one was there.  I thought someone might want to look into it.
> Damon
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
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> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From at  Mon May  5 08:49:37 2014
From: at (Fernando Perez)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 13:49:37 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] NBVierer Down?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

+1000,thanks so much.
On May 5, 2014 5:46 AM, "Matthias BUSSONNIER" <bussonniermatthias at>

> Thanks Kyle you are awesome.
> --
> M
> Le 5 mai 2014 ? 14:32, Kyle Kelley a ?crit :
> Yeah, I just fixed it.
> Detailed summary: nbviewer currently pulls from IPython's master branch on
> deployments. My guess is that on the last deployment, the git submodules
> were out of sync and salt+supervisor were unable to rectify the situation.
> I updated the submodules manually then made sure to fix the deployment
> setup in the salt states so this isn't an issue again.
> -- Kyle
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Damon Allen <damontallen at> wrote:
>> That is odd.  I keep getting error screens until now.  Now other
>> notebooks are loading...
>> Damon
>> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>>> This works for me:
>>> -Doug
>>> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Damon Allen <damontallen at>wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Is anyone working on NBViewer?   The Site itself is up by I cannot get
>>>> any notebooks to render.  I went to HipChat a couple of times trying to
>>>> ask, but no one was there.  I thought someone might want to look into it.
>>>> Damon
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>> IPython-dev at
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From mgadbois at  Mon May  5 11:00:07 2014
From: mgadbois at (Martin Gadbois)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 11:00:07 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
Message-ID: <>


I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.

Keyword, table and column completion would help building queries, and a
dynamic output could resize text columns and have a proper notebook table

To achieve that, I see two main directions:
1- Have an external kernel  (like coded
in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will need to write
Python code anyway to support SQLite.

What would this list recommend as an implementation strategy?
Any example of creating an external kernel by reusing a subset of IPython


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From doug.blank at  Mon May  5 11:28:50 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 11:28:50 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Martin Gadbois <mgadbois at> wrote:

> Hi!
> I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.
> Keyword, table and column completion would help building queries, and a
> dynamic output could resize text columns and have a proper notebook table
> output.
> To achieve that, I see two main directions:
> 1- Have an external kernel  (like
> coded
> in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
> 2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will need to write
> Python code anyway to support SQLite.

I've wanted something like this for a while! I would like to incorporate
SQL as a language that could easily be used in a variety of educational
settings and other open source projects. But the utility of such a project
lies in the details of implementation.

There are pros and cons to both approaches. But you could perhaps develop
it in a manner that could be used in either situation. What would generally
be useful would be to replicate the SQLite shell. It would be great if the
parser was written in pure Python, and had an interpreter, also as much
written in pure Python as possible. That is, it would be great if the
low-level C-based sqlite API was limited, and could be swapped out.

That would allow other implementations of Python (Jython, PyPy, IronPython)
could use it with their own sqlite wrappers. But also, that might make it
useful for interfacing other data storages (for example, CSV files, Django
databases, etc.)

The SQLite shell is actually a bit hairy. Here is a port of the C code to
C# for example:

You could also use the simple-kernel [1] as a way of quickly turning a
Python program into a kernel. (simple-kernel was just updated by Min, so
now it is correct; thanks, Min!)

This might also have connections to the ADODB API [2]... they have worked
hard to make their connections be Python-implementation agnostic.

Looking forward to see what you develop!



> What would this list recommend as an implementation strategy?
> Any example of creating an external kernel by reusing a subset of IPython
> itself?
> Thanks!
> --
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From jhamrick at  Mon May  5 11:52:40 2014
From: jhamrick at (Jessica B. Hamrick)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 08:52:40 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I jut wanted to throw out there a link to the SQL magic, which may be

I know it's not a whole kernel, but may be a good starting place for at
least seeing what other people have been thinking about along the same


UC Berkeley, Department of Psychology
Computational Cognitive Science Lab

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:

> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Martin Gadbois <mgadbois at>wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.
>> Keyword, table and column completion would help building queries, and a
>> dynamic output could resize text columns and have a proper notebook table
>> output.
>> To achieve that, I see two main directions:
>> 1- Have an external kernel  (like
>> coded in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
>> 2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will need to write
>> Python code anyway to support SQLite.
> I've wanted something like this for a while! I would like to incorporate
> SQL as a language that could easily be used in a variety of educational
> settings and other open source projects. But the utility of such a project
> lies in the details of implementation.
> There are pros and cons to both approaches. But you could perhaps develop
> it in a manner that could be used in either situation. What would generally
> be useful would be to replicate the SQLite shell. It would be great if the
> parser was written in pure Python, and had an interpreter, also as much
> written in pure Python as possible. That is, it would be great if the
> low-level C-based sqlite API was limited, and could be swapped out.
> That would allow other implementations of Python (Jython, PyPy,
> IronPython) could use it with their own sqlite wrappers. But also, that
> might make it useful for interfacing other data storages (for example, CSV
> files, Django databases, etc.)
> The SQLite shell is actually a bit hairy. Here is a port of the C code to
> C# for example:
> You could also use the simple-kernel [1] as a way of quickly turning a
> Python program into a kernel. (simple-kernel was just updated by Min, so
> now it is correct; thanks, Min!)
> This might also have connections to the ADODB API [2]... they have worked
> hard to make their connections be Python-implementation agnostic.
> Looking forward to see what you develop!
> -Doug
> [1]
> [2]
>> What would this list recommend as an implementation strategy?
>> Any example of creating an external kernel by reusing a subset of IPython
>> itself?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Martin
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From takowl at  Mon May  5 12:04:43 2014
From: takowl at (Thomas Kluyver)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 09:04:43 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Martin,

On 5 May 2014 08:00, Martin Gadbois <mgadbois at> wrote:

> I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.
> Keyword, table and column completion would help building queries, and a
> dynamic output could resize text columns and have a proper notebook table
> output.
> To achieve that, I see two main directions:
> 1- Have an external kernel  (like
> coded
> in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
> 2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will need to write
> Python code anyway to support SQLite.

We're actually planning to refactor the IPython kernel machinery in the
next few weeks to make it easier to write kernels in Python. Once this is
done, you'll be able to create a new kernel by inheriting from a class in
IPython, and defining methods for execution and completion. So unless you
need to do it urgently, I'd recommend waiting for that infrastructure, and
then it will be quite simple.

Best wishes,
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From sylvain.corlay at  Mon May  5 12:40:32 2014
From: sylvain.corlay at (Sylvain Corlay)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 12:40:32 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Thomas,
I did not see a PR open . Do you have a link to the discussion on this? I
have done some experiments with kernels implemented in Python and I am very
interested in this.

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at> wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> On 5 May 2014 08:00, Martin Gadbois <mgadbois at> wrote:
>> I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.
>> Keyword, table and column completion would help building queries, and a
>> dynamic output could resize text columns and have a proper notebook table
>> output.
>> To achieve that, I see two main directions:
>> 1- Have an external kernel  (like
>> coded in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
>> 2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will need to write
>> Python code anyway to support SQLite.
> We're actually planning to refactor the IPython kernel machinery in the
> next few weeks to make it easier to write kernels in Python. Once this is
> done, you'll be able to create a new kernel by inheriting from a class in
> IPython, and defining methods for execution and completion. So unless you
> need to do it urgently, I'd recommend waiting for that infrastructure, and
> then it will be quite simple.
> Best wishes,
> Thomas
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From takowl at  Mon May  5 13:18:34 2014
From: takowl at (Thomas Kluyver)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 10:18:34 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Sylvain,

On 5 May 2014 09:40, Sylvain Corlay <sylvain.corlay at> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> I did not see a PR open . Do you have a link to the discussion on this? I
> have done some experiments with kernels implemented in Python and I am very
> interested in this.

There's no PR yet - I'm due to work on it after #4536 (message spec
changes) has been merged. I think we might have discussed it in one of the
weekly dev meetings, but I don't remember how long ago. I'll make sure to
ping you when there's something to show for it.

Best wishes,
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From mgadbois at  Mon May  5 13:55:28 2014
From: mgadbois at (Martin Gadbois)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 13:55:28 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Wow that was there but not found by Google... nice! I will take a close
look, thanks!

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Jessica B. Hamrick
<jhamrick at>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I jut wanted to throw out there a link to the SQL magic, which may be
> relevant:
> I know it's not a whole kernel, but may be a good starting place for at
> least seeing what other people have been thinking about along the same
> directions.
> Cheers,
> Jess
> --
> UC Berkeley, Department of Psychology
> Computational Cognitive Science Lab
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Martin Gadbois <mgadbois at>wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.
>>> Keyword, table and column completion would help building queries, and a
>>> dynamic output could resize text columns and have a proper notebook table
>>> output.
>>> To achieve that, I see two main directions:
>>> 1- Have an external kernel  (like
>>> coded in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
>>> 2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will need to write
>>> Python code anyway to support SQLite.
>> I've wanted something like this for a while! I would like to incorporate
>> SQL as a language that could easily be used in a variety of educational
>> settings and other open source projects. But the utility of such a project
>> lies in the details of implementation.
>> There are pros and cons to both approaches. But you could perhaps develop
>> it in a manner that could be used in either situation. What would generally
>> be useful would be to replicate the SQLite shell. It would be great if the
>> parser was written in pure Python, and had an interpreter, also as much
>> written in pure Python as possible. That is, it would be great if the
>> low-level C-based sqlite API was limited, and could be swapped out.
>> That would allow other implementations of Python (Jython, PyPy,
>> IronPython) could use it with their own sqlite wrappers. But also, that
>> might make it useful for interfacing other data storages (for example, CSV
>> files, Django databases, etc.)
>> The SQLite shell is actually a bit hairy. Here is a port of the C code to
>> C# for example:
>> You could also use the simple-kernel [1] as a way of quickly turning a
>> Python program into a kernel. (simple-kernel was just updated by Min, so
>> now it is correct; thanks, Min!)
>> This might also have connections to the ADODB API [2]... they have worked
>> hard to make their connections be Python-implementation agnostic.
>> Looking forward to see what you develop!
>> -Doug
>> [1]
>> [2]
>>> What would this list recommend as an implementation strategy?
>>> Any example of creating an external kernel by reusing a subset of
>>> IPython itself?
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Martin
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From mgadbois at  Mon May  5 14:28:14 2014
From: mgadbois at (Martin Gadbois)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 14:28:14 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Good to know! i can wait, this seems promising.


On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at> wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> On 5 May 2014 08:00, Martin Gadbois <mgadbois at> wrote:
>> I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.
>> Keyword, table and column completion would help building queries, and a
>> dynamic output could resize text columns and have a proper notebook table
>> output.
>> To achieve that, I see two main directions:
>> 1- Have an external kernel  (like
>> coded in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
>> 2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will need to write
>> Python code anyway to support SQLite.
> We're actually planning to refactor the IPython kernel machinery in the
> next few weeks to make it easier to write kernels in Python. Once this is
> done, you'll be able to create a new kernel by inheriting from a class in
> IPython, and defining methods for execution and completion. So unless you
> need to do it urgently, I'd recommend waiting for that infrastructure, and
> then it will be quite simple.
> Best wishes,
> Thomas
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From modi.konark at  Mon May  5 15:08:26 2014
From: modi.konark at (konark modi)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 00:38:26 +0530
Subject: [IPython-dev] [Create and last update]Notebook dashboard !
Message-ID: <>


Not sure if this is implemented / planned, but I was wanting to contribute
to IPython and thought if it would be good to start by adding
created/updated time along with notebook name on the dashboard.

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From gvwilson at  Mon May  5 15:19:41 2014
From: gvwilson at (Greg Wilson)
Date: Mon, 05 May 2014 15:19:41 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <> may also be of interest - it's 
what we use to produce the Software Carpentry lesson on SQL.

On 2014-05-05 1:55 PM, Martin Gadbois wrote:
> Wow that was there but not found by Google... nice! I will take a 
> close look, thanks!
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Jessica B. Hamrick 
> <jhamrick at <mailto:jhamrick at>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I jut wanted to throw out there a link to the SQL magic, which may
>     be relevant:
>     I know it's not a whole kernel, but may be a good starting place
>     for at least seeing what other people have been thinking about
>     along the same directions.
>     Cheers,
>     Jess
>     --
>     UC Berkeley, Department of Psychology
>     Computational Cognitive Science Lab
> <>
>     On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at
>     <mailto:doug.blank at>> wrote:
>         On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Martin Gadbois
>         <mgadbois at <mailto:mgadbois at>> wrote:
>             Hi!
>             I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.
>             Keyword, table and column completion would help building
>             queries, and a dynamic output could resize text columns
>             and have a proper notebook table output.
>             To achieve that, I see two main directions:
>             1- Have an external kernel (like
>             coded in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
>             2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will
>             need to write Python code anyway to support SQLite.
>         I've wanted something like this for a while! I would like to
>         incorporate SQL as a language that could easily be used in a
>         variety of educational settings and other open source
>         projects. But the utility of such a project lies in the
>         details of implementation.
>         There are pros and cons to both approaches. But you could
>         perhaps develop it in a manner that could be used in either
>         situation. What would generally be useful would be to
>         replicate the SQLite shell. It would be great if the parser
>         was written in pure Python, and had an interpreter, also as
>         much written in pure Python as possible. That is, it would be
>         great if the low-level C-based sqlite API was limited, and
>         could be swapped out.
>         That would allow other implementations of Python (Jython,
>         PyPy, IronPython) could use it with their own sqlite wrappers.
>         But also, that might make it useful for interfacing other data
>         storages (for example, CSV files, Django databases, etc.)
>         The SQLite shell is actually a bit hairy. Here is a port of
>         the C code to C# for example:
>         You could also use the simple-kernel [1] as a way of quickly
>         turning a Python program into a kernel. (simple-kernel was
>         just updated by Min, so now it is correct; thanks, Min!)
>         This might also have connections to the ADODB API [2]... they
>         have worked hard to make their connections be
>         Python-implementation agnostic.
>         Looking forward to see what you develop!
>         -Doug
>         [1]
>         [2]
>         <>
>             What would this list recommend as an implementation strategy?
>             Any example of creating an external kernel by reusing a
>             subset of IPython itself?
>             Thanks!
>             -- 
>             Martin
>             _______________________________________________
>             IPython-dev mailing list
>             IPython-dev at <mailto:IPython-dev at>
>         _______________________________________________
>         IPython-dev mailing list
>         IPython-dev at <mailto:IPython-dev at>
>     _______________________________________________
>     IPython-dev mailing list
>     IPython-dev at <mailto:IPython-dev at>
> -- 
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From takowl at  Mon May  5 15:37:20 2014
From: takowl at (Thomas Kluyver)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 12:37:20 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] [Create and last update]Notebook dashboard !
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Konark,

On 5 May 2014 12:08, konark modi <modi.konark at> wrote:

> Not sure if this is implemented / planned, but I was wanting to contribute
> to IPython and thought if it would be good to start by adding
> created/updated time along with notebook name on the dashboard.

Be aware that we're planning a bigger refactoring of the dashboard some
time before IPython 3, so code you write now might be pulled out again
before long. If you don't mind that risk, go for it. You might want to make
sure you're not treading on Susan Tan's toes - I know she was also thinking
about this.

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From sylvain.corlay at  Mon May  5 19:44:41 2014
From: sylvain.corlay at (Sylvain Corlay)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 19:44:41 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Markdown MathJaX and Serif
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

We traditionally use sans-serif fonts for text meant to be displayed on a
screen while serif is generally used for print. For example, default
latex-beamer themes use sans-serif flavors of the computer modern font.
Shouldn't Mathjax do the same, especially in the context of the IPython
notebook, where the default fonts for markdown are sans-serif?

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From at  Mon May  5 21:09:39 2014
From: at (Fernando Perez)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 02:09:39 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] Markdown MathJaX and Serif
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

To the best of my understanding and some rather hasty googling, mathjax
doesn't provide sans-serif mathematical fonts.

I'm also pretty sure that in Beamer, in most themes even though it uses
sans-serif CM variants, it still renders the math using serifed CM (or at
least it used to years ago). You have to switch to special packages to get
sans-serifed math, such as the cmbright one.

In summary, the business of getting proper sans-serif math rendering is
highly non-trivial, and ultimately it's a question for the MathJax lists.
If mathjax supports it, we can too simply because we use unadulterated
mathjax. But if it's not something that mathjax can do by itself, IPython
isn't going to help...



On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 12:44 AM, Sylvain Corlay <sylvain.corlay at>wrote:

> Hi all,
> We traditionally use sans-serif fonts for text meant to be displayed on a
> screen while serif is generally used for print. For example, default
> latex-beamer themes use sans-serif flavors of the computer modern font.
> Shouldn't Mathjax do the same, especially in the context of the IPython
> notebook, where the default fonts for markdown are sans-serif?
> Best,
> Sylvain
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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From roberto.colistete at  Tue May  6 01:24:15 2014
From: roberto.colistete at (Roberto Colistete Jr.)
Date: Tue, 06 May 2014 02:24:15 -0300
Subject: [IPython-dev] IPython (terminal & Notebook) 2.0.0 on Sailfish OS
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


     New release of IPython for Sailfish OS (used by the Jolla 
smartphone <>, Nokia N9 and Nexus 4), as well as for 
Mer & Nemo Mobile & Plasma Active.

     IPython 2.0.0 is released with full terminal and Notebook 
interfaces. See this post in topic "IPython (terminal, Notebook) 2.0.0 
for Sailfish " of Talk forum, it also includes screenshots :

     SymPy 0.7.5 :
and NumPy 1.7.1 :
are also available on Sailfish OS.

         Best regards from Brazil,


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From at  Tue May  6 01:35:21 2014
From: at (Fernando Perez)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 22:35:21 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] IPython (terminal & Notebook) 2.0.0 on Sailfish OS
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Great!! Thanks for keeping us updated and continuing this work.

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 10:24 PM, Roberto Colistete Jr. <
roberto.colistete at> wrote:

>      Hi,
>     New release of IPython for Sailfish OS (used by the Jolla smartphone<>,
> Nokia N9 and Nexus 4), as well as for Mer & Nemo Mobile & Plasma Active.
>     IPython 2.0.0 is released with full terminal and Notebook interfaces.
> See this post in topic "IPython (terminal, Notebook) 2.0.0 for Sailfish "
> of Talk forum, it also includes screenshots :
>     SymPy 0.7.5 :
> and NumPy 1.7.1 :
> are also available on Sailfish OS.
>         Best regards from Brazil,
>         Roberto
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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From jason.roberts at  Tue May  6 14:35:49 2014
From: jason.roberts at (Jason Roberts)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 14:35:49 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] iPython cluster on multiple Windows servers,
	without Windows HPC Server
Message-ID: <035b01cf695a$010b61d0$03222570$>

I have a situation where I have to use MS Windows for a big parallel
processing job, due to Windows dependencies on some steps in the job. I have
successfully used iPython on a single 16-processor machine for this purpose.
Thank you very much for making this so easy to use! It has saved me a huge
amount of time.


Now, if possible, I would like to set up a cluster that has multiple Windows
servers (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard). The iPython documentation
describes several options. The one that seems best oriented for Windows, at
least under the assumption that Microsoft technologies are the best choice
for Windows, is to use Microsoft HPC Pack 2008
( I tried
this. Unfortunately HPC Pack appears to require Active Directory to be
deployed. My shop runs a mixture of different operating systems, and while
we have LDAP, we do not have a full-blown deployment of Active Directory.
This appears to rule out the HPC Pack option.


Are there other alternatives for running an iPython cluster composed of
multiple Windows servers, and which is best? Should I look at mpiexec with
Open MPI? Is there some way to do it with SSH, despite the iPython
documentation saying not?


Thanks for any advice you can provide, and thanks again for iPython's
parallel processing infrastructure. It truly is a time saver.




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From sylvain.corlay at  Tue May  6 14:58:55 2014
From: sylvain.corlay at (Sylvain Corlay)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 14:58:55 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Markdown MathJaX and Serif
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Fernando,
Thank you for your reply. In the versions of Latex/Beamer that I have used
lately, the default math fonts are sans-serif, but I don't know whether
this is a recent change. I have looked into a few threads on MathJax and
their seem to be a few tricks to get sans-serif fonts in MathJax but indeed
it is not really supported.

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Fernando Perez < at> wrote:

> To the best of my understanding and some rather hasty googling, mathjax
> doesn't provide sans-serif mathematical fonts.
> I'm also pretty sure that in Beamer, in most themes even though it uses
> sans-serif CM variants, it still renders the math using serifed CM (or at
> least it used to years ago). You have to switch to special packages to get
> sans-serifed math, such as the cmbright one.
> In summary, the business of getting proper sans-serif math rendering is
> highly non-trivial, and ultimately it's a question for the MathJax lists.
> If mathjax supports it, we can too simply because we use unadulterated
> mathjax. But if it's not something that mathjax can do by itself, IPython
> isn't going to help...
> Cheers
> f
> On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 12:44 AM, Sylvain Corlay <sylvain.corlay at>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We traditionally use sans-serif fonts for text meant to be displayed on a
>> screen while serif is generally used for print. For example, default
>> latex-beamer themes use sans-serif flavors of the computer modern font.
>> Shouldn't Mathjax do the same, especially in the context of the IPython
>> notebook, where the default fonts for markdown are sans-serif?
>> Best,
>> Sylvain
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> --
> Fernando Perez (@fperez_org;
> mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
> fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From tritemio at  Tue May  6 15:23:34 2014
From: tritemio at (Antonino Ingargiola)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 12:23:34 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Notebook and Qt dialog issue
Message-ID: <>


I have a problem opening a Qt dialog from a notebook if the magic %gui qt
(or %matplotlib qt) is executed on the same cell as the dialog call.

Seems a problem similar to this closed bug:

but both in ipython 2.0 and on current master I have a kernel crash when
executing the gui magic and the dialog call on the same cell.

The issue is shown here:

Can others reproduce the problem?

If yes, should I open a new issue?

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From benjaminrk at  Tue May  6 15:36:31 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 12:36:31 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] iPython cluster on multiple Windows servers,
 without Windows HPC Server
In-Reply-To: <035b01cf695a$010b61d0$03222570$>
References: <035b01cf695a$010b61d0$03222570$>
Message-ID: <>

An important thing to note about ipcluster is that it?s a very complicated
way to do something that?s not very complicated. All it sets out to do is:

   1. start a controller with ipcontroller
   2. start 0-many engines with ipengine

All of the complexity comes from abstracting how processes actually start,
including where machines are, batch systems, etc. But in the end, it?s just

$> ipcluster
$> for i in {1..n}; do ipengine; done

ipcluster makes some simple cases easier, but if it doesn?t do what you
want, you can always start the controller and engines yourself, with no
loss of functionality. Plus, a tool that only deploys a cluster on your own
system is much simpler than one that tries to work in a wide variety of
contexts like ipcluster.

The basic steps in getting a cluster up and running:

   1. configure the controller to listen on an IP visible to the other
   machines (c.HubFactory.ip = '' in on the
   controller machine.
   2. start the controller with ipcontroller
   3. copy .ipython/profile_default/security/ipcontroller-*.json to all of
   the various machines on which you plan to start engines.
   4. start ipengine as many times as is appropriate on each machine.

Step 3. is unnecessary if your systems are on a shared filesystem.

For instance, here is a simple version that starts a controller and engines
with ssh on Linux or OS X machines, putting processes in the background
with screen:

$> ssh controller_host screen -dmS ipcontroller
$> for host in host1 host2; do
> scp ~/.ipython/profile_default/security/ipcontroller-*.json $host:.ipython/profile_default/security/
> ssh $host 'for n in {1..3}; do screen -dmS ipengine; done'
> done

Which is *a lot* simpler than the hundreds of lines of ipcluster, and,
frankly, better behaved than the SSH launchers that ship with IPython.

If you have Windows analogues for ?tell machine X to run command Y,? you
can make a similar script, tailored to your use.


On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Jason Roberts <jason.roberts at>

I have a situation where I have to use MS Windows for a big parallel
> processing job, due to Windows dependencies on some steps in the job. I
> have successfully used iPython on a single 16-processor machine for this
> purpose. Thank you very much for making this so easy to use! It has saved
> me a huge amount of time.
> Now, if possible, I would like to set up a cluster that has multiple
> Windows servers (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard). The iPython
> documentation (
> describes several options. The one that seems best oriented for Windows, at
> least under the assumption that Microsoft technologies are the best choice
> for Windows, is to use Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 (
> I
> tried this. Unfortunately HPC Pack appears to require Active Directory to
> be deployed. My shop runs a mixture of different operating systems, and
> while we have LDAP, we do not have a full-blown deployment of Active
> Directory. This appears to rule out the HPC Pack option.
> Are there other alternatives for running an iPython cluster composed of
> multiple Windows servers, and which is best? Should I look at mpiexec with
> Open MPI? Is there some way to do it with SSH, despite the iPython
> documentation saying not?
> Thanks for any advice you can provide, and thanks again for iPython?s
> parallel processing infrastructure. It truly is a time saver.
> Jason
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From jgill at  Tue May  6 16:47:41 2014
From: jgill at (John Gill)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 20:47:41 +0000
Subject: [IPython-dev] iPython cluster on multiple Windows servers,
 without Windows HPC Server
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <035b01cf695a$010b61d0$03222570$> 
Message-ID: <>

Thanks MinRK ? that is a very helpful explanation + suggestions.

