[IPython-dev] Two frontends, one kernel
benjaminrk at gmail.com
Fri May 2 13:04:51 EDT 2014
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:04 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:35 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> ROUTER sockets use an IDENTITY prefix to determine who the recipient
>> should be.
> Ok, I think I understand, but still not working. Here is some wording that
> (if correct) could be inserted in an expanded discussion of the wire
> protocol (which doesn't yet mention socket type):
> http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#the-wire-protocol
> """
> If you only want to implement basic functionality (one frontend per
> kernel, no parallel or cluster support) then using DEALER instead of ROUTER
> is fine, and a good place to start because you don't need the complexity of
> the routing protocol. You can simply leave out the routing prefixes before
> the <IDS|MSG> delimiter in the wire protocol.
> If you do want more than the basic functionality (such as allowing two
> frontends to a kernel) then you must use the ROUTER socket type, and must
> have the correct routing prefixes.
> """
I would not add this. I would consider it purely an accident that any
kernel with DEALER sockets sometimes appears to work, and no kernel should
ever use DEALER sockets on the kernel. I think suggesting that DEALER
sockets might work in simple cases would only increase the likelihood that
new kernels use dealer sockets, when none should.
The addition of a kernel_info request at startup, which is about to go into
IPython master, will mean that no kernel using DEALER sockets will work in
any frontend, because there will be a minimum of two client sockets
connected to the kernel’s shell channel.
> The problem is that I haven't gotten the routing to work, and it seems
> like it deserves some documentation. For example, watching the IPython
> kernel, I appear to see the following kinds of routing:
> message type: "kernel_info_reply", routing appears to be "SESSION_ID":
> *** KERNEL SENT: "['860e49d1-3852-4d9a-a623-01271cc95f21', '<IDS|MSG>',
> '1832e7dad75f76550782d188b01d902c259da4b1d12ad9aa51c11bb756176065',
> '{"date":"2014-05-02T11:36:54.231974","username":"kernel","session":"a97ba32b-b539-4b37-ab2e-08076f5a9bd6","msg_id":"e4cc180a-d262-4ac8-b4e0-fbc9e49855fb","msg_type":"kernel_info_reply"}',
> '{"date":"2014-05-02T11:36:53.956564","username":"dblank","session":"860e49d1-3852-4d9a-a623-01271cc95f21","msg_id":"08428883-db50-401d-8601-e62fadcf38ba","msg_type":"kernel_info_request"}',
> '{}',
> '{"protocol_version":[4,1],"language_version":[2,7,5],"language":"python","ipython_version":[2,0,0,""]}']"
> message type: "status", routing appears to be "kernel.KERNEL_ID.status":
> *** KERNEL SENT: "['kernel.a5092211-ccf1-4017-bab9-58bab7d8eb52.status',
> '<IDS|MSG>',
> '1a3ac6b69c87a4e5c30ea95001c86868ee1af08b4e6d953f0478f117ac6f6124',
> '{"date":"2014-05-02T11:37:56.826835","username":"kernel","session":"a97ba32b-b539-4b37-ab2e-08076f5a9bd6","msg_id":"fefb1c9c-8c93-4a7e-85a0-6440eda8af99","msg_type":"status"}',
> '{"date":"2014-05-02T11:37:56.824306","username":"dblank","session":"860e49d1-3852-4d9a-a623-01271cc95f21","msg_id":"335597c6-2101-4343-8d64-2a9d328617ef","msg_type":"execute_request"}',
> '{}', '{"execution_state":"busy"}']"
> message type: "execute_repl", routing is "execute_reply", raw data (end of
> message) is list of session ids:
> *** KERNEL SENT: "[u'execute_reply', {'status': u'ok', 'execution_count':
> 2, 'user_variables': {}, 'payload': [], 'user_expressions': {}},
> {'parent_header': {}, 'msg_type': 'execute_request', 'msg_id':
> '4a153840-c5f1-4f24-813f-4585c9eb776f', 'content': {'code': '1 + 1\n',
> 'silent': False, 'user_variables': [], 'store_history': True,
> 'user_expressions': {}, 'allow_stdin': True}, 'header': {'date':
> datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 2, 11, 42, 50, 892870), 'username': 'dblank',
> 'session': '1a402950-a0bf-417d-88d3-13b6d58506c3', 'msg_id':
> '4a153840-c5f1-4f24-813f-4585c9eb776f', 'msg_type': 'execute_request'},
> 'buffers': [], 'metadata': {}}, {'dependencies_met': True, 'engine':
> u'a5092211-ccf1-4017-bab9-58bab7d8eb52', 'status': u'ok', 'started':
> datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 2, 11, 42, 50, 896000)},
> ['1a402950-a0bf-417d-88d3-13b6d58506c3']]"
> Am I reading this correctly? If so, then many kernel developers may stop
> at basic communication and use DEALER (which is fine, I guess). For those
> of us you want to implement the full spec (with the expectation of having
> parallel engines working), each of these cases will need to be dealt with,
> right?
