[IPython-dev] Load custom.js file that is not in my ipython profile directory

Aron Ahmadia aron at ahmadia.net
Wed May 7 09:15:23 EDT 2014

%% javascript

That and the profile are the two most common methods for enabling custom
js.  The previous method of embedding in Markdown is no longer allowed.


On Wednesday, May 7, 2014, David Ketcheson <dketch at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd like to load some javascript into the notebook from a .js file that is
> not in my ipython profile directory.  This would allow me to distribute the
> notebook and the .js file together and have users get the benefit of the
> .js file in the notebook.
> I know how to do the analogous thing with .css files, based on the content
> of the last cell in this notebook:
> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/barbagroup/AeroPython/blob/master/lessons/01_Lesson01_sourceSink.ipynb
> How can I do the same for javascript?
> -David
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