This question was pretty timely.   I actually had ipython 1.x running fine with HPC, but was unable to get it to work under ipython2.0.    I am working towards using ssh to start the cluster up, but as you point out with a shared file system that is a whole lot easier + I think the HPC is a pretty big hammer to crack a tiny nut ? and it tends to make a mess of the nut ;)

As mentioned in a previous post I am also interested in creating non-homogeneous clusters eg engines with different cpu and memory resources, on different OS?es and with different software installed + have the scheduler deal with task dependencies whilst at the same time respecting any restrictions tasks have as to what kind of engine they need run on.


From: ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:ipython-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of MinRK
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 4:37 PM
To: IPython developers list
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] iPython cluster on multiple Windows servers, without Windows HPC Server

An important thing to note about ipcluster is that it?s a very complicated way to do something that?s not very complicated. All it sets out to do is:
1.      start a controller with ipcontroller
2.      start 0-many engines with ipengine

All of the complexity comes from abstracting how processes actually start, including where machines are, batch systems, etc. But in the end, it?s just doing:

$> ipcluster

$> for i in {1..n}; do ipengine; done

ipcluster makes some simple cases easier, but if it doesn?t do what you want, you can always start the controller and engines yourself, with no loss of functionality. Plus, a tool that only deploys a cluster on your own system is much simpler than one that tries to work in a wide variety of contexts like ipcluster.

The basic steps in getting a cluster up and running:
1.      configure the controller to listen on an IP visible to the other machines (c.HubFactory.ip = '' in on the controller machine.
2.      start the controller with ipcontroller
3.      copy .ipython/profile_default/security/ipcontroller-*.json to all of the various machines on which you plan to start engines.
4.      start ipengine as many times as is appropriate on each machine.

Step 3. is unnecessary if your systems are on a shared filesystem.

For instance, here is a simple version that starts a controller and engines with ssh on Linux or OS X machines, putting processes in the background with screen:

$> ssh controller_host screen -dmS ipcontroller

$> for host in host1 host2; do

> scp ~/.ipython/profile_default/security/ipcontroller-*.json $host:.ipython/profile_default/security/

> ssh $host 'for n in {1..3}; do screen -dmS ipengine; done'

> done

Which is a lot simpler than the hundreds of lines of ipcluster, and, frankly, better behaved than the SSH launchers that ship with IPython.

If you have Windows analogues for ?tell machine X to run command Y,? you can make a similar script, tailored to your use.


On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Jason Roberts <jason.roberts at<mailto:jason.roberts at>> wrote:
I have a situation where I have to use MS Windows for a big parallel processing job, due to Windows dependencies on some steps in the job. I have successfully used iPython on a single 16-processor machine for this purpose. Thank you very much for making this so easy to use! It has saved me a huge amount of time.

Now, if possible, I would like to set up a cluster that has multiple Windows servers (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard). The iPython documentation ( describes several options. The one that seems best oriented for Windows, at least under the assumption that Microsoft technologies are the best choice for Windows, is to use Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 ( I tried this. Unfortunately HPC Pack appears to require Active Directory to be deployed. My shop runs a mixture of different operating systems, and while we have LDAP, we do not have a full-blown deployment of Active Directory. This appears to rule out the HPC Pack option.

Are there other alternatives for running an iPython cluster composed of multiple Windows servers, and which is best? Should I look at mpiexec with Open MPI? Is there some way to do it with SSH, despite the iPython documentation saying not?

Thanks for any advice you can provide, and thanks again for iPython?s parallel processing infrastructure. It truly is a time saver.


IPython-dev mailing list
IPython-dev at<mailto:IPython-dev at>

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From jason.roberts at  Tue May  6 16:51:54 2014
From: jason.roberts at (Jason Roberts)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 16:51:54 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] iPython cluster on multiple Windows servers,
	without Windows HPC Server
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <035b01cf695a$010b61d0$03222570$>
Message-ID: <050d01cf696d$039a7680$0acf6380$>

Thank you, MinRK. I have no problem configuring and starting the controller and engines manually. I will look into that.




From: ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:ipython-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of MinRK
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 3:37 PM
To: IPython developers list
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] iPython cluster on multiple Windows servers, without Windows HPC Server


An important thing to note about ipcluster is that it?s a very complicated way to do something that?s not very complicated. All it sets out to do is:

1.      start a controller with ipcontroller 

2.      start 0-many engines with ipengine

All of the complexity comes from abstracting how processes actually start, including where machines are, batch systems, etc. But in the end, it?s just doing: 

$> ipcluster
$> for i in {1..n}; do ipengine; done

ipcluster makes some simple cases easier, but if it doesn?t do what you want, you can always start the controller and engines yourself, with no loss of functionality. Plus, a tool that only deploys a cluster on your own system is much simpler than one that tries to work in a wide variety of contexts like ipcluster. 

The basic steps in getting a cluster up and running:

1.      configure the controller to listen on an IP visible to the other machines (c.HubFactory.ip = '' in on the controller machine. 

2.      start the controller with ipcontroller

3.      copy .ipython/profile_default/security/ipcontroller-*.json to all of the various machines on which you plan to start engines.

4.      start ipengine as many times as is appropriate on each machine. 

Step 3. is unnecessary if your systems are on a shared filesystem.

For instance, here is a simple version that starts a controller and engines with ssh on Linux or OS X machines, putting processes in the background with screen: 

$> ssh controller_host screen -dmS ipcontroller
$> for host in host1 host2; do
> scp ~/.ipython/profile_default/security/ipcontroller-*.json $host:.ipython/profile_default/security/ 
> ssh $host 'for n in {1..3}; do screen -dmS ipengine; done'
> done

Which is a lot simpler than the hundreds of lines of ipcluster, and, frankly, better behaved than the SSH launchers that ship with IPython. 

If you have Windows analogues for ?tell machine X to run command Y,? you can make a similar script, tailored to your use.


On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Jason Roberts <jason.roberts at <mailto:jason.roberts at> > wrote:

I have a situation where I have to use MS Windows for a big parallel processing job, due to Windows dependencies on some steps in the job. I have successfully used iPython on a single 16-processor machine for this purpose. Thank you very much for making this so easy to use! It has saved me a huge amount of time.


Now, if possible, I would like to set up a cluster that has multiple Windows servers (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard). The iPython documentation ( describes several options. The one that seems best oriented for Windows, at least under the assumption that Microsoft technologies are the best choice for Windows, is to use Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 ( I tried this. Unfortunately HPC Pack appears to require Active Directory to be deployed. My shop runs a mixture of different operating systems, and while we have LDAP, we do not have a full-blown deployment of Active Directory. This appears to rule out the HPC Pack option.


Are there other alternatives for running an iPython cluster composed of multiple Windows servers, and which is best? Should I look at mpiexec with Open MPI? Is there some way to do it with SSH, despite the iPython documentation saying not?


Thanks for any advice you can provide, and thanks again for iPython?s parallel processing infrastructure. It truly is a time saver.




IPython-dev mailing list
IPython-dev at <mailto:IPython-dev at>

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From moorepants at  Tue May  6 17:31:39 2014
From: moorepants at (Jason Moore)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 17:31:39 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] How to have independent call backs for single widget
Message-ID: <>

If I have a function that makes a plot, for example:

def plot_something(parameter=1.0, view=1.0):
    axes = expensive_function(plt.gca(), parameter)
    less_expensive_function(axes, view)

And I make it interactive:

interactive(plot_something, parameter=(0.0, 1.0), view=(0.0, 1.0))

As it stands, both the expensive_function and the less_expensive_function
run whether I drag the slider for either parameter, even though if I only
drag the view parameter I could theoretically only call the
less_expensive_function, thus making the widget respond faster.

What is a good design to have a widget depend on two or more parameters and
be able to have internal knowledge in the callback function on what
parameter changed? So that you can avoid overhead in computation?

+01 530-601-9791
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From at  Tue May  6 21:40:43 2014
From: at (Fernando Perez)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 02:40:43 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] Notebook and Qt dialog issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes, please do so. I can replicate the problem here.  You might want to
update the example with a try/except so it runs with either pyside or pyqt,
it will make it easier for others to replicate. The pyqt import line should

from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui



On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 8:23 PM, Antonino Ingargiola <tritemio at>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a problem opening a Qt dialog from a notebook if the magic %gui qt
> (or %matplotlib qt) is executed on the same cell as the dialog call.
> Seems a problem similar to this closed bug:
> but both in ipython 2.0 and on current master I have a kernel crash when
> executing the gui magic and the dialog call on the same cell.
> The issue is shown here:
> Can others reproduce the problem?
> If yes, should I open a new issue?
> Thanks,
> Antonio
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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From teresa-stout at  Tue May  6 22:25:37 2014
From: teresa-stout at (Stout, Teresa M)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 02:25:37 +0000
Subject: [IPython-dev] Help printing and converting to pdf ipython notebook
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

I am using your ipython notebook interface to work on a class project. I need to turn the notebook in by paper form. Therefore I would like to print off the notebook or convert it into a pdf and print it. Currently I am getting the error 500:Internal Server Error when I try to print a preview. Please help. Thank you.

Kind Regards,

Teresa Stout
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From tritemio at  Tue May  6 23:52:41 2014
From: tritemio at (Antonino Ingargiola)
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 20:52:41 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Notebook and Qt dialog issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>



On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 6:40 PM, Fernando Perez < at> wrote:

> Yes, please do so. I can replicate the problem here.  You might want to
> update the example with a try/except so it runs with either pyside or pyqt,
> it will make it easier for others to replicate. The pyqt import line should
> be:
> from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
> Cheers
> f
> On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 8:23 PM, Antonino Ingargiola <tritemio at>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a problem opening a Qt dialog from a notebook if the magic %gui qt
>> (or %matplotlib qt) is executed on the same cell as the dialog call.
>> Seems a problem similar to this closed bug:
>> but both in ipython 2.0 and on current master I have a kernel crash when
>> executing the gui magic and the dialog call on the same cell.
>> The issue is shown here:
>> Can others reproduce the problem?
>> If yes, should I open a new issue?
>> Thanks,
>> Antonio
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> --
> Fernando Perez (@fperez_org;
> mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
> fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From dketch at  Wed May  7 03:24:14 2014
From: dketch at (David Ketcheson)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 10:24:14 +0300
Subject: [IPython-dev] Load custom.js file that is not in my ipython profile
Message-ID: <>

I'd like to load some javascript into the notebook from a .js file that is
not in my ipython profile directory.  This would allow me to distribute the
notebook and the .js file together and have users get the benefit of the
.js file in the notebook.

I know how to do the analogous thing with .css files, based on the content
of the last cell in this notebook:

How can I do the same for javascript?

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From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May  7 04:07:36 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 10:07:36 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Help printing and converting to pdf ipython
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I suppose you are on IPython 2.0. 
can you directly try from the command line ? 

$ ipython nbconvert <yournotebook.ipynb>

You should get a more informative message of why this is not working.

Le 7 mai 2014 ? 04:25, Stout, Teresa M a ?crit :

> Hi there, 
> I am using your ipython notebook interface to work on a class project. I need to turn the notebook in by paper form. Therefore I would like to print off the notebook or convert it into a pdf and print it. Currently I am getting the error 500:Internal Server Error when I try to print a preview. Please help. Thank you. 
> Kind Regards, 
> Teresa Stout 
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May  7 04:41:10 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 10:41:10 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] How to have independent call backs for single
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le 6 mai 2014 ? 23:31, Jason Moore a ?crit :

> If I have a function that makes a plot, for example:
> def plot_something(parameter=1.0, view=1.0):
>     axes = expensive_function(plt.gca(), parameter)
>     less_expensive_function(axes, view)
> And I make it interactive:
> interactive(plot_something, parameter=(0.0, 1.0), view=(0.0, 1.0))
> As it stands, both the expensive_function and the less_expensive_function run whether I drag the slider for either parameter, even though if I only drag the view parameter I could theoretically only call the less_expensive_function, thus making the widget respond faster.
> What is a good design to have a widget depend on two or more parameters and be able to have internal knowledge in the callback function on what parameter changed? So that you can avoid overhead in computation?

I suppose this is possible by doing custom widget and/or using the comm architecture directly. 
But that would be a **lot** of work.
But couldn't you just use classic memoization of the expensive_function so that recalling it becomes less expensive ?


From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May  7 05:56:01 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 11:56:01 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Html object graph
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le 3 mai 2014 ? 18:31, klo uo a ?crit :

> Hey guys,
> are you are familiar with LinqPad?

Thanks for the link.

> If not, just to say it's a lightweight code scratchpad, that can connect to various databases and allow immediate Linq execution. It can also interpret any kind of .Net code (although currently without IronPython/Ruby).
> I thought to ask you about main output result pane - it's a very interesting Html table representation of dumped object(s), that adapts on the object type - allows collapsible nested levels, navigable deep Exception tree, can display images, rawhtml, hyperlinqs - user defined lambda functions that are executed on user click, ?

I suppose each of theses features should be discussed independently. Most should Imho be directly implemented by library,
like cyrile rossant HandsonTable for panda dataframe.

Some other like Traceback could definitively be integrate din the core, have already been discussed, but 
pushed to a later point by lack of manpower. 

> Do you think something similar would fit in IPython?
> As object inspection magic, or Qtconsole output pane, or else??

The response will depend on the exact feature, but instead of targeting a 
specific frontend I would suggest to think on how to get this into the object _repr_*_ or 
in the message spec if it is really impossible to do otherwise. 


> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May  7 05:59:46 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 11:59:46 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Execute python code from the notebook dashboard
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le 3 mai 2014 ? 17:00, Clyde Fare a ?crit :

> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a graphical IPython notebook dashboard that represents a collection of notebooks as a network, where nodes are the notebooks and the links between them are links between notebooks specified in markdown cells.
> I've got something that kind of works ( but it requires manual execution of some python code in the directory that IPython is launched from. I'd like to get rid of this requirement by having this python code execute when people click the refresh notebook list icon on the dashboard. 
> I'm very much a beginner javascript wise but as far as I can tell when we open a notebook a python kernel is launched but at the dashboard there is no kernel active and so in order to execute some python code I would have to first launch a kernel and then pass it the code I want to run. I think I can probably go away and figure out how to do that but I wanted to check whether this was the right idea, or whether there was a simpler way?

In IPython 2.0  you can access the list of notebook and kernels using the rest API under /api/*
So you can start notebook-less kernel to do whatever you like, and stop it afterward. 
You can also get notebook content through this way. 

So I would suggest building an alternative dashboard the use this API


> Cheers
> Clyde
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From aron at  Wed May  7 09:15:23 2014
From: aron at (Aron Ahmadia)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 08:15:23 -0500
Subject: [IPython-dev] Load custom.js file that is not in my ipython
 profile directory
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

%% javascript

That and the profile are the two most common methods for enabling custom
js.  The previous method of embedding in Markdown is no longer allowed.


On Wednesday, May 7, 2014, David Ketcheson <dketch at> wrote:

> I'd like to load some javascript into the notebook from a .js file that is
> not in my ipython profile directory.  This would allow me to distribute the
> notebook and the .js file together and have users get the benefit of the
> .js file in the notebook.
> I know how to do the analogous thing with .css files, based on the content
> of the last cell in this notebook:
> How can I do the same for javascript?
> -David
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From moorepants at  Wed May  7 12:35:55 2014
From: moorepants at (Jason Moore)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 12:35:55 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] How to have independent call backs for single
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

What would be classic memoization in this application? Just store axes
globally or something?

+01 530-601-9791

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 4:41 AM, Matthias BUSSONNIER <
bussonniermatthias at> wrote:

> Le 6 mai 2014 ? 23:31, Jason Moore a ?crit :
> > If I have a function that makes a plot, for example:
> >
> > def plot_something(parameter=1.0, view=1.0):
> >     axes = expensive_function(plt.gca(), parameter)
> >     less_expensive_function(axes, view)
> >
> > And I make it interactive:
> >
> > interactive(plot_something, parameter=(0.0, 1.0), view=(0.0, 1.0))
> >
> > As it stands, both the expensive_function and the
> less_expensive_function run whether I drag the slider for either parameter,
> even though if I only drag the view parameter I could theoretically only
> call the less_expensive_function, thus making the widget respond faster.
> >
> > What is a good design to have a widget depend on two or more parameters
> and be able to have internal knowledge in the callback function on what
> parameter changed? So that you can avoid overhead in computation?
> I suppose this is possible by doing custom widget and/or using the comm
> architecture directly.
> But that would be a **lot** of work.
> But couldn't you just use classic memoization of the expensive_function so
> that recalling it becomes less expensive ?
> --
> M
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From doug.blank at  Wed May  7 12:55:12 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 12:55:12 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] How to have independent call backs for single
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Jason Moore <moorepants at> wrote:

> What would be classic memoization in this application? Just store axes
> globally or something?

Maybe something like:


> Jason
> +01 530-601-9791
> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 4:41 AM, Matthias BUSSONNIER <
> bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
>> Le 6 mai 2014 ? 23:31, Jason Moore a ?crit :
>> > If I have a function that makes a plot, for example:
>> >
>> > def plot_something(parameter=1.0, view=1.0):
>> >     axes = expensive_function(plt.gca(), parameter)
>> >     less_expensive_function(axes, view)
>> >
>> > And I make it interactive:
>> >
>> > interactive(plot_something, parameter=(0.0, 1.0), view=(0.0, 1.0))
>> >
>> > As it stands, both the expensive_function and the
>> less_expensive_function run whether I drag the slider for either parameter,
>> even though if I only drag the view parameter I could theoretically only
>> call the less_expensive_function, thus making the widget respond faster.
>> >
>> > What is a good design to have a widget depend on two or more parameters
>> and be able to have internal knowledge in the callback function on what
>> parameter changed? So that you can avoid overhead in computation?
>> I suppose this is possible by doing custom widget and/or using the comm
>> architecture directly.
>> But that would be a **lot** of work.
>> But couldn't you just use classic memoization of the expensive_function
>> so that recalling it becomes less expensive ?
>> --
>> M
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From moorepants at  Wed May  7 14:24:13 2014
From: moorepants at (Jason Moore)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 14:24:13 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] How to have independent call backs for single
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank's Doug. Perfect simple example.

+01 530-601-9791

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:

> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Jason Moore <moorepants at> wrote:
>> What would be classic memoization in this application? Just store axes
>> globally or something?
> Maybe something like:
> -Doug
>> Jason
>> +01 530-601-9791
>> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 4:41 AM, Matthias BUSSONNIER <
>> bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
>>> Le 6 mai 2014 ? 23:31, Jason Moore a ?crit :
>>> > If I have a function that makes a plot, for example:
>>> >
>>> > def plot_something(parameter=1.0, view=1.0):
>>> >     axes = expensive_function(plt.gca(), parameter)
>>> >     less_expensive_function(axes, view)
>>> >
>>> > And I make it interactive:
>>> >
>>> > interactive(plot_something, parameter=(0.0, 1.0), view=(0.0, 1.0))
>>> >
>>> > As it stands, both the expensive_function and the
>>> less_expensive_function run whether I drag the slider for either parameter,
>>> even though if I only drag the view parameter I could theoretically only
>>> call the less_expensive_function, thus making the widget respond faster.
>>> >
>>> > What is a good design to have a widget depend on two or more
>>> parameters and be able to have internal knowledge in the callback function
>>> on what parameter changed? So that you can avoid overhead in computation?
>>> I suppose this is possible by doing custom widget and/or using the comm
>>> architecture directly.
>>> But that would be a **lot** of work.
>>> But couldn't you just use classic memoization of the expensive_function
>>> so that recalling it becomes less expensive ?
>>> --
>>> M
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From takowl at  Wed May  7 14:46:32 2014
From: takowl at (Thomas Kluyver)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 11:46:32 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] IPython 'office hours', 17:00 UTC, Tuesday 13 May
Message-ID: <>

Next Tuesday, we'll be running another IPython office hours, a chance for
anyone who's interested to chat with the core team about IPython

Tuesday 13 May, 17:00 UTC (6pm BST, 10am PDT)

Come and ask us about developing interactive widgets, the message spec
changes for the next version of IPython, the new kernel spec system, or
anything else about extending or working on IPython.

E-mail me with your Google e-mail address if you'd like to join us in the
video chat - we'll try to get as many people as possible into the Hangout.
If we have a lot of people, or you're on a slow connection, join our
development chat room, which we'll be logged into at the same time:

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From doug.blank at  Wed May  7 15:35:06 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 15:35:06 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Greg Wilson <gvwilson at> wrote:

> may also be of interest - it's
> what we use to produce the Software Carpentry lesson on SQL.

That is a ridiculously simple and effective 50 lines of code. It isn't a
SQLite shell, but it does 80% of what one would want from a SQLite kernel.

Thanks for that!


> thx,
> G
> On 2014-05-05 1:55 PM, Martin Gadbois wrote:
> Wow that was there but not found by Google... nice! I will take a close
> look, thanks!
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Jessica B. Hamrick <jhamrick at
> > wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  I jut wanted to throw out there a link to the SQL magic, which may be
>> relevant:
>>  I know it's not a whole kernel, but may be a good starting place for at
>> least seeing what other people have been thinking about along the same
>> directions.
>>  Cheers,
>>  Jess
>>  --
>> UC Berkeley, Department of Psychology
>> Computational Cognitive Science Lab
>> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>>>   On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Martin Gadbois <mgadbois at>wrote:
>>>>  Hi!
>>>>  I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.
>>>> Keyword, table and column completion would help building queries, and a
>>>> dynamic output could resize text columns and have a proper notebook table
>>>> output.
>>>>  To achieve that, I see two main directions:
>>>>  1- Have an external kernel  (like
>>>> coded in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
>>>>  2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will need to
>>>> write Python code anyway to support SQLite.
>>>  I've wanted something like this for a while! I would like to
>>> incorporate SQL as a language that could easily be used in a variety of
>>> educational settings and other open source projects. But the utility of
>>> such a project lies in the details of implementation.
>>>  There are pros and cons to both approaches. But you could perhaps
>>> develop it in a manner that could be used in either situation. What would
>>> generally be useful would be to replicate the SQLite shell. It would be
>>> great if the parser was written in pure Python, and had an interpreter,
>>> also as much written in pure Python as possible. That is, it would be great
>>> if the low-level C-based sqlite API was limited, and could be swapped out.
>>>  That would allow other implementations of Python (Jython, PyPy,
>>> IronPython) could use it with their own sqlite wrappers. But also, that
>>> might make it useful for interfacing other data storages (for example, CSV
>>> files, Django databases, etc.)
>>>  The SQLite shell is actually a bit hairy. Here is a port of the C code
>>> to C# for example:
>>>  You could also use the simple-kernel [1] as a way of quickly turning a
>>> Python program into a kernel. (simple-kernel was just updated by Min, so
>>> now it is correct; thanks, Min!)
>>>  This might also have connections to the ADODB API [2]... they have
>>> worked hard to make their connections be Python-implementation agnostic.
>>>  Looking forward to see what you develop!
>>>  -Doug
>>>  [1]
>>> [2]
>>>>  What would this list recommend as an implementation strategy?
>>>>  Any example of creating an external kernel by reusing a subset of
>>>> IPython itself?
>>>>  Thanks!
>>>>  --
>>>> Martin
>>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>> IPython-dev at
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> --
> Martin
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing listIPython-dev at scipy.org
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From doug.blank at  Wed May  7 15:42:02 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 15:42:02 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] SQLite kernel
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:52 AM, Jessica B. Hamrick
<jhamrick at>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I jut wanted to throw out there a link to the SQL magic, which may be
> relevant:
> I know it's not a whole kernel, but may be a good starting place for at
> least seeing what other people have been thinking about along the same
> directions.

That is a nicely integrated set of extensions... make good connections with
the IPython python stack (pandas and matplotlib).

Thanks for development, and sharing!


> Cheers,
> Jess
> --
> UC Berkeley, Department of Psychology
> Computational Cognitive Science Lab
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Martin Gadbois <mgadbois at>wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I would like to develop a SQLite kernel for IPython.
>>> Keyword, table and column completion would help building queries, and a
>>> dynamic output could resize text columns and have a proper notebook table
>>> output.
>>> To achieve that, I see two main directions:
>>> 1- Have an external kernel  (like
>>> coded in Python since there are no 0MQ bindings for SQLite.
>>> 2- Extend IPython itself to support SQLite, since I will need to write
>>> Python code anyway to support SQLite.
>> I've wanted something like this for a while! I would like to incorporate
>> SQL as a language that could easily be used in a variety of educational
>> settings and other open source projects. But the utility of such a project
>> lies in the details of implementation.
>> There are pros and cons to both approaches. But you could perhaps develop
>> it in a manner that could be used in either situation. What would generally
>> be useful would be to replicate the SQLite shell. It would be great if the
>> parser was written in pure Python, and had an interpreter, also as much
>> written in pure Python as possible. That is, it would be great if the
>> low-level C-based sqlite API was limited, and could be swapped out.
>> That would allow other implementations of Python (Jython, PyPy,
>> IronPython) could use it with their own sqlite wrappers. But also, that
>> might make it useful for interfacing other data storages (for example, CSV
>> files, Django databases, etc.)
>> The SQLite shell is actually a bit hairy. Here is a port of the C code to
>> C# for example:
>> You could also use the simple-kernel [1] as a way of quickly turning a
>> Python program into a kernel. (simple-kernel was just updated by Min, so
>> now it is correct; thanks, Min!)
>> This might also have connections to the ADODB API [2]... they have worked
>> hard to make their connections be Python-implementation agnostic.
>> Looking forward to see what you develop!
>> -Doug
>> [1]
>> [2]
>>> What would this list recommend as an implementation strategy?
>>> Any example of creating an external kernel by reusing a subset of
>>> IPython itself?
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Martin
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From tshead at  Wed May  7 19:01:20 2014
From: tshead at (Shead, Timothy)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 23:01:20 +0000
Subject: [IPython-dev] How can tell if code is executing within ipython /
	ipython notebook?
Message-ID: <>

I have some code that I?d like to execute only when run from within ipython ? is there any way to know?  I?m already importing the required ipython modules in a try ? catch block, so my code handles the case where IPython isn?t installed, but that doesn?t address the case where ipython is installed but not in use.