I suppose I should add a bit of a zmq primer to the message spec. The
relevant bits:
ROUTER sockets use IDENTITIES to pick the peer to send messages to. This is
the part of the message preceding the ‘‘ delimiter. A ROUTER *must* send
replies with the same routing prefix as the requests it receives.
A simple (Python) example:
DELIM = b'<IDS|MSG>'# request_msg normally constructed by
request_msg = [ b'blob', b'other blob', DELIM, b'message frame 0',
b'message frame 1']
delim_idx = request_msg.index(DELIM)
identities = msg[:delim_idx]
msg_frames = msg[delim_idx + 1:]
# handle msg....
# build reply_frames with the same routing prefix as the request:
reply_frames = [ b'reply 0', b'reply 1' ]
reply_msg = identities + [DELIM] + reply_frames
PUB sockets are different. PUB sockets use only the first message part as a
TOPIC, on which sub sockets can filter. In IPython, this is generally
ignored, but the message spec describes what IPython does with pub topics.
The PUB topic should *not* be the routing prefix used by the ROUTER socket.
> Thanks again!
> -Doug
>> In an IPython message, this would be the frames prior to the '<IDS|MSG>'
>> delimiter. You must send these as the beginning of the reply in order for
>> the reply to arrive at the correct peer.
>> -MinRK
>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:01 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> All of those DEALER sockets should be ROUTER sockets. The DEALER
>>>> behavior is correct for only one peer, but it will round-robin replies if
>>>> there is more than one.
>>> If I change the ShellChannel to ROUTER then the kernel will no longer
>>> respond.
>>> If I change the others to ROUTER, then I don't see a difference with
>>> prior behavior.
>>>> Clearly some documentation is wrong. Where did you get the suggestion
>>>> that they should be DEALER sockets?
>>> Probably a combination of finding what would work, and looking at other
>>> code (it is sometimes hard to translate code and docs between different ZMQ
>>> libraries).
>>> Thank you for helping me track this down!
>>> -Doug
>>>> -MinRK
>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:37 PM, MinRK <benjaminrk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> What are your socket types on the Kernel side?
>>>>> Here is the definitions for our channels:
>>>>> public class ShellChannel : Channel {
>>>>> base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> public class IOPubChannel : Channel {
>>>>> base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.PUB) {
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> public class ControlChannel : Channel {
>>>>> base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> public class StdInChannel : Channel {
>>>>> base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.DEALER) {
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> public class HeartBeatChannel : Channel {
>>>>> base(session, auth, transport, address, port, SocketType.REP) {
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Could that really effect multi-frontend, but not single?
>>>>> -Doug
>>>>>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Doug Blank <doug.blank at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>> Devs, I have been trying to find the cause of this bug for some
>>>>>>> time, and I thought that someone might be able to provide a hint as to
>>>>>>> where to look to find the issue.
>>>>>>> We have an external kernel that works very well when you connect
>>>>>>> onto it with a single frontend. But when you connect two frontends (console
>>>>>>> or notebook), then the conversation gets confused.
>>>>>>> More detail:
>>>>>>> Terminal 1:
>>>>>>> ipython console --profile calico
>>>>>>> works fine.
>>>>>>> Terminal 2:
>>>>>>> ipython console --profile calico --existing
>>>>>>> starts, but now things are confused. Now, each terminal takes turns
>>>>>>> being able to get the prompt. If run in notebook, then code execution never
>>>>>>> signals the end of computing (the [*] never turns to a number, but you can
>>>>>>> still enter and get results back). In the console, output is received, but
>>>>>>> the prompt is in the other terminal.
>>>>>>> It works fine with a single front end.
>>>>>>> Any ideas appreciated!
>>>>>>> -Doug
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