[IPython-dev] widget value persistence

Matthias BUSSONNIER bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Fri May 23 04:21:06 EDT 2014

Le 22 mai 2014 à 17:31, Vasco Tenner a écrit :

> Dear all,
> On 02/27/2014 10:10 PM, Darren Dale wrote:
>>    However, if you re-run the cell, I think it will (and should) always
>>    return the default to what the code specifies. I think it's
> What I quite often do to preserve the settings of a widget:
> 1. Create a widget
> w = interactive(function)
> display(w)
> 2. The just print the values of the sliders:
> w.kwargs
> 3. Then copy this output in a new cell.
> good_kwargs = {'a':1}
> What would help me is if I can set the values of the widgets with 
> something like:
> w = interactive(function)
> w.kwargs = good_kwargs
> display(w)
> Is there a way to achieve this?

from IPython.html.widgets import interactive

def fun(c=0, a=1):
    return a+c

w = interactive(fun,**{'c':12,'a':7})

Does what you expect it to do. 

> Kind regards,
> Vasco
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