Thanks in advance,

Timothy M. Shead
Sandia National Laboratories
1461, Scalable Analysis and Visualization

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From pi at  Wed May  7 19:25:04 2014
From: pi at (Paul Ivanov)
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 16:25:04 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] How can tell if code is executing within ipython
 / ipython notebook?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shead, Timothy, on 2014-05-07 23:01,  wrote:
> I have some code that I?d like to execute only when run from
> within ipython ? is there any way to know?  I?m already
> importing the required ipython modules in a try ? catch block,
> so my code handles the case where IPython isn?t installed, but
> that doesn?t address the case where ipython is installed but
> not in use.

When running ipython, we expose the function `get_ipython` to get
a handle on the current IPython instance. So in an interactive
setting, you could just check for that and catch a name error.

More generally, you can do this:

    from IPython import get_ipython

Calling get_ipython() will return None if IPython isn't running,
otherwise it will return an IPython shell object.

                  / \
                A*   \^   -
             ,./   _.`\\ / \
            / ,--.S    \/   \
           /  `"~,_     \    \
     __o           ?
   _ \<,_         /:\
--(_)/-(_)----.../ | \
Paul Ivanov

From tshead at  Wed May  7 23:33:56 2014
From: tshead at (Shead, Timothy)
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 03:33:56 +0000
Subject: [IPython-dev] [EXTERNAL] How can tell if code is executing
 within ipython / ipython notebook?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Works like a charm, many thanks!


Timothy M. Shead
Sandia National Laboratories
1461, Scalable Analysis and Visualization

On May 7, 2014, at 5:25 PM, Paul Ivanov <pi at<mailto:pi at>> wrote:

Shead, Timothy, on 2014-05-07 23:01,  wrote:
I have some code that I?d like to execute only when run from
within ipython ? is there any way to know?  I?m already
importing the required ipython modules in a try ? catch block,
so my code handles the case where IPython isn?t installed, but
that doesn?t address the case where ipython is installed but
not in use.

When running ipython, we expose the function `get_ipython` to get
a handle on the current IPython instance. So in an interactive
setting, you could just check for that and catch a name error.

More generally, you can do this:

   from IPython import get_ipython

Calling get_ipython() will return None if IPython isn't running,
otherwise it will return an IPython shell object.

                 / \
               A*   \^   -
            ,./   _.`\\ / \
           / ,--.S    \/   \
          /  `"~,_     \    \
    __o           ?
  _ \<,_         /:\
--(_)/-(_)----.../ | \
Paul Ivanov
IPython-dev mailing list
IPython-dev at

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From klonuo at  Thu May  8 06:57:12 2014
From: klonuo at (klo uo)
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 12:57:12 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Html object graph
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Matthias for your reply.

I agree that my mail was too general.

I started learning .Net basics and one thing that attracted me most was
Linq. Not that it just simplifies SQL by avoiding redundancy and providing
shorcuts, but can be used the same way on XML documents, or general .Net
objects (that provide IEnumerable(Of T) Interface) or even GUI elements
that provide IObservable(T) Interface (RX extensions).

Then using this LinqPad application as playground is a joy (compared to
other options), similarly as working in IPython, and plus making .Net
interpretable as Python is. I thought on how to connect both concepts but
wasn't much sure, as I still don't know much about IPython machinery, and
less about LinqPad, but that interactive Html table was IMHO worth
mentioning, even as general idea.

Now that you wrote about Pandas Html tables - maybe that's the right place
for providing enhanced  interactive object widget - on Pandas dataframe
object. Let me mention Linq again, that it is great, but can't be compared
to Pandas methods for data slicing for sure, and interfacing Pandas object
with rich widget would be really great step.

I did search for extensions to Html table dumped in IPython when I first
saw it, as although it was interesting to see tabular data presented as
such it still looked too basic, but I didn't find any.
Cyrille Rossant's project that you wrote about looks interesting as it
allows interactive changes to Pandas dataframe, and I hope he'll continue
crafting it, by adding other possibilities.

And as much as I would like to try to enhance IPython Html table myself,
I'm repulsed by JavaScript - it's just something I don't ever want to do,
unless I'm forced to.

Hopefully that LinqPad table interface can inspire some developer one way
or another.


On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Matthias BUSSONNIER <
bussonniermatthias at> wrote:

> Hy,
> Le 3 mai 2014 ? 18:31, klo uo a ?crit :
> Hey guys,
> are you are familiar with LinqPad?<>
> Thanks for the link.
> If not, just to say it's a lightweight code scratchpad, that can connect
> to various databases and allow immediate Linq execution. It can also
> interpret any kind of .Net code (although currently without
> IronPython/Ruby).
> I thought to ask you about main output result pane - it's a very
> interesting Html table representation of dumped object(s), that adapts on
> the object type - allows collapsible nested levels, navigable deep
> Exception tree, can display images, rawhtml, hyperlinqs - user defined
> lambda functions that are executed on user click, ?
> I suppose each of theses features should be discussed independently. Most
> should Imho be directly implemented by library,
> like cyrile rossant HandsonTable for panda dataframe.
> Some other like Traceback could definitively be integrate din the core,
> have already been discussed, but
> pushed to a later point by lack of manpower.
> Do you think something similar would fit in IPython?
> As object inspection magic, or Qtconsole output pane, or else??
> The response will depend on the exact feature, but instead of targeting a
> specific frontend I would suggest to think on how to get this into the
> object _repr_*_ or
> in the message spec if it is really impossible to do otherwise.
> --
> M
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From clyde.fare at  Thu May  8 09:32:00 2014
From: clyde.fare at (Clyde Fare)
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 14:32:00 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] Execute python code from the notebook dashboard
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Thanks for the suggestions. I can see that I can start a new kernel by
posting to /api/kernels, but am a little lost at how to pass code to it
using javascript. Is there a simple way to use
services/kernels/js/kernel.js and hence kernel.execute? Or would I need to
explicitly code up connecting to the kernel's ports and passing it the
relevant messages as if I were writing a new kernel?



On 7 May 2014 10:59, Matthias BUSSONNIER <bussonniermatthias at>wrote:

> Le 3 mai 2014 ? 17:00, Clyde Fare a ?crit :
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a graphical IPython notebook dashboard that
> represents a collection of notebooks as a network, where nodes are the
> notebooks and the links between them are links between notebooks specified
> in markdown cells.
> I've got something that kind of works (
> but it requires manual
> execution of some python code in the directory that IPython is launched
> from. I'd like to get rid of this requirement by having this python code
> execute when people click the refresh notebook list icon on the dashboard.
> I'm very much a beginner javascript wise but as far as I can tell when we
> open a notebook a python kernel is launched but at the dashboard there is
> no kernel active and so in order to execute some python code I would have
> to first launch a kernel and then pass it the code I want to run. I think I
> can probably go away and figure out how to do that but I wanted to check
> whether this was the right idea, or whether there was a simpler way?
> In IPython 2.0  you can access the list of notebook and kernels using the
> rest API under /api/*
> https://localhost:8888/api/notebooks
> https://localhost:8888/api/kernels
> ?
> So you can start notebook-less kernel to do whatever you like, and stop it
> afterward.
> You can also get notebook content through this way.
> So I would suggest building an alternative dashboard the use this API
> --
> M
> Cheers
> Clyde
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From rmx555 at  Thu May  8 13:11:09 2014
From: rmx555 at (Roman Max.)
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 19:11:09 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook
	via URL?
Message-ID: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>

is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?e.g.
Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks! 		 	   		  
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From benjaminrk at  Thu May  8 13:47:16 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be
available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on
the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future
use of url parameters by the notebook server.


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

>  is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?
> e.g.*?d1=20140101&d2=20140401*
>  Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks!
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From rmx555 at  Thu May  8 14:51:33 2014
From: rmx555 at (Roman Max.)
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 20:51:33 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>,
Message-ID: <DUB118-W5CBC12D926DB4EFD9317E9D490@phx.gbl>

Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a notebook with parameters and displaying output.So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better way than that.

From: benjaminrk at
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
To: ipython-dev at
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future use of url parameters by the notebook server.


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?


Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks! 		 	   		  


IPython-dev mailing list

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From pierre.villeneuve at  Thu May  8 15:29:26 2014
From: pierre.villeneuve at (Pierre Villeneuve)
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 12:29:26 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Notebook back/front data communications
Message-ID: <>

I'm working on building an image display custom widget based on the HTML
CanvasElement.  I want to be able to update image transform properties and
to respond to mouse motion and clicks.  My first time though I placed most
of my JavaScript event handlers inside the widget's update() function.  And
it noticed I was updating the image data even for a small event like a
change in the canvas width.  It seemed like there was a lot of unnecessary
processing and data transfer going on, so I decided to look into using the
custom messages instead.  I think my new approach is more efficient, but it
does involve writing more code for my event handlers.
?Now I am wondering which of these two approaches is 'best', if there even
is such a thing?  Most of the widgets I see included with the IPython
source code involve rather simple data structures, e.g. a single floating
point number, or a text string.  In my case I plan to work with ?large
images.  I think I just convinced myself that my second approach is more
appropriate since my data is not trivially small.


*Pierre Villeneuve*
pierre.villeneuve at
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From benjaminrk at  Thu May  8 19:03:15 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <DUB118-W5CBC12D926DB4EFD9317E9D490@phx.gbl>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

> Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass
> parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a
> notebook with parameters and displaying output.
> So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of
> interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying
> .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better
> way than that.

No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If you
want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the Javascript


> ------------------------------
> From: benjaminrk at
> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
> notebook via URL?
> You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be
> available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on
> the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future
> use of url parameters by the notebook server.
> -MinRK
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
>  is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?
> e.g.*?d1=20140101&d2=20140401*
>  Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks!
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From bussonniermatthias at  Fri May  9 03:36:53 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 09:36:53 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Execute python code from the notebook dashboard
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le 8 mai 2014 ? 15:32, Clyde Fare a ?crit :

> Hi,
> Thanks for the suggestions. I can see that I can start a new kernel by posting to /api/kernels, but am a little lost at how to pass code to it using javascript. Is there a simple way to use services/kernels/js/kernel.js and hence kernel.execute? Or would I need to explicitly code up connecting to the kernel's ports and passing it the relevant messages as if I were writing a new kernel?

Kernel.js should be pretty standalone. Once you pass it the information to connect to a kernel you can just use kernel.execute() with call backs.

This should help :


From rmx555 at  Fri May  9 16:25:15 2014
From: rmx555 at (Roman Max.)
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 22:25:15 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>,
Message-ID: <DUB118-W41042BDF9E5B9DDCC218B19D480@phx.gbl>

OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs to interact with the page once it's already loaded? 
do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to notebooks)? or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?

From: benjaminrk at
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700
To: ipython-dev at
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a notebook with parameters and displaying output.So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better way than that.

No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the Javascript APIs.

From: benjaminrk at

Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
To: ipython-dev at
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future use of url parameters by the notebook server.


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?


Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks! 		 	   		  


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From benjaminrk at  Fri May  9 16:43:07 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 13:43:07 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <DUB118-W41042BDF9E5B9DDCC218B19D480@phx.gbl>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs to
> interact with the page once it's already loaded?
 Yes. Or you can add custom javascript to the page to take action based on
the parameters once the page is loaded. But again, I wouldn?t recommend
doing this, because it may conflict with server changes in the future. If
you go this route, I would suggest using # instead of ?, since it would
really be client-side only information.

> do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to
> notebooks)?
No. The HTML/Javascript context of the page and notebook server are
strongly decoupled from the Python environment of the Kernel. We have no
plan to change this.

or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?
At least a few:

   - the NotebookHandler, which renders the notebook page, which will
   receive the URL with parameters, but is not the URL that starts the kernel.
   - the KernelManager, which starts the kernel, which would need to be
   told about these parameters
   - possibly the Kernel itself, for taking the actual actions you wish
   these parameters to imply in the kernel process.

Depending on how much javascript you customize, there are probably a few
combinations of classes to modify.

Can we back up a bit, and ask what you want to accomplish by passing these
parameters? There may be a simpler solution than subclassing the entire
notebook server.


> From: benjaminrk at
> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
> notebook via URL?
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass
> parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a
> notebook with parameters and displaying output.
> So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of
> interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying
> .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better
> way than that.
> No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If
> you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the
> Javascript APIs.
> -MinRK
> ------------------------------
> From: benjaminrk at
> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
> notebook via URL?
> You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be
> available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on
> the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future
> use of url parameters by the notebook server.
> -MinRK
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
>  is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?
> e.g.*?d1=20140101&d2=20140401*
>  Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks!
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From mmckerns at  Fri May  9 16:55:53 2014
From: mmckerns at (Michael McKerns)
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 16:55:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [IPython-dev] potential extension to ?? magic, etc
Message-ID: <>

I've been hacking a new feature in dill that extracts importable
source code from python objects.  It's still kind of fragile, and
some things don't work like I want, but it's starting to come
around enough that I thought I'd share.

I think it might be useful for ipython's "??" and also for python.parallel
if it still sends source in certain cases.  I know parallelpython (pp) does,
and it augments the heck out of what pp can send across the wire.

There's several useful functions in dill.source and dill.detect, but the
main one is dill.source.importable.

With it, you can do something like this:

>>> def foo(f):
...   def squared(x):
...     return f(x)**2
...   return squared
>>> @foo
... def bar(x):
...   return 2*x
>>> print dill.source.importable(bar)
def foo(f):
  def squared(x):
    return f(x)**2
  return squared

def bar(x):
  return 2*x

There are still some bugs, as this is fairly new.  :)


Mike McKerns
California Institute of Technology
TEL: (626)395-5773 or (626)590-8470
mmckerns at

From rmx555 at  Sun May 11 02:51:14 2014
From: rmx555 at (Roman Max.)
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 08:51:14 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>,
Message-ID: <DUB118-W279CB1E36B991E8F184D489D4A0@phx.gbl>

Many thanks for following up on this thread. I would like to use IPython notebook to perform and present some analytics in a .NET application. I've got a CefSharp (chrome) component integrated and can display notebook's output. Now trying to figure out how to pass parameters, so notebook calculates some analytics per selected object. E.g. depending on a selected object .NET prepares a CSV data input file, then the path of this file would need to be passed to an IPython notebook for further processing. After looking at your code I think I start to understand where you are heading with giving hints with respect to JavaScript. Essentially .NET app could prepare HTML/Javascrpit part each time a new object is selected and pass it then over to IPython kernel for execution? Porbably will work, just doesn't look so clean, since python logic code will be in javascript files.
would be still nice to have a way to communicate with the IPython only via URL, as not always client side presentation part(Javascript) can be involved.

From: benjaminrk at
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 13:43:07 -0700
To: ipython-dev at
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs to interact with the page once it's already loaded?

Yes. Or you can add custom javascript to the page to take action based on the parameters once the page is loaded.  But again, I wouldn?t recommend doing this, because it may conflict with server changes in the future. If you go this route, I would suggest using # instead of ?, since it would really be client-side only information.

do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to notebooks)? 

No. The HTML/Javascript context of the page and notebook server are strongly decoupled from the Python environment of the Kernel. We have no plan to change this.

or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?

At least a few:

the NotebookHandler, which renders the notebook page, which will receive the URL with parameters, but is not the URL that starts the kernel.
the KernelManager, which starts the kernel, which would need to be told about these parameters
possibly the Kernel itself, for taking the actual actions you wish these parameters to imply in the kernel process.

Depending on how much javascript you customize, there are probably a few combinations of classes to modify.
Can we back up a bit, and ask what you want to accomplish by passing these parameters? There may be a simpler solution than subclassing the entire notebook server.

From: benjaminrk at
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700
To: ipython-dev at

Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a notebook with parameters and displaying output.So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better way than that.

No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the Javascript APIs.

From: benjaminrk at

Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
To: ipython-dev at
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future use of url parameters by the notebook server.


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?


Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks! 		 	   		  


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From heathmatlock at  Sun May 11 17:05:43 2014
From: heathmatlock at (heathmatlock)
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 16:05:43 -0500
Subject: [IPython-dev] Assistance request in forming a correct
Message-ID: <>

If you uncomment line 48 in the source file linked, it will be easier to
see the response sent back by ipython. All the messages I'm receiving back
are of type kernel_info_request, even though I'm sending back what I think
is the appropriate response.

Relevant portion of documentation:

Also, when developing a kernel for a non-Python consumer, do others use a
development version of ipython and utilize pdb as well, or have you mostly
been utilizing your language's debugging facilities, i.e.: receive a zmq
response, inspect the response(in this case, I'm having to print the
response to the screen, eek), ctl-c,  look at the documentation, build a
response, repeat.

Heath Matlock
+1 256 274 4225
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From bussonniermatthias at  Sun May 11 17:19:32 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 23:19:32 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Assistance request in forming a correct
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le 11 mai 2014 ? 23:05, heathmatlock a ?crit :

> If you uncomment line 48 in the source file linked, it will be easier to see the response sent back by ipython. All the messages I'm receiving back are of type kernel_info_request, even though I'm sending back what I think is the appropriate response.
> Relevant portion of documentation:
> Also, when developing a kernel for a non-Python consumer, do others use a development version of ipython and utilize pdb as well, or have you mostly been utilizing your language's debugging facilities, i.e.: receive a zmq response, inspect the response(in this case, I'm having to print the response to the screen, eek), ctl-c,  look at the documentation, build a response, repeat. 

I would suggest starting IPython with --debug flag to see messages going back and forth. 

Also the messages you send back and forth should not get only content. 
in the doc, you can get the all structure of messages here :

and in the case of kernel_info_reply you should fill the content key with what you are doing above. 

Here is an full kernel_info_reply in my case :

{'parent_header': {'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 11, 23, 13, 51, 792276), 'username': 'bussonniermatthias', 'session': 'd3b54a91-ba51-4b53-9393-4bec584075d7', 'msg_id': '1544cb4c-9190-4651-9caf-17330ea382cc', 'msg_type': 'kernel_info_request'}, 'msg_type': 'kernel_info_reply', 'msg_id': 'cd756a25-15ab-4996-87b5-460633f4ea68', 'content': {'protocol_version': [4, 1], 'language_version': [2, 7, 6], 'language': 'python', 'ipython_version': [3, 0, 0, 'dev']}, 'header': {'date': datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 11, 23, 14, 9, 461599), 'username': u'kernel', 'session': u'c32cf515-60af-421b-890a-4b6d82a77ecc', 'msg_id': 'cd756a25-15ab-4996-87b5-460633f4ea68', 'msg_type': 'kernel_info_reply'}, 'tracker': <zmq.sugar.tracker.MessageTracker object at 0x107b8b790>, 'metadata': {}}

A list of existing kernels and helpful resources

And an old toy js kernel.


> -- 
> Heath Matlock
> +1 256 274 4225
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> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From mark.voorhies at  Sun May 11 17:27:26 2014
From: mark.voorhies at (Mark Voorhies)
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 14:27:26 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <DUB118-W279CB1E36B991E8F184D489D4A0@phx.gbl>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>,
Message-ID: <>

On 05/10/2014 11:51 PM, Roman Max. wrote:
> Many thanks for following up on this thread. I would like to use IPython notebook to perform and present some analytics in a .NET application. I've got a CefSharp (chrome) component integrated and can display notebook's output. Now trying to figure out how to pass parameters, so notebook calculates some analytics per selected object. E.g. depending on a selected object .NET prepares a CSV data input file, then the path of this file would need to be passed to an IPython notebook for further processing. After looking at your code I think I start to understand where you are heading with giving hints with respect to JavaScript. Essentially .NET app could prepare HTML/Javascrpit part each time a new object is selected and pass it then over to IPython kernel for execution? Porbably will work, just doesn't look so clean, since python logic code will be in javascript files.
> would be still nice to have a way to communicate with the IPython only via URL, as not always client side presentation part(Javascript) can be involved.

Will the presented notebook result be interactive, or will all user interaction be via your .NET interface?

If the latter, is there any disadvantage to just executing numpy/matplotlib/etc. code directly in a CPython or IronPython interpreter?


> RM
> From: benjaminrk at
> Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 13:43:07 -0700
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs to interact with the page once it's already loaded?
> Yes. Or you can add custom javascript to the page to take action based on the parameters once the page is loaded.  But again, I wouldn?t recommend doing this, because it may conflict with server changes in the future. If you go this route, I would suggest using # instead of ?, since it would really be client-side only information.
> do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to notebooks)?
> No. The HTML/Javascript context of the page and notebook server are strongly decoupled from the Python environment of the Kernel. We have no plan to change this.
> or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?
> At least a few:
> the NotebookHandler, which renders the notebook page, which will receive the URL with parameters, but is not the URL that starts the kernel.
> the KernelManager, which starts the kernel, which would need to be told about these parameters
> possibly the Kernel itself, for taking the actual actions you wish these parameters to imply in the kernel process.
> Depending on how much javascript you customize, there are probably a few combinations of classes to modify.
> Can we back up a bit, and ask what you want to accomplish by passing these parameters? There may be a simpler solution than subclassing the entire notebook server.
> -MinRK
> From: benjaminrk at
> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a notebook with parameters and displaying output.So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better way than that.
> No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the Javascript APIs.
> -MinRK
> From: benjaminrk at
> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future use of url parameters by the notebook server.
> -MinRK
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?
> e.g.
> Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks! 		 	   		
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From zvoros at  Mon May 12 03:15:00 2014
From: zvoros at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Zolt=E1n_V=F6r=F6s?=)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 09:15:00 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] difficulties with embedding svg figures
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

Every then and now (I think this happens, when something changes in the 
notebook latex templates, but I am not sure), I have difficulties 
embedding SVG figures. If I run the notebook and set 
InlineBackend.figure_format = 'png', the figures are included in the 
latex file. If I set
InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg', the figures are pulled out, 
converted to pdf, and placed in the support folder, but they are not 
linked in the latex file, their place is empty like

     \adjustimage{max size={0.9\linewidth}{0.9\paperheight}}{}

Could someone point out, where and what I should fix in order to make 
this work?

Many thanks,

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From doug.blank at  Mon May 12 08:58:38 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 08:58:38 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Interrupting external kernel on Windows
Message-ID: <>


Attempting to interrupt an executing command on a third-party kernel on
Windows. In fact, I went back to the simple_kernel [1], and I couldn't
interrupt it either on Windows. Is there some special handling for
interrupting a kernel on Windows?

Thanks for any hints,


[1] -
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From jgill at  Mon May 12 09:14:23 2014
From: jgill at (John Gill)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 13:14:23 +0000
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <DUB118-W279CB1E36B991E8F184D489D4A0@phx.gbl>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>, 
Message-ID: <>

If you are working with python and .NET you should take a look at pythonnet:

It allows you to work seamlessly with .NET objects from python.


From: ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:ipython-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Roman Max.
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:51 AM
To: IPython developers list
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

Many thanks for following up on this thread. I would like to use IPython notebook to perform and present some analytics in a .NET application. I've got a CefSharp (chrome) component integrated and can display notebook's output. Now trying to figure out how to pass parameters, so notebook calculates some analytics per selected object. E.g. depending on a selected object .NET prepares a CSV data input file, then the path of this file would need to be passed to an IPython notebook for further processing.

After looking at your code I think I start to understand where you are heading with giving hints with respect to JavaScript. Essentially .NET app could prepare HTML/Javascrpit part each time a new object is selected and pass it then over to IPython kernel for execution? Porbably will work, just doesn't look so clean, since python logic code will be in javascript files.

would be still nice to have a way to communicate with the IPython only via URL, as not always client side presentation part(Javascript) can be involved.


From: benjaminrk at
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 13:43:07 -0700
To: ipython-dev at
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at<mailto:rmx555 at>> wrote:

OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs to interact with the page once it's already loaded?

Yes. Or you can add custom javascript to the page to take action based on the parameters once the page is loaded. But again, I wouldn't recommend doing this, because it may conflict with server changes in the future. If you go this route, I would suggest using # instead of ?, since it would really be client-side only information.

do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to notebooks)?

No. The HTML/Javascript context of the page and notebook server are strongly decoupled from the Python environment of the Kernel. We have no plan to change this.

or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?

At least a few:

  *   the NotebookHandler, which renders the notebook page, which will receive the URL with parameters, but is not the URL that starts the kernel.
  *   the KernelManager, which starts the kernel, which would need to be told about these parameters
  *   possibly the Kernel itself, for taking the actual actions you wish these parameters to imply in the kernel process.
Depending on how much javascript you customize, there are probably a few combinations of classes to modify.
Can we back up a bit, and ask what you want to accomplish by passing these parameters? There may be a simpler solution than subclassing the entire notebook server.

From: benjaminrk at<mailto:benjaminrk at>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700

To: ipython-dev at<mailto:ipython-dev at>
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at<mailto:rmx555 at>> wrote:
Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a notebook with parameters and displaying output.
So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better way than that.

No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the Javascript APIs.


From: benjaminrk at<mailto:benjaminrk at>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
To: ipython-dev at<mailto:ipython-dev at>
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future use of url parameters by the notebook server.


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at<mailto:rmx555 at>> wrote:
is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?

Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks!

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E-mail communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free, as information could be intercepted, corrupted, amended, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure that e-mail transmissions and any attachments are virus free. We do not accept liability for any damages or other consequences caused by information that is intercepted, corrupted, amended, lost, destroyed, arrives late or incomplete or contains viruses.

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From takowl at  Mon May 12 13:49:38 2014
From: takowl at (Thomas Kluyver)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 10:49:38 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Interrupting external kernel on Windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 May 2014 05:58, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:

> Attempting to interrupt an executing command on a third-party kernel on
> Windows. In fact, I went back to the simple_kernel [1], and I couldn't
> interrupt it either on Windows. Is there some special handling for
> interrupting a kernel on Windows?

Yes, it appears there is. On Windows, we make a 'Win32 event' [1], which
the kernel process listens for using some machinery in pyzmq [2]. It looks
like the event number that the child process needs to listen for is
currently passed to the kernel as a command line argument, which we can
only do when we know we're starting an IPython kernel - we should probably
pass it as an environment variable which any kernel can use.


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From doug.blank at  Mon May 12 14:00:31 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 14:00:31 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Interrupting external kernel on Windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at> wrote:

> On 12 May 2014 05:58, Doug Blank <doug.blank at> wrote:
>> Attempting to interrupt an executing command on a third-party kernel on
>> Windows. In fact, I went back to the simple_kernel [1], and I couldn't
>> interrupt it either on Windows. Is there some special handling for
>> interrupting a kernel on Windows?
> Yes, it appears there is. On Windows, we make a 'Win32 event' [1], which
> the kernel process listens for using some machinery in pyzmq [2]. It looks
> like the event number that the child process needs to listen for is
> currently passed to the kernel as a command line argument, which we can
> only do when we know we're starting an IPython kernel - we should probably
> pass it as an environment variable which any kernel can use.

Thanks for tracking that down! It would be good if the lack of a method of
signaling 3rd-party Window's kernels could be considered a bug, so that a
solution can be rolled into a IPython 2 update. Not being able to interrupt
a kernel is a major issue.

Started an item tracker here:


> [1]
> [2]
> Thomas
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From rmx555 at  Mon May 12 15:15:22 2014
From: rmx555 at (Roman Max.)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 21:15:22 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>, ,
	, <DUB118-W5CBC12D926DB4EFD9317E9D490@phx.gbl>, ,
	, <DUB118-W41042BDF9E5B9DDCC218B19D480@phx.gbl>, ,
Message-ID: <DUB118-W51B61FE42EE0D7451BF0259D350@phx.gbl>

Hi, Mark,
thanks for the suggestions. I have a feeling IPython offers a very sustainable solution in terms of maintainability and python packages updates. I am not sure if IronPython supports all the extra Python libraries i need (e.g. pandas, zipline)?Moreover, yes I would  like to have my analytics visualisations being interactive.

> Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 14:27:26 -0700
> From: mark.voorhies at
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> On 05/10/2014 11:51 PM, Roman Max. wrote:
> > Many thanks for following up on this thread. I would like to use IPython notebook to perform and present some analytics in a .NET application. I've got a CefSharp (chrome) component integrated and can display notebook's output. Now trying to figure out how to pass parameters, so notebook calculates some analytics per selected object. E.g. depending on a selected object .NET prepares a CSV data input file, then the path of this file would need to be passed to an IPython notebook for further processing. After looking at your code I think I start to understand where you are heading with giving hints with respect to JavaScript. Essentially .NET app could prepare HTML/Javascrpit part each time a new object is selected and pass it then over to IPython kernel for execution? Porbably will work, just doesn't look so clean, since python logic code will be in javascript files.
> > would be still nice to have a way to communicate with the IPython only via URL, as not always client side presentation part(Javascript) can be involved.
> Will the presented notebook result be interactive, or will all user interaction be via your .NET interface?
> If the latter, is there any disadvantage to just executing numpy/matplotlib/etc. code directly in a CPython or IronPython interpreter?
> --Mark
> > RM
> >
> > From: benjaminrk at
> > Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 13:43:07 -0700
> > To: ipython-dev at
> > Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> >
> > On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs to interact with the page once it's already loaded?
> >
> >
> >
> > Yes. Or you can add custom javascript to the page to take action based on the parameters once the page is loaded.  But again, I wouldn?t recommend doing this, because it may conflict with server changes in the future. If you go this route, I would suggest using # instead of ?, since it would really be client-side only information.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to notebooks)?
> >
> >
> > No. The HTML/Javascript context of the page and notebook server are strongly decoupled from the Python environment of the Kernel. We have no plan to change this.
> >
> >
> >
> > or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?
> >
> >
> > At least a few:
> >
> > the NotebookHandler, which renders the notebook page, which will receive the URL with parameters, but is not the URL that starts the kernel.
> > the KernelManager, which starts the kernel, which would need to be told about these parameters
> > possibly the Kernel itself, for taking the actual actions you wish these parameters to imply in the kernel process.
> >
> > Depending on how much javascript you customize, there are probably a few combinations of classes to modify.
> > Can we back up a bit, and ask what you want to accomplish by passing these parameters? There may be a simpler solution than subclassing the entire notebook server.
> > -MinRK
> >
> >
> >
> > From: benjaminrk at
> > Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700
> > To: ipython-dev at
> >
> >
> > Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a notebook with parameters and displaying output.So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better way than that.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the Javascript APIs.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -MinRK
> >
> > From: benjaminrk at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
> > To: ipython-dev at
> > Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future use of url parameters by the notebook server.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -MinRK
> >
> > On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > e.g.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks! 		 	   		
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> > IPython-dev mailing list
> >
> > IPython-dev at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > IPython-dev mailing list
> > IPython-dev at
> > 		 	   		
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> > IPython-dev mailing list
> >
> > IPython-dev at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > IPython-dev mailing list
> > IPython-dev at
> > 		 	   		
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> > IPython-dev mailing list
> >
> > IPython-dev at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > IPython-dev mailing list
> > IPython-dev at
> > 		 	   		
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > IPython-dev mailing list
> > IPython-dev at
> >
> >
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> IPython-dev mailing list
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From rmx555 at  Mon May 12 15:17:36 2014
From: rmx555 at (Roman Max.)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 21:17:36 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>, ,
	, <DUB118-W5CBC12D926DB4EFD9317E9D490@phx.gbl>, ,
	, <DUB118-W41042BDF9E5B9DDCC218B19D480@phx.gbl>, ,
Message-ID: <DUB118-W52D822210165482812B6359D350@phx.gbl>

Hi, John,
thanks for the suggestion, will have a look into the project. Although my use case assumes interaction the other way -- from .NET to Python.

From: jgill at
To: ipython-dev at
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 13:14:23 +0000
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

If you are working with python and .NET you should take a look at pythonnet:
It allows you to work seamlessly with .NET objects from python.

From: ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:ipython-dev-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Roman Max.

Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:51 AM

To: IPython developers list

Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?


Many thanks for following up on this thread. I would like to use IPython notebook to perform and present some analytics in a .NET application. I've got a CefSharp (chrome)
 component integrated and can display notebook's output. Now trying to figure out how to pass parameters, so notebook calculates some analytics per selected object. E.g. depending on a selected object .NET prepares a CSV data input file, then the path of this
 file would need to be passed to an IPython notebook for further processing. 

After looking at your code I think I start to understand where you are heading with giving hints with respect to JavaScript. Essentially .NET app could prepare HTML/Javascrpit part each time a new object is selected and pass it then over to IPython
 kernel for execution? Porbably will work, just doesn't look so clean, since python logic code will be in javascript files.


would be still nice to have a way to communicate with the IPython only via URL, as not always client side presentation part(Javascript) can be involved.




From: benjaminrk at

Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 13:43:07 -0700

To: ipython-dev at

Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:


OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs to interact with the page once it's already loaded?


Yes. Or you can add custom javascript to the page to take action based on the parameters once the page is loaded. But again, I wouldn?t recommend doing this, because it may conflict with
 server changes in the future. If you go this route, I would suggest using 
# instead of
?, since it would really be client-side only information.



do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to notebooks)? 


No. The HTML/Javascript context of the page and notebook server are strongly decoupled from the Python environment of the Kernel. We have no plan to change this.


or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?


At least a few:

the NotebookHandler, which renders the notebook page, which will receive the URL with parameters, but is not the URL that starts the kernel.
the KernelManager, which starts the kernel, which would need to be told about these parameters
possibly the Kernel itself, for taking the actual actions you wish these parameters to imply in the kernel process.
Depending on how much javascript you customize, there are probably a few combinations of classes to modify.
Can we back up a bit, and ask what you want to accomplish by passing these parameters? There may be a simpler solution than subclassing the entire notebook server.


benjaminrk at

Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700

To: ipython-dev at

Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?



On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a notebook with parameters and displaying output.

So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying .ipynb template file before each request, still
 hoping there is a better way than that.


No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the Javascript APIs.






benjaminrk at

Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700

To: ipython-dev at

Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?


You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that
 it would conflict with any future use of url parameters by the notebook server.




On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:

is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?



Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks!


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From jgill at  Mon May 12 16:48:40 2014
From: jgill at (John Gill)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 20:48:40 +0000
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <DUB118-W52D822210165482812B6359D350@phx.gbl>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>, , 
	, <DUB118-W5CBC12D926DB4EFD9317E9D490@phx.gbl>, , 
	, <DUB118-W41042BDF9E5B9DDCC218B19D480@phx.gbl>, , 
Message-ID: <>

You can also use pythonnet to embed python in .NET

From: ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:ipython-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Roman Max.
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 4:18 PM
To: IPython developers list
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

Hi, John,

thanks for the suggestion, will have a look into the project. Although my use case assumes interaction the other way -- from .NET to Python.
From: jgill at
To: ipython-dev at
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 13:14:23 +0000
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
If you are working with python and .NET you should take a look at pythonnet:

It allows you to work seamlessly with .NET objects from python.


From: ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:ipython-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Roman Max.
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:51 AM
To: IPython developers list
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

Many thanks for following up on this thread. I would like to use IPython notebook to perform and present some analytics in a .NET application. I've got a CefSharp (chrome) component integrated and can display notebook's output. Now trying to figure out how to pass parameters, so notebook calculates some analytics per selected object. E.g. depending on a selected object .NET prepares a CSV data input file, then the path of this file would need to be passed to an IPython notebook for further processing.

After looking at your code I think I start to understand where you are heading with giving hints with respect to JavaScript. Essentially .NET app could prepare HTML/Javascrpit part each time a new object is selected and pass it then over to IPython kernel for execution? Porbably will work, just doesn't look so clean, since python logic code will be in javascript files.

would be still nice to have a way to communicate with the IPython only via URL, as not always client side presentation part(Javascript) can be involved.


From: benjaminrk at
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 13:43:07 -0700
To: ipython-dev at
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at<mailto:rmx555 at>> wrote:

OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs to interact with the page once it's already loaded?

Yes. Or you can add custom javascript to the page to take action based on the parameters once the page is loaded. But again, I wouldn't recommend doing this, because it may conflict with server changes in the future. If you go this route, I would suggest using # instead of ?, since it would really be client-side only information.

do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to notebooks)?

No. The HTML/Javascript context of the page and notebook server are strongly decoupled from the Python environment of the Kernel. We have no plan to change this.

or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?

At least a few:

  *   the NotebookHandler, which renders the notebook page, which will receive the URL with parameters, but is not the URL that starts the kernel.
  *   the KernelManager, which starts the kernel, which would need to be told about these parameters
  *   possibly the Kernel itself, for taking the actual actions you wish these parameters to imply in the kernel process.
Depending on how much javascript you customize, there are probably a few combinations of classes to modify.
Can we back up a bit, and ask what you want to accomplish by passing these parameters? There may be a simpler solution than subclassing the entire notebook server.

From: benjaminrk at<mailto:benjaminrk at>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700

To: ipython-dev at<mailto:ipython-dev at>
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at<mailto:rmx555 at>> wrote:
Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a notebook with parameters and displaying output.
So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better way than that.

No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the Javascript APIs.


From: benjaminrk at<mailto:benjaminrk at>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
To: ipython-dev at<mailto:ipython-dev at>
Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?

You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future use of url parameters by the notebook server.


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at<mailto:rmx555 at>> wrote:
is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?

Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks!

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E-mail communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free, as information could be intercepted, corrupted, amended, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure that e-mail transmissions and any attachments are virus free. We do not accept liability for any damages or other consequences caused by information that is intercepted, corrupted, amended, lost, destroyed, arrives late or incomplete or contains viruses.

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From clyde.fare at  Tue May 13 06:39:53 2014
From: clyde.fare at (Clyde Fare)
Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 11:39:53 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

"since python logic code will be in javascript files."

You can leave the python as a .py file and load it as text before passing
it to the kernel:

 $.get('/static/custom/', function(python_code){
kernel.execute(python_code, callbacks)

Which can then be passed to the kernel.

On 12 May 2014 21:48, John Gill <jgill at> wrote:

>  You can also use pythonnet to embed python in .NET
> *From:* ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:
> ipython-dev-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Roman Max.
> *Sent:* Monday, May 12, 2014 4:18 PM
> *To:* IPython developers list
> *Subject:* Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
> notebook via URL?
> Hi, John,
> thanks for the suggestion, will have a look into the project. Although my
> use case assumes interaction the other way -- from .NET to Python.
>  ------------------------------
> From: jgill at
> To: ipython-dev at
> Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 13:14:23 +0000
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
> notebook via URL?
> If you are working with python and .NET you should take a look at
> pythonnet:
> It allows you to work seamlessly with .NET objects from python.
> John
> *From:* ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:
> ipython-dev-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Roman Max.
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:51 AM
> *To:* IPython developers list
> *Subject:* Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
> notebook via URL?
> Many thanks for following up on this thread. I would like to use IPython
> notebook to perform and present some analytics in a .NET application. I've
> got a CefSharp (chrome) component integrated and can display notebook's
> output. Now trying to figure out how to pass parameters, so notebook
> calculates some analytics per selected object. E.g. depending on a selected
> object .NET prepares a CSV data input file, then the path of this file
> would need to be passed to an IPython notebook for further processing.
> After looking at your code I think I start to understand
> where you are heading with giving hints with respect to JavaScript.
> Essentially .NET app could prepare HTML/Javascrpit part each time a new
> object is selected and pass it then over to IPython kernel for execution?
> Porbably will work, just doesn't look so clean, since python logic code
> will be in javascript files.
> would be still nice to have a way to communicate with the IPython only via
> URL, as not always client side presentation part(Javascript) can be
> involved.
> RM
>  ------------------------------
> From: benjaminrk at
> Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 13:43:07 -0700
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
> notebook via URL?
> On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs
> to interact with the page once it's already loaded?
> Yes. Or you can add custom javascript to the page to take action based on
> the parameters once the page is loaded. But again, I wouldn?t recommend
> doing this, because it may conflict with server changes in the future. If
> you go this route, I would suggest using # instead of ?, since it would
> really be client-side only information.
> do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to
> notebooks)?
> No. The HTML/Javascript context of the page and notebook server are
> strongly decoupled from the Python environment of the Kernel. We have no
> plan to change this.
> or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?
> At least a few:
>    - the NotebookHandler, which renders the notebook page, which will
>    receive the URL with parameters, but is not the URL that starts the kernel.
>    - the KernelManager, which starts the kernel, which would need to be
>    told about these parameters
>    - possibly the Kernel itself, for taking the actual actions you wish
>    these parameters to imply in the kernel process.
> Depending on how much javascript you customize, there are probably a few
> combinations of classes to modify.
> Can we back up a bit, and ask what you want to accomplish by passing these
> parameters? There may be a simpler solution than subclassing the entire
> notebook server.
> -MinRK
>    ------------------------------
> From: benjaminrk at
> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
> notebook via URL?
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass
> parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a
> notebook with parameters and displaying output.
> So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of
> interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying
> .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better
> way than that.
> No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If
> you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the
> Javascript APIs.
> -MinRK
>  ------------------------------
> From: benjaminrk at
> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
> To: ipython-dev at
> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
> notebook via URL?
> You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be
> available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on
> the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future
> use of url parameters by the notebook server.
> -MinRK
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
> is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
> How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?
> e.g.*?d1=20140101&d2=20140401*
> Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks!
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From wes.turner at  Tue May 13 14:58:49 2014
From: wes.turner at (Wes Turner)
Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 13:58:49 -0500
Subject: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
 notebook via URL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <DUB118-W3205E045C44214AC62D9AB9D490@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

You could parse JSON from a URL parameter:


Wes Turner

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 5:39 AM, Clyde Fare <clyde.fare at> wrote:

> "since python logic code will be in javascript files."
> You can leave the python as a .py file and load it as text before passing
> it to the kernel:
>  $.get('/static/custom/', function(python_code){
> ...
> kernel.execute(python_code, callbacks)
> }
> Which can then be passed to the kernel.
> On 12 May 2014 21:48, John Gill <jgill at> wrote:
>>  You can also use pythonnet to embed python in .NET
>> *From:* ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:
>> ipython-dev-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Roman Max.
>> *Sent:* Monday, May 12, 2014 4:18 PM
>> *To:* IPython developers list
>> *Subject:* Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to
>> IPython notebook via URL?
>> Hi, John,
>> thanks for the suggestion, will have a look into the project. Although my
>> use case assumes interaction the other way -- from .NET to Python.
>>  ------------------------------
>> From: jgill at
>> To: ipython-dev at
>> Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 13:14:23 +0000
>> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
>> notebook via URL?
>> If you are working with python and .NET you should take a look at
>> pythonnet:
>> It allows you to work seamlessly with .NET objects from python.
>> John
>> *From:* ipython-dev-bounces at [mailto:
>> ipython-dev-bounces at] *On Behalf Of *Roman Max.
>> *Sent:* Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:51 AM
>> *To:* IPython developers list
>> *Subject:* Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to
>> IPython notebook via URL?
>> Many thanks for following up on this thread. I would like to use IPython
>> notebook to perform and present some analytics in a .NET application. I've
>> got a CefSharp (chrome) component integrated and can display notebook's
>> output. Now trying to figure out how to pass parameters, so notebook
>> calculates some analytics per selected object. E.g. depending on a selected
>> object .NET prepares a CSV data input file, then the path of this file
>> would need to be passed to an IPython notebook for further processing.
>> After looking at your code I think I start to understand
>> where you are heading with giving hints with respect to JavaScript.
>> Essentially .NET app could prepare HTML/Javascrpit part each time a new
>> object is selected and pass it then over to IPython kernel for execution?
>> Porbably will work, just doesn't look so clean, since python logic code
>> will be in javascript files.
>> would be still nice to have a way to communicate with the IPython only
>> via URL, as not always client side presentation part(Javascript) can be
>> involved.
>> RM
>>  ------------------------------
>> From: benjaminrk at
>> Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 13:43:07 -0700
>> To: ipython-dev at
>> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
>> notebook via URL?
>> On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
>> OK, thanks for clarifying it once again. Javascript API means user needs
>> to interact with the page once it's already loaded?
>> Yes. Or you can add custom javascript to the page to take action based on
>> the parameters once the page is loaded. But again, I wouldn?t recommend
>> doing this, because it may conflict with server changes in the future. If
>> you go this route, I would suggest using # instead of ?, since it would
>> really be client-side only information.
>> do you plan for such an enhancement (passing parameters via URL to
>> notebooks)?
>> No. The HTML/Javascript context of the page and notebook server are
>> strongly decoupled from the Python environment of the Kernel. We have no
>> plan to change this.
>> or which class would I need to modify to implement support for this?
>> At least a few:
>>    - the NotebookHandler, which renders the notebook page, which will
>>    receive the URL with parameters, but is not the URL that starts the kernel.
>>    - the KernelManager, which starts the kernel, which would need to be
>>    told about these parameters
>>    - possibly the Kernel itself, for taking the actual actions you wish
>>    these parameters to imply in the kernel process.
>> Depending on how much javascript you customize, there are probably a few
>> combinations of classes to modify.
>> Can we back up a bit, and ask what you want to accomplish by passing
>> these parameters? There may be a simpler solution than subclassing the
>> entire notebook server.
>> -MinRK
>>    ------------------------------
>> From: benjaminrk at
>> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 16:03:15 -0700
>> To: ipython-dev at
>> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
>> notebook via URL?
>> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
>> Many thanks for the reply, I see. Indeed I am looking for a way to pass
>> parameters to the Python code on the kernel, e.g. .NET app calling out a
>> notebook with parameters and displaying output.
>> So, essentially the notebook server doesn't support this sort of
>> interaction at the moment? I assume I could do it by cloning and modifying
>> .ipynb template file before each request, still hoping there is a better
>> way than that.
>> No, the server definitely doesn't support URLs affecting the kernel. If
>> you want to execute code on the Kernel, you would do this via the
>> Javascript APIs.
>> -MinRK
>>  ------------------------------
>> From: benjaminrk at
>> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:47:16 -0700
>> To: ipython-dev at
>> Subject: Re: [IPython-dev] is it possible to pass parameters to IPython
>> notebook via URL?
>> You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend it. The parameters will only be
>> available to the HTML/JS in the notebook page, and not the Python code on
>> the kernel.  Plus, there is a chance that it would conflict with any future
>> use of url parameters by the notebook server.
>> -MinRK
>> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Roman Max. <rmx555 at> wrote:
>> is it possible to pass parameters to IPython notebook via URL?
>> How to reference/use those parameters in a notebook?
>> e.g.*?d1=20140101&d2=20140401*
>> Did not find an answer after searching around. Thanks!
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>> information could be intercepted, corrupted, amended, lost, destroyed,
>> arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. It is the recipient's
>> responsibility to ensure that e-mail transmissions and any attachments are
>> virus free. We do not accept liability for any damages or other
>> consequences caused by information that is intercepted, corrupted, amended,
>> lost, destroyed, arrives late or incomplete or contains viruses.
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From martin.fitzpatrick at  Wed May 14 17:41:49 2014
From: martin.fitzpatrick at (Martin Fitzpatrick)
Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 22:41:49 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] QtIPy: The IPython Notebook-based data automator
Message-ID: <>

Hello all

I've released a new tool today that I think may be of general interest to
the list.

"QtIPy" is a small automaton utility that allows trigger-led running of
IPython notebooks (using the excellent runipy:

You can define multiple "automatons" each of which can run multiple
notebooks in sequence. Automatons can be triggered by file/directory
modification, timers or manually.

So, for example you can watch a folder for new files and automatically run
an IPython notebook on the contents when updated (it can wait for >1 file
too e.g. "trigger when all 5 files are changed"). Session variables are
passed into the running notebook including watched folders, changed files,
etc. so the notebook can act on them. The re-processed notebook is output
to the destination folder and the notebook can also write figures or other
results to the same location.

Lists of automatons can be saved and reloaded in future.

QtIPy is available for download from PyPi via `pip install QtIPy` then
QtIPy to run.
Requires PyQt5. Compatible with Python2.7 and 3.4.

GPLv3 source available here:

Thanks for reading

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From takowl at  Wed May 14 18:23:37 2014
From: takowl at (Thomas Kluyver)
Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 15:23:37 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] QtIPy: The IPython Notebook-based data automator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Martin,

On 14 May 2014 14:41, Martin Fitzpatrick <martin.fitzpatrick at>wrote:

> I've released a new tool today that I think may be of general interest to
> the list.
> "QtIPy" is a small automaton utility that allows trigger-led running of
> IPython notebooks (using the excellent runipy:
> You can define multiple "automatons" each of which can run multiple
> notebooks in sequence. Automatons can be triggered by file/directory
> modification, timers or manually.

Thanks for letting us know about this, it looks really interesting. Can you
tell us a bit about the problem you wrote it to solve? I imagine it's
something like preparing reports from data that's regularly updated, but it
would be good to hear some more detail.

Please do add it to the list of projects using IPython:

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From simoncropper at  Thu May 15 01:55:23 2014
From: simoncropper at (Simon Cropper)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 15:55:23 +1000
Subject: [IPython-dev] Visual representation of SQL extracted data
Message-ID: <>


New to iPython and the standard set of tools bound to the server (e.g. 
Pandas, etc).

What I was wondering is there a library, or a notebook showing the use 
of the standard libraries bound to iPython, that allows tabular data to 
be formatted.

Most examples I can find are essentially text dumps to the notebook. In 
contrast, graphs and images have great formatting ability.

Why? I am looking at using iPython to data wrangle or munge large 
biological datasets (plant names, biological and ecological attributes, 
locational data). The notebook feature will allow others to visualize 
and follow steps used to collate, convert, merge, summarize and analyze 
this data.

Is this doable, or am I trying to use the notebook in the wrong way?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Cheers Simon

    Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator

    Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
    GIS Packages 
    bash / Python

From martin.fitzpatrick at  Thu May 15 07:11:30 2014
From: martin.fitzpatrick at (Martin Fitzpatrick)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 12:11:30 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] QtIPy: The IPython Notebook-based data automator
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Thomas

On 14 May 2014 17:23, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at>wrote:
> Thanks for letting us know about this, it looks really interesting. Can
> tell us a bit about the problem you wrote it to solve? I imagine it's
> something like preparing reports from data that's regularly updated, but
> would be good to hear some more detail.

Scientific data analysis typically includes a lot of routine steps. For
example in metabolomics (what I do) from the raw NMR data you typically
phase correct, baseline correct, normalise, bin, and then do some kind of
multivariate analysis (PCA or PLS-DA) to see if you've got anything of
interest. Most of these steps can be automated as a 'good enough, first
look' and so I wanted a way to quickly apply these steps together while
getting a record of what was done - preferably by doing nothing more than
drag-dropping a file into a specific folder.

Doing it in an IPython notebook has the added benefit of
inline-documentation of everything - which is incredibly useful when
sharing processing approaches. I can now write a processing script, give it
to a non-expert to run against data, and they get the processed outputs
together with a nicely formatted report of how it happened. I think that's
a great educational/transparency tool.

I wrote it as an automator, but some additional features (per-automaton
variables and configuration, including a manual-run config panel) are

> Please do add it to the list of projects using IPython:


Thanks again.

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From mark.voorhies at  Thu May 15 21:11:44 2014
From: mark.voorhies at (Mark Voorhies)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 18:11:44 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Visual representation of SQL extracted data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/14/2014 10:55 PM, Simon Cropper wrote:
> Hi,
> New to iPython and the standard set of tools bound to the server (e.g.
> Pandas, etc).
> What I was wondering is there a library, or a notebook showing the use
> of the standard libraries bound to iPython, that allows tabular data to
> be formatted.
> Most examples I can find are essentially text dumps to the notebook. In
> contrast, graphs and images have great formatting ability.
> Why? I am looking at using iPython to data wrangle or munge large
> biological datasets (plant names, biological and ecological attributes,
> locational data). The notebook feature will allow others to visualize
> and follow steps used to collate, convert, merge, summarize and analyze
> this data.
> Is this doable, or am I trying to use the notebook in the wrong way?
> Any feedback would be appreciated.

I think Pandas is good at this, but I haven't played with it.

A general strategy is to use HTML from IPython.core.display to render pretty HTML tables.

Here's an example for tabular display of protein sequence alignments (with a horizontal
scrollbar and green/red coloring of gaps/mutations):

def tabformat(seqs, names = None):
     """Return the given sequence alignment as a pretty HTML table.
     seqs = list of strings with a common length (one letter amino-acid codes or "-" for gap)
     names = sequence names as list of strings, same length as seqs
     if(names is None):
         names = [str(i) for i in xrange(len(seqs))]
     retval = '<DIV style="font-family: monospace; font-size: small">\n'
     retval += '<DIV><TABLE style="overflow: auto; position: relative; float: left; width: 8em">\n'
     for n in names:
         retval += "<TR><TD>%s</TD></TR>\n" % n
     retval += "</TABLE></DIV>\n"
     retval += '<DIV style="overflow: auto; width: 90em; position: relative; float: left"><TABLE>\n'
     for i in seqs:
         retval += "<TR>\n"
         for (j,k) in zip(i,seqs[0]):
             if(j != k):
                 if(j == "-"):
                     c = 'style="background-color: green"'
                     c = 'style="background-color: red"'
                 c = ""
             retval += '<TD %s>%s</TD>' % (c,j)
         retval += "</TR>\n"
     retval += "</TABLE></DIV>\n"
     retval += "</DIV>\n"
     return retval

from IPython.core.display import HTML
HTML(data = tabformat([i*100 for i in ("SPAM", "SPAM", "SCAM", "SPAM", "SPA-", "SPAM", "SPAN")]))


From takowl at  Thu May 15 21:30:55 2014
From: takowl at (Thomas Kluyver)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 18:30:55 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Visual representation of SQL extracted data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

There's also a couple of tools to build tables, with unfortunately almost
identical names:

- IPyTables (my code) - (I mean
to rename this and make it a proper repo at some point)
- ipy_table -


On 15 May 2014 18:11, Mark Voorhies <mark.voorhies at> wrote:

> On 05/14/2014 10:55 PM, Simon Cropper wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > New to iPython and the standard set of tools bound to the server (e.g.
> > Pandas, etc).
> >
> > What I was wondering is there a library, or a notebook showing the use
> > of the standard libraries bound to iPython, that allows tabular data to
> > be formatted.
> >
> > Most examples I can find are essentially text dumps to the notebook. In
> > contrast, graphs and images have great formatting ability.
> >
> > Why? I am looking at using iPython to data wrangle or munge large
> > biological datasets (plant names, biological and ecological attributes,
> > locational data). The notebook feature will allow others to visualize
> > and follow steps used to collate, convert, merge, summarize and analyze
> > this data.
> >
> > Is this doable, or am I trying to use the notebook in the wrong way?
> >
> > Any feedback would be appreciated.
> >
> I think Pandas is good at this, but I haven't played with it.
> A general strategy is to use HTML from IPython.core.display to render
> pretty HTML tables.
> Here's an example for tabular display of protein sequence alignments (with
> a horizontal
> scrollbar and green/red coloring of gaps/mutations):
> def tabformat(seqs, names = None):
>      """Return the given sequence alignment as a pretty HTML table.
>      seqs = list of strings with a common length (one letter amino-acid
> codes or "-" for gap)
>      names = sequence names as list of strings, same length as seqs
>      """
>      if(names is None):
>          names = [str(i) for i in xrange(len(seqs))]
>      retval = '<DIV style="font-family: monospace; font-size: small">\n'
>      retval += '<DIV><TABLE style="overflow: auto; position: relative;
> float: left; width: 8em">\n'
>      for n in names:
>          retval += "<TR><TD>%s</TD></TR>\n" % n
>      retval += "</TABLE></DIV>\n"
>      retval += '<DIV style="overflow: auto; width: 90em; position:
> relative; float: left"><TABLE>\n'
>      for i in seqs:
>          retval += "<TR>\n"
>          for (j,k) in zip(i,seqs[0]):
>              if(j != k):
>                  if(j == "-"):
>                      c = 'style="background-color: green"'
>                  else:
>                      c = 'style="background-color: red"'
>              else:
>                  c = ""
>              retval += '<TD %s>%s</TD>' % (c,j)
>          retval += "</TR>\n"
>      retval += "</TABLE></DIV>\n"
>      retval += "</DIV>\n"
>      return retval
> from IPython.core.display import HTML
> HTML(data = tabformat([i*100 for i in ("SPAM", "SPAM", "SCAM", "SPAM",
> "SPA-", "SPAM", "SPAN")]))
> --Mark
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From simoncropper at  Thu May 15 21:39:03 2014
From: simoncropper at (Simon Cropper)
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 11:39:03 +1000
Subject: [IPython-dev] Visual representation of SQL extracted data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 16/05/14 11:11, Mark Voorhies wrote:
> On 05/14/2014 10:55 PM, Simon Cropper wrote:
>> Hi,
>> New to iPython and the standard set of tools bound to the server (e.g.
>> Pandas, etc).
>> What I was wondering is there a library, or a notebook showing the use
>> of the standard libraries bound to iPython, that allows tabular data to
>> be formatted.
>> Most examples I can find are essentially text dumps to the notebook. In
>> contrast, graphs and images have great formatting ability.
>> Why? I am looking at using iPython to data wrangle or munge large
>> biological datasets (plant names, biological and ecological attributes,
>> locational data). The notebook feature will allow others to visualize
>> and follow steps used to collate, convert, merge, summarize and analyze
>> this data.
>> Is this doable, or am I trying to use the notebook in the wrong way?
>> Any feedback would be appreciated.
> I think Pandas is good at this, but I haven't played with it.
> A general strategy is to use HTML from IPython.core.display to render pretty HTML tables.
> Here's an example for tabular display of protein sequence alignments (with a horizontal
> scrollbar and green/red coloring of gaps/mutations):
> def tabformat(seqs, names = None):
>       """Return the given sequence alignment as a pretty HTML table.
>       seqs = list of strings with a common length (one letter amino-acid codes or "-" for gap)
>       names = sequence names as list of strings, same length as seqs
>       """
>       if(names is None):
>           names = [str(i) for i in xrange(len(seqs))]
>       retval = '<DIV style="font-family: monospace; font-size: small">\n'
>       retval += '<DIV><TABLE style="overflow: auto; position: relative; float: left; width: 8em">\n'
>       for n in names:
>           retval += "<TR><TD>%s</TD></TR>\n" % n
>       retval += "</TABLE></DIV>\n"
>       retval += '<DIV style="overflow: auto; width: 90em; position: relative; float: left"><TABLE>\n'
>       for i in seqs:
>           retval += "<TR>\n"
>           for (j,k) in zip(i,seqs[0]):
>               if(j != k):
>                   if(j == "-"):
>                       c = 'style="background-color: green"'
>                   else:
>                       c = 'style="background-color: red"'
>               else:
>                   c = ""
>               retval += '<TD %s>%s</TD>' % (c,j)
>           retval += "</TR>\n"
>       retval += "</TABLE></DIV>\n"
>       retval += "</DIV>\n"
>       return retval
> from IPython.core.display import HTML
> HTML(data = tabformat([i*100 for i in ("SPAM", "SPAM", "SCAM", "SPAM", "SPA-", "SPAM", "SPAN")]))
> --Mark
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Thanks Mark,

I am looking at Pandas at the moment.

I tried your script and it works really well. To date I have generally 
coded my own HTML code like yours, saved it in a file then opened it in 
a browser. The problem was that the data was static -- that is you could 
not poke the browser to refresh once you reran the script (at least in 
Linux; in Windows you would use automation to open an instance then use 
the refresh method using VBA or something similar but I am looking for 
cross-platform solutions).

What I really like about your example and the iPython Notebook is that I 
can change the sequence and have the HTML table dynamically update. This 
allows for errors to be detected quite quickly.

Just a follow on question. I note the HTML table rendered within a 
'frame'. That is, the horizontal scroll bar appeared. Is this 
object/frame able to be changed or controlled?

Cheers Simon

    Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator

    Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
    GIS Packages 
    bash / Python

From simoncropper at  Thu May 15 21:46:43 2014
From: simoncropper at (Simon Cropper)
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 11:46:43 +1000
Subject: [IPython-dev] Visual representation of SQL extracted data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 16/05/14 11:30, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
> There's also a couple of tools to build tables, with unfortunately
> almost identical names:
> - IPyTables (my code) - (I
> mean to rename this and make it a proper repo at some point)
> - ipy_table -
> Thomas
> On 15 May 2014 18:11, Mark Voorhies <mark.voorhies at
> <mailto:mark.voorhies at>> wrote:
>     On 05/14/2014 10:55 PM, Simon Cropper wrote:
>      > Hi,
>      >
>      > New to iPython and the standard set of tools bound to the server
>     (e.g.
>      > Pandas, etc).
>      >
>      > What I was wondering is there a library, or a notebook showing
>     the use
>      > of the standard libraries bound to iPython, that allows tabular
>     data to
>      > be formatted.
>      >
>      > Most examples I can find are essentially text dumps to the
>     notebook. In
>      > contrast, graphs and images have great formatting ability.
>      >
>      > Why? I am looking at using iPython to data wrangle or munge large
>      > biological datasets (plant names, biological and ecological
>     attributes,
>      > locational data). The notebook feature will allow others to visualize
>      > and follow steps used to collate, convert, merge, summarize and
>     analyze
>      > this data.
>      >
>      > Is this doable, or am I trying to use the notebook in the wrong way?
>      >
>      > Any feedback would be appreciated.
>      >
>     I think Pandas is good at this, but I haven't played with it.
>     A general strategy is to use HTML from IPython.core.display to
>     render pretty HTML tables.
>     Here's an example for tabular display of protein sequence alignments
>     (with a horizontal
>     scrollbar and green/red coloring of gaps/mutations):
>     def tabformat(seqs, names = None):
>           """Return the given sequence alignment as a pretty HTML table.
>           seqs = list of strings with a common length (one letter
>     amino-acid codes or "-" for gap)
>           names = sequence names as list of strings, same length as seqs
>           """
>           if(names is None):
>               names = [str(i) for i in xrange(len(seqs))]
>           retval = '<DIV style="font-family: monospace; font-size:
>     small">\n'
>           retval += '<DIV><TABLE style="overflow: auto; position:
>     relative; float: left; width: 8em">\n'
>           for n in names:
>               retval += "<TR><TD>%s</TD></TR>\n" % n
>           retval += "</TABLE></DIV>\n"
>           retval += '<DIV style="overflow: auto; width: 90em; position:
>     relative; float: left"><TABLE>\n'
>           for i in seqs:
>               retval += "<TR>\n"
>               for (j,k) in zip(i,seqs[0]):
>                   if(j != k):
>                       if(j == "-"):
>                           c = 'style="background-color: green"'
>                       else:
>                           c = 'style="background-color: red"'
>                   else:
>                       c = ""
>                   retval += '<TD %s>%s</TD>' % (c,j)
>               retval += "</TR>\n"
>           retval += "</TABLE></DIV>\n"
>           retval += "</DIV>\n"
>           return retval
>     from IPython.core.display import HTML
>     HTML(data = tabformat([i*100 for i in ("SPAM", "SPAM", "SCAM",
>     "SPAM", "SPA-", "SPAM", "SPAN")]))
>     --Mark
>     _______________________________________________
>     IPython-dev mailing list
>     IPython-dev at <mailto:IPython-dev at>
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Thanks Thomas,

How do you use your scripts? Can you provide an example. I looked at 
your GIST but could not find an explanation of how to use it.

Cheers Simon

    Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator

    Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
    GIS Packages 
    bash / Python

From takowl at  Thu May 15 21:54:00 2014
From: takowl at (Thomas Kluyver)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 18:54:00 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Visual representation of SQL extracted data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 15 May 2014 18:46, Simon Cropper <simoncropper at>wrote:

> How do you use your scripts? Can you provide an example. I looked at
> your GIST but could not find an explanation of how to use it.

To create a table in one shot:

Table(TableHeaderRow('Planet', 'Orbit in Earth days'),
['Mercury', 88],
['Venus', 584])

To build it up row-by-row:

t = Table(TableHeaderRow('Planet', 'Orbit in Earth days'))
for planet in solar_system:
  t.append_row(, planet.orbit_time)

To display it:

t  # At the end of a cell
IPython.display.display(t)   # Anywhere in the code

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From mark.voorhies at  Fri May 16 00:42:41 2014
From: mark.voorhies at (Mark Voorhies)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 21:42:41 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Visual representation of SQL extracted data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/15/2014 06:39 PM, Simon Cropper wrote:
> Just a follow on question. I note the HTML table rendered within a
> 'frame'. That is, the horizontal scroll bar appeared. Is this
> object/frame able to be changed or controlled?

The scroll bar is due to giving the table a CSS "overflow:auto" attribute:

<TABLE style="overflow: auto; position: relative; float: left; width: 8em">


If you change the height/width/overflow attributes, you can vary the behavior.

A List Apart ( is a nice source of CSS hacks.


From menyland at  Fri May 16 11:52:20 2014
From: menyland at (Christopher)
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 11:52:20 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Doing some dev
Message-ID: <>


   So I still use the IPython command line console a lot especially for 
debugging purposes. I utilize the Tracer class to set physical break 
points often but sometimes would like to do conditional breaks instead. 
Additionally then I have the clutter of the extra import for debugging 
purpose. So I tried calling the debugger from the command line in the 
same way you would call the regular Python debugger

python -m IPython.core.debugger

no dice. So I clone the dev branch from git hub and started messing 
around. I managed to get something that works although it involves 
monkey patching the IPython Pdb class into the Python pdb module. 
However I get the desired result with my small test case.

So then the question becomes if I want to propose that this be added to 
the IPython code what do I do? I looked around on the site and couldn't 
find anything solid so I decided to post here.

Additionally keep up the good work. I haven't gotten to play with the 
notebooks yet my environment at work is fairly restrictive but I hope to 

Chris Nyland

From takowl at  Fri May 16 12:02:16 2014
From: takowl at (Thomas Kluyver)
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 09:02:16 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Doing some dev
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Chris,

On 16 May 2014 08:52, Christopher <menyland at> wrote:

> So then the question becomes if I want to propose that this be added to
> the IPython code what do I do? I looked around on the site and couldn't
> find anything solid so I decided to post here.

In most cases the best way to propose a change is to fork IPython on Github
and make a pull request.

If you're not comfortable with git, you can send a patch file, and one of
us will create a pull request for you.

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From darcamo at  Fri May 16 13:26:02 2014
From: darcamo at (darcamo at
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 14:26:02 -0300
Subject: [IPython-dev] Doing some dev
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

A very good debugger for Python is pudb (
You can start the debugger with just
and when stopped at some point it allows you to run ipython to check the
variables, test something, etc..

It can also use conditional breakpoints.

Darlan Cavalcante Moreira

2014-05-16 13:02 GMT-03:00 Thomas Kluyver <takowl at>:

> Hi Chris,
> On 16 May 2014 08:52, Christopher <menyland at> wrote:
>> So then the question becomes if I want to propose that this be added to
>> the IPython code what do I do? I looked around on the site and couldn't
>> find anything solid so I decided to post here.
> In most cases the best way to propose a change is to fork IPython on
> Github and make a pull request.
> If you're not comfortable with git, you can send a patch file, and one of
> us will create a pull request for you.
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From tritemio at  Fri May 16 15:24:54 2014
From: tritemio at (Antonino Ingargiola)
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 12:24:54 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Distributing evaluated notebooks that require big-ish
Message-ID: <>


I'm working on a software for single-molecule FRET analysis (FRETBursts)[1]
that heavily relies on ipython notebook to run the analysis.

I provide some evaluated notebooks serving as tutorials in a separate
repository (FRETBursts_notebooks). The reference documentation (mostly
installation instructions and API) is hosted on ReadTheDocs [3].

I have concerns on the viability of this approach since the notebooks
repository can easily grow to hundreds of MB given the high number of
images. Maintaining a second repository it is also and additional burden.

Ideally I would like to generate the notebooks dynamically from unevaluated
notebooks in the original source repository. However the data  necessary to
reproduce the analysis is ~150MB (hosted on figshare [4]), and I may add
more datasets in the future.

So I'm asking for suggestions.

I like the simple concept of a notebook repository with links to nbviewer,
but seems that the solution is not scalable.

 I don't think RTD can handle downloading and data processing that requires
several minutes to execute on modern desktops.

So, what's left? Anybody has a similar issue?


[1] FRETBursts:
[2] FRETBursts_notebooks:
[3] FRETBursts documentation:
[4] FRETBursts datatsets:
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From fordas at  Fri May 16 16:01:33 2014
From: fordas at (Alex Ford)
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 13:01:33 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Doing some dev
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The ipdb module ( handles this admirably.

Alex Ford
Baker Group, Biomolecular Structure and Design
University of Washington
fordas at

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 10:26 AM, darcamo at <darcamo at>wrote:

> A very good debugger for Python is pudb (
> ).
> You can start the debugger with just
> "pudb"
> and when stopped at some point it allows you to run ipython to check the
> variables, test something, etc..
> It can also use conditional breakpoints.
> --
> Darlan Cavalcante Moreira
> 2014-05-16 13:02 GMT-03:00 Thomas Kluyver <takowl at>:
>> Hi Chris,
>> On 16 May 2014 08:52, Christopher <menyland at> wrote:
>>> So then the question becomes if I want to propose that this be added to
>>> the IPython code what do I do? I looked around on the site and couldn't
>>> find anything solid so I decided to post here.
>> In most cases the best way to propose a change is to fork IPython on
>> Github and make a pull request.
>> If you're not comfortable with git, you can send a patch file, and one of
>> us will create a pull request for you.
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From vijay.desai at  Fri May 16 21:29:08 2014
From: vijay.desai at (Vijay Desai)
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 21:29:08 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Scrollbar issue in IPython 2.0
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,
I am having a scrollbar issue in IPython notebook. Sometime when I am
displaying a big pandas dataframe, the scrollbar is displayed but it
does not move. Attached is a screenshot of my desktop. This occurs
maybe 30% of the times. Has anyone else faced similar issue?

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From andrew.gibiansky at  Sat May 17 02:37:32 2014
From: andrew.gibiansky at (Andrew Gibiansky)
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 23:37:32 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Javascript Ordering Semantics Issue in Notebook with
	Widget Registration
Message-ID: <>

Hey guys,

I'm running into a little bit of a Javascript code execution issue, and am
unsure whether I am doing something wrong in my architecture, or if perhaps
IPython should somehow mitigate the bugs I'm getting.

Basically, here's the setup: for IHaskell, extension authors who want to be
able to display their data as widgets must create a way to register those
widgets. The first time those widgets are created, they must also be
registered in the JS on the notebook frontend. However, this is done in the
same series of messages as the comm_open. So here's the crux:

The way that the widgets are registered is by adding a <script> tag to the
DOM. However, though the DOM is added, I *think* the comm_open message is
parsed *before* the <script> in the DOM is executed.  Note that this
*only* happens
in firefox. In Chrome, the <script> tag is added, the DOM is executed, and
*then* the comm_open is processed. By the time comm_open is processed in
Chrome (not in firefox), the <script> has been run so the widget is
registered. In firefox, the comm_open is processed before the script tag
was run, so the widget is unregistered.

So here's my question:

Would it be possible to *force* all DOM added as a result of message
handling to be parsed and script tags in it to be executed before the next
message is handled? Perhaps this could be done by using $(blah).load(...)
on everything that is added to an output area? Or something?

Anyway, I am confused, and not sure how to fix this, and whether or not
it's an issue with my code. The one requirement is that when the widget
object is evaluated is the first time that the relevant widget is
registered (if it is necessary); that is, that when the kernel sees the
widget, it first sends a display_data to which has some scripts to register
the widget, and then opens the comm via comm_open.

-- Andrew Gibiansky
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From benjaminrk at  Sat May 17 10:54:44 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 07:54:44 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Javascript Ordering Semantics Issue in Notebook
 with Widget Registration
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I think there's some async things that Firefox does that other browsers do
not. If I recall, Jon has faced this before, dealing with event sequences
on Firefox, so he might have an idea.

Jon, any idea what to do here?

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Andrew Gibiansky <
andrew.gibiansky at> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I'm running into a little bit of a Javascript code execution issue, and am
> unsure whether I am doing something wrong in my architecture, or if perhaps
> IPython should somehow mitigate the bugs I'm getting.
> Basically, here's the setup: for IHaskell, extension authors who want to
> be able to display their data as widgets must create a way to register
> those widgets. The first time those widgets are created, they must also be
> registered in the JS on the notebook frontend. However, this is done in the
> same series of messages as the comm_open. So here's the crux:
> The way that the widgets are registered is by adding a <script> tag to the
> DOM. However, though the DOM is added, I *think* the comm_open message is
> parsed *before* the <script> in the DOM is executed.  Note that this
> *only* happens in firefox. In Chrome, the <script> tag is added, the DOM
> is executed, and *then* the comm_open is processed. By the time comm_open
> is processed in Chrome (not in firefox), the <script> has been run so the
> widget is registered. In firefox, the comm_open is processed before the
> script tag was run, so the widget is unregistered.
> So here's my question:
> Would it be possible to *force* all DOM added as a result of message
> handling to be parsed and script tags in it to be executed before the next
> message is handled? Perhaps this could be done by using $(blah).load(...)
> on everything that is added to an output area? Or something?
> Anyway, I am confused, and not sure how to fix this, and whether or not
> it's an issue with my code. The one requirement is that when the widget
> object is evaluated is the first time that the relevant widget is
> registered (if it is necessary); that is, that when the kernel sees the
> widget, it first sends a display_data to which has some scripts to register
> the widget, and then opens the comm via comm_open.
> -- Andrew Gibiansky
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From andrew.gibiansky at  Sat May 17 13:29:21 2014
From: andrew.gibiansky at (Andrew Gibiansky)
Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 10:29:21 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Javascript Ordering Semantics Issue in Notebook
 with Widget Registration
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

After digging around in the frontend JS source for a while, I found a
solution. Instead of sending a display_data with mimetype text/html and an
embedded script tag, just send two display_data messages, one with mimetype
application/javascript (with required JS) which must be executed before the
comm_open and another with mimetype text/html (with required HTML to be
inserted, if any).

This fixes the issue I have. However, it's still a bit strange that Chrome
and FF do the original thing differently, but looks like there's an easy

On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 7:54 AM, MinRK <benjaminrk at> wrote:

> I think there's some async things that Firefox does that other browsers do
> not. If I recall, Jon has faced this before, dealing with event sequences
> on Firefox, so he might have an idea.
> Jon, any idea what to do here?
> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Andrew Gibiansky <
> andrew.gibiansky at> wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I'm running into a little bit of a Javascript code execution issue, and
>> am unsure whether I am doing something wrong in my architecture, or if
>> perhaps IPython should somehow mitigate the bugs I'm getting.
>> Basically, here's the setup: for IHaskell, extension authors who want to
>> be able to display their data as widgets must create a way to register
>> those widgets. The first time those widgets are created, they must also be
>> registered in the JS on the notebook frontend. However, this is done in the
>> same series of messages as the comm_open. So here's the crux:
>> The way that the widgets are registered is by adding a <script> tag to
>> the DOM. However, though the DOM is added, I *think* the comm_open
>> message is parsed *before* the <script> in the DOM is executed.  Note
>> that this *only* happens in firefox. In Chrome, the <script> tag is
>> added, the DOM is executed, and *then* the comm_open is processed. By
>> the time comm_open is processed in Chrome (not in firefox), the <script>
>> has been run so the widget is registered. In firefox, the comm_open is
>> processed before the script tag was run, so the widget is unregistered.
>> So here's my question:
>> Would it be possible to *force* all DOM added as a result of message
>> handling to be parsed and script tags in it to be executed before the next
>> message is handled? Perhaps this could be done by using $(blah).load(...)
>> on everything that is added to an output area? Or something?
>> Anyway, I am confused, and not sure how to fix this, and whether or not
>> it's an issue with my code. The one requirement is that when the widget
>> object is evaluated is the first time that the relevant widget is
>> registered (if it is necessary); that is, that when the kernel sees the
>> widget, it first sends a display_data to which has some scripts to register
>> the widget, and then opens the comm via comm_open.
>> -- Andrew Gibiansky
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From nathan12343 at  Mon May 19 03:16:00 2014
From: nathan12343 at (Nathan Goldbaum)
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 00:16:00 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Distributing evaluated notebooks that require
 big-ish data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

For the yt documentation [1] we do this using a jenkins buildbot and a
sphinx extension that I wrote called RunNotebook [2].  To follow this route
you'll need to host your own docs builds on your project's website and also
have a server that can dynamically generate the docs builds.  If you don't
need to build the docs with each commit to your codebase, you could also
generate the docs manually as part of your release process.

A nice bonus to incorporating notebooks into your docs in this fashion is
that the notebooks serve as a form of testing: broken code in the docs
leads to broken results embedded in the docs build.

[1], see e.g. the yt bootcamp at

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Antonino Ingargiola <tritemio at>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on a software for single-molecule FRET analysis
> (FRETBursts)[1] that heavily relies on ipython notebook to run the analysis.
> I provide some evaluated notebooks serving as tutorials in a separate
> repository (FRETBursts_notebooks). The reference documentation (mostly
> installation instructions and API) is hosted on ReadTheDocs [3].
> I have concerns on the viability of this approach since the notebooks
> repository can easily grow to hundreds of MB given the high number of
> images. Maintaining a second repository it is also and additional burden.
> Ideally I would like to generate the notebooks dynamically from
> unevaluated notebooks in the original source repository. However the data
>  necessary to reproduce the analysis is ~150MB (hosted on figshare [4]),
> and I may add more datasets in the future.
> So I'm asking for suggestions.
> I like the simple concept of a notebook repository with links to nbviewer,
> but seems that the solution is not scalable.
>  I don't think RTD can handle downloading and data processing that
> requires several minutes to execute on modern desktops.
> So, what's left? Anybody has a similar issue?
> Best,
> Antonio
> [1] FRETBursts:
> [2] FRETBursts_notebooks:
> [3] FRETBursts documentation:
> [4] FRETBursts datatsets:
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From andrew.gibiansky at  Tue May 20 00:24:54 2014
From: andrew.gibiansky at (Andrew Gibiansky)
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 21:24:54 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Problems with Anaconda
Message-ID: <>

Hey all,

A lot of my users (for IHaskell) try to install it with Anaconda providing
the IPython distribution. Whenever this happens, everything inevitably
fails horribly, and IHaskell (which is just a kernel for IPython, as well
as a small wrapper which launches IPython) just hangs after the first input.

Does anyone have any ideas why this might be? Works happily with
virtualenvs or globally installed ipython, but Anaconda seems to be
IHaskell's worst enemy. (Perhaps I should rename IHaskell to Mongoose or

-- Andrew
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From asmeurer at  Tue May 20 00:47:18 2014
From: asmeurer at (Aaron Meurer)
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 23:47:18 -0500
Subject: [IPython-dev] Problems with Anaconda
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Which operating system is this on?

Aaron Meurer

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:24 PM, Andrew Gibiansky
<andrew.gibiansky at> wrote:
> Hey all,
> A lot of my users (for IHaskell) try to install it with Anaconda providing
> the IPython distribution. Whenever this happens, everything inevitably fails
> horribly, and IHaskell (which is just a kernel for IPython, as well as a
> small wrapper which launches IPython) just hangs after the first input.
> Does anyone have any ideas why this might be? Works happily with virtualenvs
> or globally installed ipython, but Anaconda seems to be IHaskell's worst
> enemy. (Perhaps I should rename IHaskell to Mongoose or something...)
> -- Andrew
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From andrew.gibiansky at  Tue May 20 01:15:34 2014
From: andrew.gibiansky at (Andrew Gibiansky)
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 22:15:34 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Problems with Anaconda
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Macs, mostly, I think.

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 9:47 PM, Aaron Meurer <asmeurer at> wrote:

> Which operating system is this on?
> Aaron Meurer
> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:24 PM, Andrew Gibiansky
> <andrew.gibiansky at> wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > A lot of my users (for IHaskell) try to install it with Anaconda
> providing
> > the IPython distribution. Whenever this happens, everything inevitably
> fails
> > horribly, and IHaskell (which is just a kernel for IPython, as well as a
> > small wrapper which launches IPython) just hangs after the first input.
> >
> > Does anyone have any ideas why this might be? Works happily with
> virtualenvs
> > or globally installed ipython, but Anaconda seems to be IHaskell's worst
> > enemy. (Perhaps I should rename IHaskell to Mongoose or something...)
> >
> > -- Andrew
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > IPython-dev mailing list
> > IPython-dev at
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From doug.blank at  Tue May 20 09:17:51 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 09:17:51 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Problems with Anaconda
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 12:24 AM, Andrew Gibiansky <
andrew.gibiansky at> wrote:

> Hey all,
> A lot of my users (for IHaskell) try to install it with Anaconda providing
> the IPython distribution. Whenever this happens, everything inevitably
> fails horribly, and IHaskell (which is just a kernel for IPython, as well
> as a small wrapper which launches IPython) just hangs after the first input.
> Does anyone have any ideas why this might be? Works happily with
> virtualenvs or globally installed ipython, but Anaconda seems to be
> IHaskell's worst enemy. (Perhaps I should rename IHaskell to Mongoose or
> something...)

We've been recommending Anaconda for Mac and Windows for our third-party
kernel, and it seems to work well. We also have a small wrapper that
launches ipython.

Do they install "ipython[all]"? Perhaps they are not getting the zmq

Does "ipython notebook" work fine for those users? If so, and your kernel
profile still fails, then perhaps it is a path issue. I think I have seen
that sometimes a user might have to restart their terminal program to get
updated paths.


> -- Andrew
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From ASchneiderman at  Tue May 20 11:19:47 2014
From: ASchneiderman at (Anders Schneiderman)
Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 11:19:47 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Widget documentation?
Message-ID: <>

Where is the documentation for widgets?  There's a little here:

But, for example, if you want to know the parameters that the float slider widget takes, I don't see it. I tried using:


And what I got back didn't include all of the parameters:

Type:            MetaHasTraits
String form:     <class 'IPython.html.widgets.widget_float.FloatSliderWidget'>
File:            c:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\ipython\html\widgets\
Init definition: widgets.FloatSliderWidget(self, *pargs, **kwargs)
class FloatSliderWidget(_BoundedFloatWidget):
    _view_name = Unicode('FloatSliderView', sync=True)
    orientation = Enum([u'horizontal', u'vertical'], u'horizontal',
        help="Vertical or horizontal.", sync=True)
    readout = Bool(True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.", sync=True)

Init docstring:  Constructor

Anders Schneiderman
Database Services Manager  |  ASHA   |   (301) 296-8651
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From benjaminrk at  Wed May 21 16:04:18 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 13:04:18 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] IPython 2.1.0
Message-ID: <>

We just released IPython 2.1.0, which should hopefully be a very boring
bugfix release on top of 2.0.0.

The list of backported changes:

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From tritemio at  Wed May 21 17:54:33 2014
From: tritemio at (Antonino Ingargiola)
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 14:54:33 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Distributing evaluated notebooks that require
 big-ish data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Nathan,

thanks for the reply. Your approach is very compelling indeed. I'll try it
whenever I switch to an own server to build the docs.

For now I'll stick to ReadTheDoc and I'll manually run the notebooks for
testing/updating. I'll try to do not update the images too frequently so
that the repository will not explode.


On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 12:16 AM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343 at>wrote:

> For the yt documentation [1] we do this using a jenkins buildbot and a
> sphinx extension that I wrote called RunNotebook [2].  To follow this route
> you'll need to host your own docs builds on your project's website and also
> have a server that can dynamically generate the docs builds.  If you don't
> need to build the docs with each commit to your codebase, you could also
> generate the docs manually as part of your release process.
> A nice bonus to incorporating notebooks into your docs in this fashion is
> that the notebooks serve as a form of testing: broken code in the docs
> leads to broken results embedded in the docs build.
>  [1], see e.g. the yt bootcamp at
>  [2]
> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Antonino Ingargiola <tritemio at>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on a software for single-molecule FRET analysis
>> (FRETBursts)[1] that heavily relies on ipython notebook to run the analysis.
>> I provide some evaluated notebooks serving as tutorials in a separate
>> repository (FRETBursts_notebooks). The reference documentation (mostly
>> installation instructions and API) is hosted on ReadTheDocs [3].
>> I have concerns on the viability of this approach since the notebooks
>> repository can easily grow to hundreds of MB given the high number of
>> images. Maintaining a second repository it is also and additional burden.
>> Ideally I would like to generate the notebooks dynamically from
>> unevaluated notebooks in the original source repository. However the data
>>  necessary to reproduce the analysis is ~150MB (hosted on figshare [4]),
>> and I may add more datasets in the future.
>> So I'm asking for suggestions.
>> I like the simple concept of a notebook repository with links to
>> nbviewer, but seems that the solution is not scalable.
>>  I don't think RTD can handle downloading and data processing that
>> requires several minutes to execute on modern desktops.
>> So, what's left? Anybody has a similar issue?
>> Best,
>> Antonio
>> [1] FRETBursts:
>> [2] FRETBursts_notebooks:
>> [3] FRETBursts documentation:
>> [4] FRETBursts datatsets:
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From vasco+python at  Thu May 22 11:31:24 2014
From: vasco+python at (Vasco Tenner)
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 17:31:24 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] widget value persistence
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,
On 02/27/2014 10:10 PM, Darren Dale wrote:
>     However, if you re-run the cell, I think it will (and should) always
>     return the default to what the code specifies. I think it's
What I quite often do to preserve the settings of a widget:

1. Create a widget
w = interactive(function)

2. The just print the values of the sliders:

3. Then copy this output in a new cell.
good_kwargs = {'a':1}

What would help me is if I can set the values of the widgets with 
something like:
w = interactive(function)
w.kwargs = good_kwargs

Is there a way to achieve this?

Kind regards,

From mark.voorhies at  Thu May 22 14:45:09 2014
From: mark.voorhies at (Mark Voorhies)
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 11:45:09 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Selecting data via http requests (event loop
Message-ID: <>

A lot of visualization tools for genomic data can emit an http request in response to selecting a gene
(e.g., JavaTreeView and MeV (expression profiles and other matrix/dendrogram data),
        MochiView (deep sequencing and other genome position vs. scalar data),
        CytoScape (large network data -- interactive and scales better than GraphViz))

I am generating related, non-inlined plots in an IPython session and would like to update selections
on these plots in response to selections in the external programs.

A naive approach would be to listen for the HTTP requests using something based on BaseHTTPServer from the standard library;
for this case, is there a straightforward way to include the server's polling loop in the kernel's event loop
(e.g., something analogous to what's done for GUI event loops)?

Alternatively, is there a way to hook into Tornado directly, or is there a better approach that I'm not thinking of?

Thanks in advance for any advice,


From benjaminrk at  Thu May 22 22:26:59 2014
From: benjaminrk at (MinRK)
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 19:26:59 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Selecting data via http requests (event loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Since the IPython kernel uses the tornado eventloop, so you can register
handlers with tornado?s own HTTPServer, which will automatically be
integrated into the already running loop.

Here?s an example <> of
registering a simple handler, from another recent question about hooking up
a webserver in a kernel.


On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Mark Voorhies <mark.voorhies at>wrote:

> A lot of visualization tools for genomic data can emit an http request in
> response to selecting a gene
> (e.g., JavaTreeView and MeV (expression profiles and other
> matrix/dendrogram data),
>         MochiView (deep sequencing and other genome position vs. scalar
> data),
>         CytoScape (large network data -- interactive and scales better
> than GraphViz))
> I am generating related, non-inlined plots in an IPython session and would
> like to update selections
> on these plots in response to selections in the external programs.
> A naive approach would be to listen for the HTTP requests using something
> based on BaseHTTPServer from the standard library;
> for this case, is there a straightforward way to include the server's
> polling loop in the kernel's event loop
> (e.g., something analogous to what's done for GUI event loops)?
> Alternatively, is there a way to hook into Tornado directly, or is there a
> better approach that I'm not thinking of?
> Thanks in advance for any advice,
> Mark
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From bussonniermatthias at  Fri May 23 04:21:06 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:21:06 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] widget value persistence
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Le 22 mai 2014 ? 17:31, Vasco Tenner a ?crit :

> Dear all,
> On 02/27/2014 10:10 PM, Darren Dale wrote:
>>    However, if you re-run the cell, I think it will (and should) always
>>    return the default to what the code specifies. I think it's
> What I quite often do to preserve the settings of a widget:
> 1. Create a widget
> w = interactive(function)
> display(w)
> 2. The just print the values of the sliders:
> w.kwargs
> 3. Then copy this output in a new cell.
> good_kwargs = {'a':1}
> What would help me is if I can set the values of the widgets with 
> something like:
> w = interactive(function)
> w.kwargs = good_kwargs
> display(w)
> Is there a way to achieve this?

from IPython.html.widgets import interactive

def fun(c=0, a=1):
    return a+c

w = interactive(fun,**{'c':12,'a':7})

Does what you expect it to do. 

> Kind regards,
> Vasco
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From jtaylor.debian at  Fri May 23 04:25:36 2014
From: jtaylor.debian at (Julian Taylor)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:25:36 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] IPython 2.1.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21.05.2014 22:04, MinRK wrote:
> We just released IPython 2.1.0, which should hopefully be a very boring
> bugfix release on top of 2.0.0.
> The list of backported changes:

the download archive as linked from does not work:

error id: "bad_httpd_conf"

From tra at  Fri May 23 07:19:38 2014
From: tra at (Tiago Antao)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 12:19:38 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] Detecting ipython notebook on the browser
Message-ID: <20140523121938.538b39c1@lnx>


Before my question proper, a bit of proselytising ;) 

While a few of us around here are scientists I do think that IPython
Notebook would be an amazing tool for the arts (i.e. computer assisted
generation). Consider all the tweaking and real-time changing
allowed by ipython notebook applied to music, drawing, animation, ...

In this context I have been working on integrating abjad (a score
composition software) with Ipython notebook. There is currently a
solution that is 99% transparent and you can find that here:

Now, I want to submit a patch to abjad in order to make this 100%
transparent (i.e. propose a change that would make abjad work with
ipython notebook out of the box).

The way things work now is by overriding abjad's show function: instead
of generating a postscript file and firing a postscript viewer I
generate a PNG file and send it (after some cropping) to ipython
notebook. Instead of overriding the show function, the function itself
could decide what to do based on context...

So, what I needed to know is:

1. How to detect that ipython notebook is running?

2. A bit more subtle than that: Can I detect that it is running in a
browser context? I mean: we can run a notebook from the command line
(with the %run magic) and in that case I might still want to generate a
PS instead of a PNG file...

PS - I am interested in extending the notebook metaphor to
creative/artistic stuff. If you have an ongoing project/idea on this,
and need some volunteer hands, get in touch...

From bussonniermatthias at  Fri May 23 07:36:23 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 13:36:23 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Detecting ipython notebook on the browser
In-Reply-To: <20140523121938.538b39c1@lnx>
References: <20140523121938.538b39c1@lnx>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Tiago, 

Le 23 mai 2014 ? 13:19, Tiago Antao a ?crit :

> Hi,
> The way things work now is by overriding abjad's show function: instead
> of generating a postscript file and firing a postscript viewer I
> generate a PNG file and send it (after some cropping) to ipython
> notebook. Instead of overriding the show function, the function itself
> could decide what to do based on context...
> So, what I needed to know is:
> 1. How to detect that ipython notebook is running?
> 2. A bit more subtle than that: Can I detect that it is running in a
> browser context? I mean: we can run a notebook from the command line
> (with the %run magic) and in that case I might still want to generate a
> PS instead of a PNG file?

This is a question which is often asked, you will find answers on 
stack-overflow and archive of the mailing list. 

There are non way to know that a kernel is run from a notebook, 
and actually the question does not make sense, to retake example 
i have already use, it's like a book authors wondering the eye color of 
its reader. 

The way to do it is to have your score object : 

 score_template = templatetools.TwoStaffPianoScoreTemplate()
 score = score_template()

have a _repr_png_ that return the PNG data. 

IPython will take care of the rest and call _repr_png_ if present and display the PNG.

basically rename your _get_png(expr) as _repr_png_ and make it a method of score. 
though it should return only one PNG. 

Hope that helps. 


> Thanks,
> Tiago
> PS - I am interested in extending the notebook metaphor to
> creative/artistic stuff. If you have an ongoing project/idea on this,
> and need some volunteer hands, get in touch...
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From tra at  Fri May 23 08:11:44 2014
From: tra at (Tiago Antao)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 13:11:44 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] Detecting ipython notebook on the browser
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20140523121938.538b39c1@lnx>
Message-ID: <20140523131144.57741c91@lnx>

> There are non way to know that a kernel is run from a notebook, 
> and actually the question does not make sense, to retake example 
> i have already use, it's like a book authors wondering the eye color
> of its reader. 

[Changing context a bit here]

At least in my work flow, it is starting to get more common that
IPython notebooks get "promoted" to modules. ie some piece of code that
was initially ad-hoc, graduates to some abstract function and gets
inside a module.

Another use-case is when one wants to run several instances of a
notebook from the command line(e.g. to run many simulation replicates).
i.e., to use a notebook as a script.

One alternative, of course is just to convert mature/reusable
code from .ipynb to .py.

But another alternative is to use notebooks directly as
scripts/modules. In this view, having a way to understand the
context can be really interesting: in front of the users eyes or as a
re-usable piece of code.

Now, I understand that this is not the original intent of the notebook
and that this is going off-script here. But a vision of things might be
to develop everything inside the notebook. The whole code as ipython

I just note that there is no performance penalty in this vision (after
import the speed would be the same) and the machinery to do this is
already very well documented:

I do understand the argument that this is a bit crazy, but it is a
possible use-case nonetheless.


From bussonniermatthias at  Fri May 23 09:00:29 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 15:00:29 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Detecting ipython notebook on the browser
In-Reply-To: <20140523131144.57741c91@lnx>
References: <20140523121938.538b39c1@lnx>
Message-ID: <>

Le 23 mai 2014 ? 14:11, Tiago Antao a ?crit :

>> There are non way to know that a kernel is run from a notebook, 
>> and actually the question does not make sense, to retake example 
>> i have already use, it's like a book authors wondering the eye color
>> of its reader. 
> [Changing context a bit here]

I understand the use case, and the metaphor I chose are of course different
that what will actually happen with the kernel. But I can make the explanation
purely technical. 

I will re-explain why it is technically impossible then point out how other external project are 
making use of IPython rich display system without knowing they are in the notebook (or in IPython) 
without impacting usability on pure python script.


There are technically no reliable way when executing a piece of code to know what the 
frontend is.

You should not try to display the object by yourself, define a _repr_*_ and leave lets it be computed 
when needed.

The kernel is unaware of the environment :
	 From the kernel perspective, it receive a message through ZMQ, and reply to it. 
	The message contains a string of code to execute[1], and reply with a mime bundle. 

	What is on the other side of ZMQ 
		- does not matter.
		- might be changing.
		- might be many things at once.
	For example what is on the other side of ZMQ can be the console, 
	or the qtconsole, or the tornado web server, a run-ipynb.
	Already there are no way to know, they all make use of the same subclass. 

	Taking the example of Tornado, it forward the messages from zmq to web socket.
	Which arrives on the other side. What can connect to web socket ? 
		- Single cell example, there are no ipynb involve, pure javascript. 
		- eLisp, Yes, Emacs connect to IPython through websocket
		- The notebook app you know.

So from the kernel point of view there is **no way** to reliably know if you are on a notebook, 
the kernel is a writer that wrote things on a book and someone might read over its shoulder (command 
line IPyhon) but the little green martian can be watching it through their telescope (tornado + websocket).

I won't go into details with the file format and the mime bundle, and storing on disk, kernel/server on different
 machines and language agnosticity, but as until know, we have not came across real use case where 
the ability to reliably know that you are in notebooks (or even in IPython) are needed, 

Pandas is defining _repr_html_ to work magically on notebooks :

IPython blocks too :

And sympy prefer the display hook approach not to duplicate the _repr_png_ everywhere, but the result is the same :

The case of sympy is probably closer to yours as they are actually calling an external program to render the PNG, 
but prefer to disable it by default. 

So I believe, the approach of defying a _repr_pgn_ into abjad score class 
(or registering a display hook, but that's nitpicking) should allow you to do transparently
 what you ask.

ie here :

define a method :

def _repr_png_(self):
	return #png data created by smith like this :

Note that Julia has defined this mime bundle thing on the language itself, 
library not define how to show object, then there is no more1 show/display/draw
methods per library, you just have a global julia "show()" that knows what to do. 

Same goes with IPython, user should just have to use IPython.display.display(object)
and it should work. 

If you use display_* in library or try to guess wether or not you are in IPython/ IPython notebook, 
you are <del>probably</del> certainly doing things wrong.

Hope this make things a little clearer.

[1] actually little more complicated, but a string will do it

> At least in my work flow, it is starting to get more common that
> IPython notebooks get "promoted" to modules. ie some piece of code that
> was initially ad-hoc, graduates to some abstract function and gets
> inside a module.
> Another use-case is when one wants to run several instances of a
> notebook from the command line(e.g. to run many simulation replicates).
> i.e., to use a notebook as a script.
> One alternative, of course is just to convert mature/reusable
> code from .ipynb to .py.
> But another alternative is to use notebooks directly as
> scripts/modules. In this view, having a way to understand the
> context can be really interesting: in front of the users eyes or as a
> re-usable piece of code.
> Now, I understand that this is not the original intent of the notebook
> and that this is going off-script here. But a vision of things might be
> to develop everything inside the notebook. The whole code as ipython
> notebooks.
> I just note that there is no performance penalty in this vision (after
> import the speed would be the same) and the machinery to do this is
> already very well documented:
> I do understand the argument that this is a bit crazy, but it is a
> possible use-case nonetheless.
> Tiago

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From dchichkov at  Fri May 23 10:56:48 2014
From: dchichkov at (Dmitry Chichkov)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 07:56:48 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Cute example combining IPython.html.widgets.interact
	and mpld3 zoom/pan.
Message-ID: <>

A cute small example that combines interact and mpld3 zoom/pan. Works with
the current release of ipython-2.1.0, matplotlib-1.3.1 and mpld3-0.3.
It'd be great, if functionality that allows this example to work would stay
and remain operational...

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np
from IPython.html import widgets

import mpld3         # Notice that as you hover over the plot, a toolbar
appears in the lower left.

def on_value_change(value):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    x, y = np.random.normal(size=(2, 100))
    color, size = np.random.random((2, 100))

    ax.scatter(x[:value], y[:value], c=color[:value], s=500 * size,
    ax.grid(color='lightgray', alpha=0.7)

widgets.interact(on_value_change, value = widgets.IntSliderWidget(min=1,

With Regards,
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From mark.voorhies at  Fri May 23 13:03:49 2014
From: mark.voorhies at (Mark Voorhies)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:03:49 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Selecting data via http requests (event loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

That works beautifully -- thanks!

I wound up using RequestHandler.initialize to pass the plot and underlying data via:

application = tornado.web.Application([(r"/(.*)", MainHandler, {"genome":self.genome,"ax":self.fig.axes[0],"fig":self.fig})])

and forcing a refresh of the plot via display(fig) ( doesn't appear to be sufficient, but I haven't really pushed it)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to xkcd 478 everything =)


On 05/22/2014 07:26 PM, MinRK wrote:
> Since the IPython kernel uses the tornado eventloop, so you can register
> handlers with tornado?s own HTTPServer, which will automatically be
> integrated into the already running loop.
> Here?s an example <> of
> registering a simple handler, from another recent question about hooking up
> a webserver in a kernel.
> -MinRK
> ?
> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Mark Voorhies <mark.voorhies at>wrote:
>> A lot of visualization tools for genomic data can emit an http request in
>> response to selecting a gene
>> (e.g., JavaTreeView and MeV (expression profiles and other
>> matrix/dendrogram data),
>>          MochiView (deep sequencing and other genome position vs. scalar
>> data),
>>          CytoScape (large network data -- interactive and scales better
>> than GraphViz))
>> I am generating related, non-inlined plots in an IPython session and would
>> like to update selections
>> on these plots in response to selections in the external programs.
>> A naive approach would be to listen for the HTTP requests using something
>> based on BaseHTTPServer from the standard library;
>> for this case, is there a straightforward way to include the server's
>> polling loop in the kernel's event loop
>> (e.g., something analogous to what's done for GUI event loops)?
>> Alternatively, is there a way to hook into Tornado directly, or is there a
>> better approach that I'm not thinking of?
>> Thanks in advance for any advice,
>> Mark
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From benjaminrk at  Fri May 23 20:35:48 2014
From: benjaminrk at (Min RK)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 17:35:48 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] IPython 2.1.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes, there is a DNS issue between Rackspace and Dreamhost. People have been traveling, but hopefully we can work it out shortly.


> On May 23, 2014, at 1:25, Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at> wrote:
>> On 21.05.2014 22:04, MinRK wrote:
>> We just released IPython 2.1.0, which should hopefully be a very boring
>> bugfix release on top of 2.0.0.
>> The list of backported changes:
> hi,
> the download archive as linked from does not work:
> error id: "bad_httpd_conf"
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From benjaminrk at  Sat May 24 02:43:58 2014
From: benjaminrk at (Min RK)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 23:43:58 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] IPython 2.1.0
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> should be back. Sorry about that.


> On May 23, 2014, at 17:35, Min RK <benjaminrk at> wrote:
> Yes, there is a DNS issue between Rackspace and Dreamhost. People have been traveling, but hopefully we can work it out shortly.
> -MinRK
>>> On May 23, 2014, at 1:25, Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at> wrote:
>>> On 21.05.2014 22:04, MinRK wrote:
>>> We just released IPython 2.1.0, which should hopefully be a very boring
>>> bugfix release on top of 2.0.0.
>>> The list of backported changes:
>> hi,
>> the download archive as linked from does not work:
>> error id: "bad_httpd_conf"
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at

From vasco+python at  Sat May 24 13:47:26 2014
From: vasco+python at (Vasco)
Date: Sat, 24 May 2014 19:47:26 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] remote X DISPLAY
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,
more than 1 year ago (20130226) a discussion came across (on 
ipython-user) how to run ipython notebook on a remote machine. The 
solution than was to create a ssh connection, and run the notebook 
inside "screen".

Now I want to use X forwarding show gtk matplotlib windows. This works 
as long as I keep the original SSH connection open. However, when I 
create a new ssh connection, the "DISPLAY" environment variable should 
change. Is there I way I can tell the %matplotlib gtk magic to pass a 
certain DISPLAY to gtk?

Kind regards,

From maximilian.albert at  Sat May 24 18:17:52 2014
From: maximilian.albert at (Maximilian Albert)
Date: Sat, 24 May 2014 23:17:52 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] remote X DISPLAY
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Vasco,

Now I want to use X forwarding show gtk matplotlib windows. This works
> as long as I keep the original SSH connection open. However, when I
> create a new ssh connection, the "DISPLAY" environment variable should
> change. Is there I way I can tell the %matplotlib gtk magic to pass a
> certain DISPLAY to gtk?

I think it should work if you put the following at the beginning of your

   import os
   os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':10'

(or whatever new display number you now have). Untested right now, but I'm
pretty sure I used it a while back to solve precisely this problem.

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From bussonniermatthias at  Mon May 26 12:51:11 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 18:51:11 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] [IPython-User] changing color theme for paired
	brackets in notebook
In-Reply-To: <OF3B54BC56.877617F3-ONC1257CE4.004B3348-C1257CE4.004B334F@LocalDomain>
References: <OF3B54BC56.877617F3-ONC1257CE4.004B3348-C1257CE4.004B334F@LocalDomain>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Jean-Fran?ois, 

Le 26 mai 2014 ? 15:41, Jean-Francois.Moulin at a ?crit :

> Hi!
> could anyone point me to a way to tune the color scheme of the ipython notebook? In particular I want to change the color used to highlight paired brackets when the cursor is on one of them (On my machine and with my light colorblindness, the color used is almost indistinguishable from the background)

Is this the only color you wish to override or do you want a more custom theme ? 
If the first one you can just create a custom css file, the second one you might want to rebuild the full IPython css theme. 

In both cases, put a css file in your ipython profile, one static/custom/custom/custom.css

for me ~/.ipython/profile_default/static/custom/custom.css	
it should already exist and have a comment that look like 

Placeholder for custom user CSS

mainly to be overridden in profile/static/custom/custom.css

This will always be an empty file in IPython

According to codemirror Doc [1] you can style the bracket by targeting the following class : 


which mean that the following should work : 

div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-matchingbracket {

use any color or style you like. 

you can also use any code mirror predefined style if you prefer [2], but it might require a little more of tweaking. 
Here [3] are a few full theme for IPython notebook. 



[1] :
[2] :
[3] :

> Many thanks in advance
> JF
> Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht 
> Zentrum f?r Material- und K?stenforschung GmbH 
> Max-Planck-Stra?e 1 I 21502 Geesthacht I Deutschland/Germany 
> Gesch?ftsf?hrer/Board of Management: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaysser, Dipl.-Ing. Michael Gan? 
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: MinDirig Wilfried Kraus 
> Amtsgericht L?beck HRB 285 GE (Register Court) 
> Internet:  
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-User mailing list
> IPython-User at

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From simoncropper at  Mon May 26 19:55:26 2014
From: simoncropper at (Simon Cropper)
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 09:55:26 +1000
Subject: [IPython-dev] [IPython-User] changing color theme for paired
 brackets in notebook
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <OF3B54BC56.877617F3-ONC1257CE4.004B3348-C1257CE4.004B334F@LocalDomain>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Guys,

I was thinking. It would also be good to post your final css file to 
mail list or put a copy on the website so other colour blind people can 
use the resource.

A logical spot in my mind would be here...

On 27/05/14 02:51, Matthias BUSSONNIER wrote:
> Hi Jean-Fran?ois,
> Le 26 mai 2014 ? 15:41, Jean-Francois.Moulin at
> <mailto:Jean-Francois.Moulin at> a ?crit :
>> Hi!
>> could anyone point me to a way to tune the color scheme of the ipython
>> notebook? In particular I want to change the color used to highlight
>> paired brackets when the cursor is on one of them (On my machine and
>> with my light colorblindness, the color used is almost
>> indistinguishable from the background)
> Is this the only color you wish to override or do you want a more custom
> theme ?
> If the first one you can just create a custom css file, the second one
> you might want to rebuild the full IPython css theme.
> In both cases, put a css file in your ipython profile, one
> static/custom/custom/custom.css
> for me ~/.ipython/profile_default/static/custom/custom.css
> it should already exist and have a comment that look like
> /*
> Placeholder for custom user CSS
> mainly to be overridden in profile/static/custom/custom.css
> This will always be an empty file in IPython
> */
> According to codemirror Doc [1] you can style the bracket by targeting
> the following class :
> CodeMirror-matchingbracket
> which mean that the following should work :
> div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-matchingbracket {
>      color:red;
> }
> use any color or style you like.
> you can also use any code mirror predefined style if you prefer [2], but
> it might require a little more of tweaking.
> Here [3] are a few full theme for IPython notebook.
> Cheers,
> --
> Matthias
> [1] :
> [2] :
> [3] :
>> Many thanks in advance
>> JF
>> Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
>> Zentrum f?r Material- und K?stenforschung GmbH
>> Max-Planck-Stra?e 1 I 21502 Geesthacht I Deutschland/Germany
>> Gesch?ftsf?hrer/Board of Management: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaysser,
>> Dipl.-Ing. Michael Gan?
>> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates/Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
>> MinDirig Wilfried Kraus
>> Amtsgericht L?beck HRB 285 GE (Register Court)
>> Internet:
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-User mailing list
>> IPython-User at <mailto:IPython-User at>
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Cheers Simon

    Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator

    Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
    GIS Packages 
    bash / Python

From vasco+python at  Tue May 27 04:39:44 2014
From: vasco+python at (Vasco Tenner)
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 10:39:44 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] remote X DISPLAY
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Maximilian,

On 05/25/2014 12:17 AM, Maximilian Albert wrote:
> Hi Vasco,
>     Now I want to use X forwarding show gtk matplotlib windows. This works
>     as long as I keep the original SSH connection open. However, when I
>     create a new ssh connection, the "DISPLAY" environment variable should
>     change. Is there I way I can tell the %matplotlib gtk magic to pass a
>     certain DISPLAY to gtk?
> I think it should work if you put the following at the beginning of your
> notebook:
>     import os
>     os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':10'
> (or whatever new display number you now have). Untested right now, but
> I'm pretty sure I used it a while back to solve precisely this problem.
This works in a new kernel. At this moment, my ipython-kernel crashes as 
I disconnect the ssh session, after I've run %matplotlib qt.

%matplotlib qt
ssh disconnect -> crash kernel

%matplotlib qt
%matplotlib inline
ssh disconnect -> crash kernel

Furthermore it look likes it is not possible to change from one to 
another DISPLAY environment in a running kernel.


From ozancag at  Tue May 27 11:12:58 2014
From: ozancag at (=?UTF-8?B?T3phbiDDh2HEn2xheWFu?=)
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 18:12:58 +0300
Subject: [IPython-dev] Internationalisation and creating domain specific
 Help items
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 7:40 PM, Matthias BUSSONNIER
<bussonniermatthias at> wrote:

> If I was in your position I would :
>  - Search/Ask who is interested would participate in such a translation project.
>  - Consider that only  5% of people who said will be interested in participating will participate
>  - depending on the result decide what is worth to do.
> In any case A document that describe in your language IPython and the significance of each term
> will be the easiest to update and take the less time. It will be useful even in a translated software to
> search for english documentation on the internet.
> If having a way to plug external translation is an minimal patch for IPython itself, we'll be
> happy to integrate it. As soon as you add something into IPython itself it will considerably
> slow you down as every change will have to go through the core team.
> If a deep change is required, go through an IPython Ehencement Proposal [3].


I'd be glad to revive this thread after months :)
I think I've come up with a minimally invasive patch using the jinja2
extension you have mentioned.

I think that it will be very confusing and fragile to set the language
using the system locale. It would be better to always default to
English unless the language switch is requested by the user.
I used the webapp_settings for this like below:

$ ipython notebook --NotebookApp.webapp_settings="{'language':'tr_TR'}"

And in the, the following code installs the gettext() functions:

# Hack to rapidly include the extension
jenv_opt = jinja_env_options if jinja_env_options else
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_path),**jenv_opt)
# Get the Gettext translation object. If the language switch is not
requested, fallback to null, e.g. English.
gettext_translations = gettext.translation("ipynotebook",
          os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "locale"),
          [settings_overrides.get("language", "")], fallback=True)

I then used to decorate UI strings in the templates/ folder with {%
trans %} .. {% endtrans %} and extracted the gettext catalog using
pybabel. I can now change the UI language using the cmdline switch to

Some remarks:
- Extraction of translatable strings into catalogs should be done
periodically either before releases, or after each introduction of a
new translatable UI message,
- I used babel for extraction but don't know whether gettext is better.

Excited to hear about your comments!

Ozan ?a?layan
Research Assistant
Galatasaray University - Computer Engineering Dept.

From maximilian.albert at  Tue May 27 11:23:47 2014
From: maximilian.albert at (Maximilian Albert)
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 16:23:47 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] Including IPython notebooks as subsections in a LaTeX
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

apologies if this has been asked before - it sounds like such a natural
question that I can't imagine it hasn't, but I can't seem to find any
information on it (maybe I'm using the wrong keywords for my search).

I'm interested in including (converted) IPython notebooks as subsections in
a bigger LaTeX document. What is the best way to achieve this?

Ideally, I would like to have a .tex document that looks like this:


% Load the IPython style definitions somehow


blah blah blah

\section{Contents of first notebook}

blah blah blah

\section{Contents of second notebook}

% ... some other sections ...


The .tex files for the notebooks would be provided by nbconvert:

   $ ipython nbconvert --to latex --template inline awesome_notebook.ipynb

Obviously the "inline" template doesn't exist (yet), but what I'd like it
to do is produce a .tex file of the "bare-bones" contents of the notebook
which can just be included in a document like the above. Naturally, I would
also need a .tex or .sty file somewhere which provides the commands that
usually go into the preamble of the converted notebook.

My first thought was to copy the template 'base.tplx' that comes with
IPython and adapt it so that it only contains the bits between
"\begin{document}" and "\end{document}". The preamble commands could be
copied into a separate file that I can then load once in the preamble of my
bigger document.

However, I was wondering if there is a simpler/more elegant approach, or if
anyone has any better ideas how to include notebooks in LaTeX documents?

Many thanks and best wishes,
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From alimanfoo at  Tue May 27 12:41:03 2014
From: alimanfoo at (Alistair Miles)
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 17:41:03 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev]  Visual representation of SQL extracted data
Message-ID: <>

Hi Simon,

I'm sure you've found this out already, but both pandas [1] and petl [2]
implement _repr_html_() such that table-like objects automagically get
formatted as HTML tables in the IPython notebook, e.g.:


Alistair Miles
Head of Epidemiological Informatics
Centre for Genomics and Global Health <>
The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
Roosevelt Drive
United Kingdom
Email: alimanfoo at
Tel: +44 (0)1865 287721 ***new number***
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From matthew.m.mccormick at  Tue May 27 16:20:52 2014
From: matthew.m.mccormick at (Matthew McCormick)
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 16:20:52 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Including IPython notebooks as subsections in a
 LaTeX document?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Max,

You might find Dexy [1] convenient for this.

Hope this helps,


On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Maximilian Albert
<maximilian.albert at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> apologies if this has been asked before - it sounds like such a natural
> question that I can't imagine it hasn't, but I can't seem to find any
> information on it (maybe I'm using the wrong keywords for my search).
> I'm interested in including (converted) IPython notebooks as subsections in
> a bigger LaTeX document. What is the best way to achieve this?
> Ideally, I would like to have a .tex document that looks like this:
> ==>
> \documentclass{article}
> % Load the IPython style definitions somehow
> \begin{document}
> \section{Introduction}
> blah blah blah
> \section{Contents of first notebook}
> \include{awesome_notebook}
> \section{Foobar}
> blah blah blah
> \section{Contents of second notebook}
> \include{awesome_notebook_02}
> % ... some other sections ...
> \end{document}
> <==
> The .tex files for the notebooks would be provided by nbconvert:
>    $ ipython nbconvert --to latex --template inline awesome_notebook.ipynb
> Obviously the "inline" template doesn't exist (yet), but what I'd like it to
> do is produce a .tex file of the "bare-bones" contents of the notebook which
> can just be included in a document like the above. Naturally, I would also
> need a .tex or .sty file somewhere which provides the commands that usually
> go into the preamble of the converted notebook.
> My first thought was to copy the template 'base.tplx' that comes with
> IPython and adapt it so that it only contains the bits between
> "\begin{document}" and "\end{document}". The preamble commands could be
> copied into a separate file that I can then load once in the preamble of my
> bigger document.
> However, I was wondering if there is a simpler/more elegant approach, or if
> anyone has any better ideas how to include notebooks in LaTeX documents?
> Many thanks and best wishes,
> Max
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From aron at  Tue May 27 17:01:44 2014
From: aron at (Aron Ahmadia)
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 17:01:44 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Including IPython notebooks as subsections in a
 LaTeX document?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Maximilian Albert <
maximilian.albert at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> apologies if this has been asked before - it sounds like such a natural
> question that I can't imagine it hasn't, but I can't seem to find any
> information on it (maybe I'm using the wrong keywords for my search).
> I'm interested in including (converted) IPython notebooks as subsections
> in a bigger LaTeX document. What is the best way to achieve this?
> Ideally, I would like to have a .tex document that looks like this:
> ==>
> \documentclass{article}
> % Load the IPython style definitions somehow
> \begin{document}
> \section{Introduction}
> blah blah blah
> \section{Contents of first notebook}
> \include{awesome_notebook}
> \section{Foobar}
> blah blah blah
> \section{Contents of second notebook}
> \include{awesome_notebook_02}
> % ... some other sections ...
> \end{document}
> <==
> The .tex files for the notebooks would be provided by nbconvert:
>    $ ipython nbconvert --to latex --template inline awesome_notebook.ipynb
> Obviously the "inline" template doesn't exist (yet), but what I'd like it
> to do is produce a .tex file of the "bare-bones" contents of the notebook
> which can just be included in a document like the above. Naturally, I would
> also need a .tex or .sty file somewhere which provides the commands that
> usually go into the preamble of the converted notebook.
> My first thought was to copy the template 'base.tplx' that comes with
> IPython and adapt it so that it only contains the bits between
> "\begin{document}" and "\end{document}". The preamble commands could be
> copied into a separate file that I can then load once in the preamble of my
> bigger document.
> However, I was wondering if there is a simpler/more elegant approach, or
> if anyone has any better ideas how to include notebooks in LaTeX documents?

Max, your approach sounds correct to me.  I'm not aware of many
simpler/elegant solutions, mostly just "afternoon hacks" :)

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From simoncropper at  Tue May 27 20:28:11 2014
From: simoncropper at (Simon Cropper)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 10:28:11 +1000
Subject: [IPython-dev] Visual representation of SQL extracted data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28/05/14 02:41, Alistair Miles wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> I'm sure you've found this out already, but both pandas [1] and petl [2]
> implement _repr_html_() such that table-like objects automagically get
> formatted as HTML tables in the IPython notebook, e.g.:
> Cheers,
> Alistair
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Alistair Miles
> Head of Epidemiological Informatics
> Centre for Genomics and Global Health <>
> The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
> Roosevelt Drive
> Oxford
> OX3 7BN
> United Kingdom
> Web:
> Email: alimanfoo at <mailto:alimanfoo at>
> Tel: +44 (0)1865 287721 ***new number***

Hi Alistar,

Thanks for the links. Yes I am currently reading up on pandas but to 
date no one has mentioned petl.

I have looked at the documentation for petl and the package looks 
interesting. I like your video tutorial.

I also like your sample notebook showing how output from pandas and petl 
are automatically formatted when called in iPython. This is
useful to know.

Cheers Simon

    Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator

    Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
    GIS Packages 
    bash / Python

From at  Tue May 27 22:29:05 2014
From: at (Fernando Perez)
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 19:29:05 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Internationalisation and creating domain specific
 Help items
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Ozan ?a?layan <ozancag at> wrote:

> I'd be glad to revive this thread after months :)
> I think I've come up with a minimally invasive patch using the jinja2
> extension you have mentioned.

Since you are at the point of having a patch, the ideal way forward is to
open it as a pull request on github.

That will make it possible for everyone to evaluate how invasive the
changes would be. This is a really tricky cost-benefit analysis: we
undeniably want to make IPython friendlier to non-English speakers (as I
should be, given English isn't even my second language...). But at the same
time, I worry a lot about how intrusive these i18n changes can potentially
be into the entire codebase, so we'll have to tiptoe very carefully into
this one...



Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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From at  Tue May 27 22:30:14 2014
From: at (Fernando Perez)
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 19:30:14 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Including IPython notebooks as subsections in a
 LaTeX document?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Aron Ahmadia <aron at> wrote:

> Max, your approach sounds correct to me.  I'm not aware of many
> simpler/elegant solutions, mostly just "afternoon hacks" :)

Yup, sounds about right too... Those templates are precisely meant to be
modified by end users with use cases like the above...


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From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May 28 02:17:31 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 08:17:31 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Including IPython notebooks as subsections in a
	LaTeX document?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le 28 mai 2014 ? 04:30, Fernando Perez a ?crit :

> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Aron Ahmadia <aron at> wrote:
> Max, your approach sounds correct to me.  I'm not aware of many simpler/elegant solutions, mostly just "afternoon hacks" :)
> Yup, sounds about right too... Those templates are precisely meant to be modified by end users with use cases like the above?

better than copy and pasting you can just inherit ((* extend ?. *)) at the top of the templates, and only overwrite the blocks you need.

usually you can just overwrote the blocks you don't want with empty blocks, put the new file in current working directory and run nbconvert with the --template=mytemplate options. It should work.


> Cheers,
> f 
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From benjamin.ninassi at  Wed May 28 08:32:00 2014
From: benjamin.ninassi at (Benjamin Ninassi)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 14:32:00 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [IPython-dev] 2 questions about notebooks : disabling cells for
 edition and best hiding menu bar process
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hello there, 

It's a great work you're doing !

I intend??to use notebooks for making exercices in a mooc and i have 2 questions for notebooks customizations :
- is-it possible to "disable" the edition of some cells in browsers, maybe with some parameters in the json ? I'd like to get within a browser a notebook with some cells non-editable (instructions) et some cells editable (code for execution) but i can't find how to do this ...
- i've tried to use the custom.js file to hide the top panel, doing :

$([]).on('notebook_loaded.Notebook', function(){

but the panels appears quickly before hiding - not nice :/
Is-there another way to do this where the panels that i want to hide don't show at all, or making a loading picture appears while the page is loading, and replace it when the page is completely loaded ? I can't find a list of the ... or maybe by css ?

Thanks !


From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May 28 09:08:26 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 15:08:26 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] 2 questions about notebooks : disabling cells for
	edition and best hiding menu bar process
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le 28 mai 2014 ? 14:32, Benjamin Ninassi a ?crit :

> Hello there, 
> It's a great work you're doing !
> I intend??to use notebooks for making exercices in a mooc and i have 2 questions for notebooks customizations :
> - is-it possible to "disable" the edition of some cells in browsers, maybe with some parameters in the json ? I'd like to get within a browser a notebook with some cells non-editable (instructions) et some cells editable (code for execution) but i can't find how to do this ?

It should be possible by directly setting the read-only mode to some cell in CodeMiror itself, but it will require a bit of javscript:

> - i've tried to use the custom.js file to hide the top panel, doing :
> $([]).on('notebook_loaded.Notebook', function(){
> $('div#header').hide()
> $('div#menubar').hide()
> IPython.layout_manager.do_resize();
> })
> but the panels appears quickly before hiding - not nice :/
> Is-there another way to do this where the panels that i want to hide don't show at all, or making a loading picture appears while the page is loading, and replace it when the page is completely loaded ?

I suppose css with the same target and display:none in custom.css should works.

> I can't find a list of the ... or maybe by css ?

No, there is no list. You can grep through the source for out should give yo an idea of existing event, 

The rest depend if when using IPython for a MOOC you will be providing the sever,in which case you can customize it a lot 
or if you plan on users to install IPython in which case you probably want to avoid too aggressive customization. 

> Thanks !
> Benjamin
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From benjamin.ninassi at  Wed May 28 09:22:57 2014
From: benjamin.ninassi at (Benjamin Ninassi)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 15:22:57 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [IPython-dev] 2 questions about notebooks : disabling cells
	for	edition and best hiding menu bar process
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks a lot for your quick answears ! 

> It should be possible by directly setting the read-only mode to some cell in
> CodeMiror itself, but it will require a bit of javscript:


I'll drill into that, thanks ! My major issue will be to identify the cells that i want to disable through the DOM as they have no ID ... is-it possible to give them one with metadata ? 

> I suppose css with the same target and display:none in custom.css should
> works.

I was supposing that to, but there is a style="display: block;" generated in the html for the header div that overwrite the custom.css 
#header{ display:none; } ... 

> No, there is no list. You can grep through the source for out
> should give yo an idea of existing event,

> The rest depend if when using IPython for a MOOC you will be providing the
> sever,in which case you can customize it a lot
> or if you plan on users to install IPython in which case you probably want to
> avoid too aggressive customization.

We will be providing a server, so we can customize it a lot. I'm convince ipython and notebooks are great tools for online education, providing some minor adjustements ! 

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From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May 28 09:49:27 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 15:49:27 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] 2 questions about notebooks : disabling cells for
	edition and best hiding menu bar process
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le 28 mai 2014 ? 15:22, Benjamin Ninassi a ?crit :

> Thanks a lot for your quick answears !
> It should be possible by directly setting the read-only mode to some cell in CodeMiror itself, but it will require a bit of javscript:
> I'll drill into that, thanks ! My major issue will be to identify the cells that i want to disable through the DOM as they have no ID ... is-it possible to give them one with metadata ?

You cannot (yet) get a dom identity through the metadata, but you can a list of sell by 


then loop on all cell and on each cell do approximatively a

var ro = (cell.metadata.my_namespace || {}).readonly

if(ro === true):

Which should do the desired effect.
You might want to capture a few other event like execution request on theses cell by monkey patching
the CellClass.prototype.execute

CellClass.prototype.old_execute = CellClass.prototype.execute
CellClass.prototype.execute = function(){
	if not read only :


> I suppose css with the same target and display:none in custom.css should works.
> I was supposing that to, but there is a  style="display: block;" generated in the html for the header div that overwrite the custom.css  
> #header{   display:none; } ?

Hum, we should probably fix that then.

> No, there is no list. You can grep through the source for out should give yo an idea of existing event, 
> The rest depend if when using IPython for a MOOC you will be providing the sever,in which case you can customize it a lot 
> or if you plan on users to install IPython in which case you probably want to avoid too aggressive customization. 
> We will be providing a server, so we can customize it a lot. I'm convince ipython and notebooks are great tools for online education, providing some minor adjustments !

Then you can probably apply a patch on the template to remove whatever element for the time being. 
We'll be happy to get your feedback from using the notebook for teaching.


From ozancag at  Wed May 28 10:44:15 2014
From: ozancag at (=?UTF-8?B?T3phbiDDh2HEn2xheWFu?=)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 17:44:15 +0300
Subject: [IPython-dev] Internationalisation and creating domain specific
 Help items
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> That will make it possible for everyone to evaluate how invasive the changes
> would be. This is a really tricky cost-benefit analysis: we undeniably want
> to make IPython friendlier to non-English speakers (as I should be, given
> English isn't even my second language...). But at the same time, I worry a
> lot about how intrusive these i18n changes can potentially be into the
> entire codebase, so we'll have to tiptoe very carefully into this one...


Well I prepared a branch out of the current master to test what I've
done yesterday and I noticed a (big?) problem: There are UI strings in
.js files too. Well this is annoying as client-side JS can't access
the binary gettext catalogs. There are libraries like Jed for JS
translation with which you convert the translated gettext catalogs to
json and embed the translations inside a js file which is loaded
during runtime.

What do you think? Is there a way to provide those strings in html
templates or was it mandatory to have them in .js code? An example is
the tour.js for example. Or modal dialogs from savewidget.js


From benjamin.ninassi at  Wed May 28 10:56:41 2014
From: benjamin.ninassi at (Benjamin Ninassi)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 16:56:41 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [IPython-dev] 2 questions about notebooks : disabling cells
	for	edition and best hiding menu bar process
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Again thanks a lot, I made it work with this snipet of code in custom.js (for the record if someone search through this thread):

$([]).on('notebook_loaded.Notebook', function(){
  var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();
  for(var i in cells){
    var cell = cells[i];
    if (!(cell instanceof IPython.CodeCell)) {

I'll be happy to provide you with feedback !

We're preparing a Mooc on robotic with some python exercices that will be available on the governmental french Mooc plateform (which is based on EDX) at the end of the year, and we were looking for a solution to allow student to quickly be able to do the exercices without having to install python and all the stuff (numpy, matplotlib and so on) on their computer. Skulpt and other javascript librairy still can't be used with numpy, so I turned on server-side execution with ipython.
And I'm pretty sure now that ipython will do the trick. :)

We may also add some automatic evaluation to, I'll keep you inform on our progress !

Benjamin Ninassi 
INRIA - SEISM & Mooclab
T?l. (+33) 02 99 84 73 43 
benjamin.ninassi at 

----- Mail original -----
> De: "Matthias BUSSONNIER" <bussonniermatthias at>
> ?: "IPython developers list" <ipython-dev at>
> Envoy?: Mercredi 28 Mai 2014 15:49:27
> Objet: Re: [IPython-dev] 2 questions about notebooks : disabling cells for	edition and best hiding menu bar process
> Le 28 mai 2014 ? 15:22, Benjamin Ninassi a ?crit :
> > Thanks a lot for your quick answears !
> > 
> > It should be possible by directly setting the read-only mode to some cell
> > in CodeMiror itself, but it will require a bit of javscript:
> > 
> >
> > I'll drill into that, thanks ! My major issue will be to identify the cells
> > that i want to disable through the DOM as they have no ID ... is-it
> > possible to give them one with metadata ?
> You cannot (yet) get a dom identity through the metadata, but you can a list
> of sell by
> IPython.notebook.get_cells()
> then loop on all cell and on each cell do approximatively a
> var ro = (cell.metadata.my_namespace || {}).readonly
> if(ro === true):
> 	cell.editor.set_options('readOnly','nocursor')
> Which should do the desired effect.
> You might want to capture a few other event like execution request on theses
> cell by monkey patching
> the CellClass.prototype.execute
> CellClass.prototype.old_execute = CellClass.prototype.execute
> CellClass.prototype.execute = function(){
> 	if not read only :
> 		this.old_execute(arguments)
> }
> > I suppose css with the same target and display:none in custom.css should
> > works.
> > I was supposing that to, but there is a  style="display: block;" generated
> > in the html for the header div that overwrite the custom.css
> > #header{   display:none; } ?
> Hum, we should probably fix that then.
> > No, there is no list. You can grep through the source for
> > out should give yo an idea of existing event,
> > 
> > The rest depend if when using IPython for a MOOC you will be providing the
> > sever,in which case you can customize it a lot
> > or if you plan on users to install IPython in which case you probably want
> > to avoid too aggressive customization.
> > We will be providing a server, so we can customize it a lot. I'm convince
> > ipython and notebooks are great tools for online education, providing some
> > minor adjustments !
> Then you can probably apply a patch on the template to remove whatever
> element for the time being.
> We'll be happy to get your feedback from using the notebook for teaching.
> --
> M
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May 28 11:04:53 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias BUSSONNIER)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 17:04:53 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Internationalisation and creating domain specific
	Help items
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Ozan, 

Internationalization is a complex process and  by lack of manpower we default 
to not doing any work on this side (not that any of us are not native english speaker).
This mean that we haven't really looked into the way of doing that both on python side
and javacript side. 

You seem to be already more aware of the tool existing so any input in what is
possible/necessary is appreciated and can be made part of a pull request. 
If you prefer you can even send a PR for the pure python side, and one for the js side, 
that is up to you. 

As Fernando said, we have nothing against including the necessary infrastructure
to help translation as long as it stays a relatively-low overhead for our development. 
I suppose we can even find ways to have separate python packages for translation 
that can be maintained orthogonally as the Main IPython project. 

Le 28 mai 2014 ? 16:44, Ozan ?a?layan a ?crit :

> Hi,
> Well I prepared a branch out of the current master to test what I've
> done yesterday and I noticed a (big?) problem: There are UI strings in
> .js files too. Well this is annoying as client-side JS can't access
> the binary gettext catalogs.

> There are libraries like Jed for JS
> translation with which you convert the translated gettext catalogs to
> json and embed the translations inside a js file which is loaded
> during runtime.

We do ship require.js, there is a plugin i suppose we can ship the extension to require json file. 
Though it will require some refactoring of or library to use require.js, but they will be done eventually.
if it is easier to just have a templated include in the html template, then just go with it, 
I think as a first step, having to restart the server to change lang is not such a big deal.  

> What do you think? Is there a way to provide those strings in html
> templates or was it mandatory to have them in .js code? An example is
> the tour.js for example. Or modal dialogs from savewidget.js

What I would suggest is to do a pull request with what you have now,
then post a link here. People that are interested can join the PR
and it is alway easier to discuss on concrete example, comment on code, 
and iterate over it  than to argue on abstract ideas. Especially if you already 
have something in your sleeves.

> Thanks!
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

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From doug.blank at  Wed May 28 11:30:22 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 11:30:22 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Internationalisation and creating domain specific
 Help items
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Matthias BUSSONNIER <
bussonniermatthias at> wrote:

> Hi Ozan,
> Internationalization is a complex process and  by lack of manpower we
> default
> to not doing any work on this side (not that any of us are not native
> english speaker).
> This mean that we haven't really looked into the way of doing that both on
> python side
> and javacript side.
> You seem to be already more aware of the tool existing so any input in
> what is
> possible/necessary is appreciated and can be made part of a pull request.
> If you prefer you can even send a PR for the pure python side, and one for
> the js side,
> that is up to you.
> As Fernando said, we have nothing against including the necessary
> infrastructure
> to help translation as long as it stays a relatively-low overhead for our
> development.
> I suppose we can even find ways to have separate python packages for
> translation
> that can be maintained orthogonally as the Main IPython project.
> Le 28 mai 2014 ? 16:44, Ozan ?a?layan a ?crit :
> Hi,
> Well I prepared a branch out of the current master to test what I've
> done yesterday and I noticed a (big?) problem: There are UI strings in
> .js files too. Well this is annoying as client-side JS can't access
> the binary gettext catalogs.
> There are libraries like Jed for JS
> translation with which you convert the translated gettext catalogs to
> json and embed the translations inside a js file which is loaded
> during runtime.
> We do ship require.js, there is a plugin i suppose we can ship the
> extension to require json file.
> Though it will require some refactoring of or library to use require.js,
> but they will be done eventually.
> if it is easier to just have a templated include in the html template,
> then just go with it,
> I think as a first step, having to restart the server to change lang is
> not such a big deal.
> What do you think? Is there a way to provide those strings in html
> templates or was it mandatory to have them in .js code? An example is
> the tour.js for example. Or modal dialogs from savewidget.js
> What I would suggest is to do a pull request with what you have now,
> then post a link here. People that are interested can join the PR
> and it is alway easier to discuss on concrete example, comment on code,
> and iterate over it  than to argue on abstract ideas. Especially if you
> already
> have something in your sleeves.

I am also interested in making the IPython infrastructure work with
multiple human languages and cultures (internationalization I18n, and
localization l10n). Glad to see the work on this front!

Having worked on other open source projects that allow other languages,
some things we all might consider:

1) gettext is the most widely used system in the open source world, and has
countless tools and support for extracting text, and allowing different
languages to be packaged up by external translators. It is also very fast,
as it caches translations.

2) It can be a little tricky with gettext, but it is possible to change
languages on the fly, or to have different notebooks in different
languages, for example. Getting it to work with a single, static language
can be a good first step, but many users will no doubt want to change more

3) I think that there are four components of an IPython system that may
need three methods: HTML, JavaScript, the server, and the kernel. Remember
that the decimal place separation, and dates can change syntactical format,
in addition to just changing text. Also, there are other kernels beyond
CPython, which might change even more in a different language context.

4) Windows may be the trickiest environment to work with gettext, but it
can be done.

5) This is a fairly well-known problem, although IPython has some unique
issues. It might be good to discuss the overall design and proposed


> --
> M
> Thanks!
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May 28 12:16:58 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 18:16:58 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] 2 questions about notebooks : disabling cells for
	edition and best hiding menu bar process
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le 28 mai 2014 ? 16:56, Benjamin Ninassi a ?crit :

> Again thanks a lot, I made it work with this snipet of code in custom.js (for the record if someone search through this thread):
> $([]).on('notebook_loaded.Notebook', function(){
>  var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells();
>  for(var i in cells){
>    var cell = cells[i];
>    if (!(cell instanceof IPython.CodeCell)) {
>      cell.code_mirror.setOption('readOnly','nocursor');
>    }
>  }
> })

Be careful, with that if your student insert some markdown cell and reload it will prevent him/her from editing.
If you wrap it in a extension, you can probably make a pull request there :

> I'll be happy to provide you with feedback !
> We're preparing a Mooc on robotic with some python exercices that will be available on the governmental french Mooc plateform
> (which is based on EDX) at the end of the year, and we were looking for a solution to allow student to quickly be able to do the exercices without having to install python and all the stuff (numpy, matplotlib and so on) on their computer.

Oh, great, will it be integrated into France-OS [1] ?

> Skulpt and other javascript librairy still can't be used with numpy, so I turned on server-side execution with ipython.
> And I'm pretty sure now that ipython will do the trick. :)

Also please use Python 3 :-) 

You might want to have a look at ipydra [2] for deployment.

> We may also add some automatic evaluation to, I'll keep you inform on our progress !

You should speak with :
- Jessica Hamrick who did something similar [3]

Miscs : 

General thing in english  stuff

You might want to contact 
-  Greg Wilson from software carpentry/Mozilla with whom you will share some interest in using notebook to teach
-  Mit Teach Julia using IPython notebook, they have custom stuff, you might want to ping the Julia List. I think that 
    Aaron Culich at Berkeley EECS also probably made some mass deployment of IPython notebook.
- People from SageMath might be of help too as they have online IPython notebook. 

- I prefer not to include link to companies, but ContinuumIO might also be of help as they already deploy wakari.
  Though, they will probably offer you to go with wakari enterprise[6].

(No explicit contact info private mail me if you can't find) 

More French specific stuff

You might want to contact 
- Emanuelle Gouillart and Gael Varoquaux who worked on python pour les classes pr?paratoires [4].
    (python for undergraduate student french program)	They are near Paris though. 
- Pierre Haessig was involved too in above project IIRC, and should be near you (at Bruz near Rennes), but is finishing his PhD, so might be busy[5].
- Enthought do not have python in the cloud IIRC, but do have French people in their team (Jonathan Rocher at least) which is great if you need support. 
	they are also more hardware oriented than continuum from the demo I have seen, which tend to be better for robotics IIUC.

- You might want to join the other thread on internationalization as I know by experience that french
student tend to not speak english very well until pretty late (Stargate-SG1 you did a better job than my english teacher)

Shameless plug at the end, especially because this seem to be a big project,
and also there seem to be some buzz[8] around notre cher Ministre de l'?conomie, 
du Redressement productif et du Num?rique[7]. We would highly appreciate
any contribution on IPython and Open  Source community, even more if you
could make your hierarchy understand that and officially put some extra people
 (obviously you are already part of them) or fund to help.

If there is any need for someone from the IPython to come to convince peoples, 
even despite [5], I am in France (for the time being), and Fernando P?rez, speak a 
a perfect French, so I suppose if it is to convince a government agency to fund a project, 
he might find some free time. There are also a handful of French speaking people 
from the SciPy stack I can think of that are around, and I guess could be of help.


> -- 
> Benjamin Ninassi 
> INRIA - SEISM & Mooclab
> T?l. (+33) 02 99 84 73 43 
> benjamin.ninassi at 

[1]  <- french, stupid bad joke 
[4] (fr)
[5] i am too and i spend to much time on IPython ML.
[7]  (fr)
[8] (fr)
> ----- Mail original -----
>> De: "Matthias BUSSONNIER" <bussonniermatthias at>
>> ?: "IPython developers list" <ipython-dev at>
>> Envoy?: Mercredi 28 Mai 2014 15:49:27
>> Objet: Re: [IPython-dev] 2 questions about notebooks : disabling cells for	edition and best hiding menu bar process
>> Le 28 mai 2014 ? 15:22, Benjamin Ninassi a ?crit :
>>> Thanks a lot for your quick answears !
>>> It should be possible by directly setting the read-only mode to some cell
>>> in CodeMiror itself, but it will require a bit of javscript:
>>> I'll drill into that, thanks ! My major issue will be to identify the cells
>>> that i want to disable through the DOM as they have no ID ... is-it
>>> possible to give them one with metadata ?
>> You cannot (yet) get a dom identity through the metadata, but you can a list
>> of sell by
>> IPython.notebook.get_cells()
>> then loop on all cell and on each cell do approximatively a
>> var ro = (cell.metadata.my_namespace || {}).readonly
>> if(ro === true):
>> 	cell.editor.set_options('readOnly','nocursor')
>> Which should do the desired effect.
>> You might want to capture a few other event like execution request on theses
>> cell by monkey patching
>> the CellClass.prototype.execute
>> CellClass.prototype.old_execute = CellClass.prototype.execute
>> CellClass.prototype.execute = function(){
>> 	if not read only :
>> 		this.old_execute(arguments)
>> }
>>> I suppose css with the same target and display:none in custom.css should
>>> works.
>>> I was supposing that to, but there is a  style="display: block;" generated
>>> in the html for the header div that overwrite the custom.css
>>> #header{   display:none; } ?
>> Hum, we should probably fix that then.
>>> No, there is no list. You can grep through the source for
>>> out should give yo an idea of existing event,
>>> The rest depend if when using IPython for a MOOC you will be providing the
>>> sever,in which case you can customize it a lot
>>> or if you plan on users to install IPython in which case you probably want
>>> to avoid too aggressive customization.
>>> We will be providing a server, so we can customize it a lot. I'm convince
>>> ipython and notebooks are great tools for online education, providing some
>>> minor adjustments !
>> Then you can probably apply a patch on the template to remove whatever
>> element for the time being.
>> We'll be happy to get your feedback from using the notebook for teaching.
>> --
>> M
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>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
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From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May 28 12:45:49 2014
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 18:45:49 +0200
Subject: [IPython-dev] Internationalisation and creating domain specific
	Help items
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Le 28 mai 2014 ? 16:44, Ozan ?a?layan a ?crit :
> 3) I think that there are four components of an IPython system that may need three methods: HTML, JavaScript, the server, and the kernel. Remember that the decimal place separation, and dates can change syntactical format, in addition to just changing text. Also, there are other kernels beyond CPython, which might change even more in a different language context.

Decimal place and separation should **never** be internationalized. (except maybe in non selectable, carefully chosen UI element)
I reserve a special place in hell for people that make things like that happen through OS or Software upgrade. 

In a more calm way, I do think that internationalization of a kernel is a bad idea. You shouldn't  have half internationalized 
things. And because of the huge amount  library you will not be able to fully translate kernels.

Beside, especially in software, you can easily translate things in the wrong way which hurt googlability and leads to things like 

"Ouvrir le Panda Roux" (which read as rip open the red panda) instead of Launch FireFox [1]

I do not know about your experience in having non-english software installed, but it is the bane of the existence 
of most researcher in my lab. Special though to my ex-officemate that had German Laptop/os, with a French-translated 
Software, manual in english and had to type greek-like things sometime.

I know of at least 1 os manufacturer that did it almost right, on my computer I can actually do 
`cd Desktop`, and it put me on the folder "Bureau", or search "keychain" and it finds the "Trousseau d'access".
So it Does display one thing but search also in the english-invisible string which partially help. 


[1] No firefox is not Renard de feu :

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From doug.blank at  Wed May 28 14:03:11 2014
From: doug.blank at (Doug Blank)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 14:03:11 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Internationalisation and creating domain specific
 Help items
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Matthias Bussonnier <
bussonniermatthias at> wrote:

> Le 28 mai 2014 ? 16:44, Ozan ?a?layan a ?crit :
> 3) I think that there are four components of an IPython system that may
> need three methods: HTML, JavaScript, the server, and the kernel. Remember
> that the decimal place separation, and dates can change syntactical format,
> in addition to just changing text. Also, there are other kernels beyond
> CPython, which might change even more in a different language context.
> Decimal place and separation should **never** be internationalized.
> (except maybe in non selectable, carefully chosen UI element)
> I reserve a special place in hell for people that make things like that
> happen through OS or Software upgrade.
> In a more calm way, I do think that internationalization of a kernel is a
> bad idea. You shouldn't  have half internationalized
> things. And because of the huge amount  library you will not be able to
> fully translate kernels.

The kinds of things that I would be interested in translating in the kernel
would be items like help and doc-strings. When working with students
learning to program (especially kids), error messages may also need to be
translated (although that has different implications). But I can also
imagine a visual programming language that has text on the blocks. I would
think those would be translated too.

But those are issues for the kernel to determine.

> Beside, especially in software, you can easily translate things in the
> wrong way which hurt googlability and leads to things like
> "Ouvrir le Panda Roux" (which read as rip open the red panda) instead of
> Launch FireFox [1]

Writing text that can be translated, and developing the associated
translations is a process very similar to coding... definitely something
that can be debugged and get better over time.

> I do not know about your experience in having non-english software
> installed, but it is the bane of the existence
> of most researcher in my lab. Special though to my ex-officemate that had
> German Laptop/os, with a French-translated
> Software, manual in english and had to type greek-like things sometime.
> I know of at least 1 os manufacturer that did it almost right, on my
> computer I can actually do
> `cd Desktop`, and it put me on the folder "Bureau", or search "keychain"
> and it finds the "Trousseau d'access".
> So it Does display one thing but search also in the english-invisible
> string which partially help.

Funny! Probably don't want to do it almost right :)


> --
> M
> [1] No firefox is not Renard de feu :
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> IPython-dev mailing list
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From maximilian.albert at  Wed May 28 17:43:01 2014
From: maximilian.albert at (Maximilian Albert)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 22:43:01 +0100
Subject: [IPython-dev] Including IPython notebooks as subsections in a
 LaTeX document?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

thanks for the quick and helpful replies. I managed to get something to
work by copying & pasting a few existing templates. I tried to inherit from
them but didn't quite manage to get the desired effect (possibly due to my
inexperience with Jinja). I won't have time to dig deeper before next week
but will take a closer look then to see if I missed something obvious.

I also had some (unrelated) problems with including external images which
didn't show up in the converted LaTeX source, but I may discuss this
separately next week.

@Matthew: Dexy looks very interesting indeed. I remember I had come across
it before but forgotten about it. I found a post [1] by Brian Granger from
a year ago where he said he might try to use it in conjunction with the
IPython notebook. Has anything come of this? Or are there other examples
available that it might be useful to follow?

Thanks again and best regards,


2014-05-28 7:17 GMT+01:00 Matthias BUSSONNIER <bussonniermatthias at>

> Le 28 mai 2014 ? 04:30, Fernando Perez a ?crit :
> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Aron Ahmadia <aron at> wrote:
>> Max, your approach sounds correct to me.  I'm not aware of many
>> simpler/elegant solutions, mostly just "afternoon hacks" :)
> Yup, sounds about right too... Those templates are precisely meant to be
> modified by end users with use cases like the above?
> better than copy and pasting you can just inherit ((* extend ?. *)) at the
> top of the templates, and only overwrite the blocks you need.
> usually you can just overwrote the blocks you don't want with empty
> blocks, put the new file in current working directory and run nbconvert
> with the --template=mytemplate options. It should work.
> --
> M
> Cheers,
> f
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> IPython-dev mailing list
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From ozancag at  Thu May 29 05:26:02 2014
From: ozancag at (=?UTF-8?B?T3phbiDDh2HEn2xheWFu?=)
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 12:26:02 +0300
Subject: [IPython-dev] Internationalisation and creating domain specific
 Help items
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Here's the pull request:

From telnet2 at  Thu May 29 11:15:48 2014
From: telnet2 at (Joohwi Lee)
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 11:15:48 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] ipython notebook access log
Message-ID: <>


I've tried to find out how to configure the iPython notebook to store
access logs into a separate files. Among several logs, I want to store
[tornado.access] logs into tornado.access.log.

Does anyone let me know how to set up this?

In addition, I would like to include remote ip addresses in the access log.

Hope any help!

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Joowhi Lee
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From claresloggett at  Sat May 31 05:05:52 2014
From: claresloggett at (Clare Sloggett)
Date: Sat, 31 May 2014 19:05:52 +1000
Subject: [IPython-dev] Sourcing a javascript file from a notebook,
	and writing local javascript
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I was playing around with embeddable javascript libraries and seeing if I
could make use them from a Notebook. My first attempt was to try the
simplest thing possible; embed it in a markdown cell. The javascript I was
trying to embed wants to both source an external file, and then use it via
some local javascript code, like
   <script language="javascript" src="http://some-url/library.js"></script>
   <script language="javascript">
   ... code ...

In Notebook 1.x, the local code executes but throws an error about
undefined variables, suggesting that the external javascript file was not
loaded. Is this expected?

In Notebook 2.0, so far as I can tell, none of it executes at all.

Am I right in thinking that embedding Javascript into a markdown cell has
been deprecated? Do I need to put it into custom.js instead? And, will I be
able to source the remote file from there, or will I need to make that
library local as well?

Sorry if this is a naive question, a lot of aspects of this are new to me.
I'm just looking for the most straightforward and lightweight approach so I
can experiment with my code.

Thanks in advance,
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From andrew.gibiansky at  Sat May 31 12:41:23 2014
From: andrew.gibiansky at (Andrew Gibiansky)
Date: Sat, 31 May 2014 12:41:23 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Sourcing a javascript file from a notebook,
 and writing local javascript
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm not an IPython dev, but I *believe* that embedding JS into a Markdown
cell has indeed been deprecated, for security reasons. I now experiment by
putting things in custom.js.

Code in custom.js I think has all the privileges that normal Javascript
has, so you should be free to load external files and scripts. You can
include your own JS files using require.js:


In a similar way you should be able to load foreign JS files, I think; I
don't know require.js very well though. You could probably also just append
a <script> tag to the DOM with a proper src attribute :)

-- Andrew Gibiansky

On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 5:05 AM, Clare Sloggett <claresloggett at>

> Hi all,
> I was playing around with embeddable javascript libraries and seeing if I
> could make use them from a Notebook. My first attempt was to try the
> simplest thing possible; embed it in a markdown cell. The javascript I was
> trying to embed wants to both source an external file, and then use it via
> some local javascript code, like
>    <script language="javascript" src="http://some-url/library.js
> "></script>
>    <script language="javascript">
>    ... code ...
>    </script>
> In Notebook 1.x, the local code executes but throws an error about
> undefined variables, suggesting that the external javascript file was not
> loaded. Is this expected?
> In Notebook 2.0, so far as I can tell, none of it executes at all.
> Am I right in thinking that embedding Javascript into a markdown cell has
> been deprecated? Do I need to put it into custom.js instead? And, will I be
> able to source the remote file from there, or will I need to make that
> library local as well?
> Sorry if this is a naive question, a lot of aspects of this are new to me.
> I'm just looking for the most straightforward and lightweight approach so I
> can experiment with my code.
> Thanks in advance,
> Clare
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> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at
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