[IPython-dev] notebook hangs with latest master
Matthias Bussonnier
bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 07:42:31 EST 2014
Le 4 nov. 2014 à 13:34, Zoltán Vörös <zvoros at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Matthias,
> On 11/04/2014 12:54 PM, Matthias Bussonnier wrote:
> Here is my error log:
> Loaded extension: toc :8888/static/base/js/utils.js:26
> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/nbextensions/toc.css"> toc.js:147
> Default extension for cell metadata editing loaded. default.js:48
> Raw Cell Format toolbar preset loaded. rawcell.js:82
> Slideshow extension for metadata editing loaded. slideshow.js:43
> Ignoring untrusted image/svg+xml output. outputarea.js:518
> Uncaught ReferenceError: nb is not defined notebook.js:2198
This one is weird, what's the line of notebook.js you have line 2198 (and context if possible)
> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not
> Found) http://localhost:8888/static/components/codemirror/lib/codemirror
> Uncaught Error: Script error for:
> /static/components/codemirror/lib/codemirror
> http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror require.js:141
> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not
> Found)
Ok, so this is probably one of the problem, try deactivation the fold code add-on in your custom.js,
probably an extension that do not work with code mirror 4.
be sure that IPython/html/static/components/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js exist, but you di submodule update
so should be fine.
> http://localhost:8888/static/components/codemirror/addon/fold/foldcode
> Uncaught Error: Script error for:
> /static/components/codemirror/addon/fold/foldcode
> http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror require.js:141
> http://localhost:8888/static/components/underscore/underscore-min.map
> 404 (Not Found) :8888/static/components/underscore/underscore-min.map:1
> GET http://localhost:8888/static/components/backbone/backbone-min.map
> 404 (Not Found) :8888/static/components/backbone/backbone-min.map:1
(generally the min.map we don't care about)
> The two failed GET requests are there even for new notebooks, so that is
> probably not the problem. The codemirror errors shouldn't matter either,
> because I have proper code highlighting in a new notebook. (Although, I
> have noticed that the contents of subfolders in profile/static/custom
> are no longer loaded. I have also checked the content
> of/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/IPython/html/static/components/codemirror/addon/fold,
> and that is not an empty folder, so I suppose that all components are
> there.)
> The only major difference that I see in the error log of a new and old
> notebook is
> Uncaught ReferenceError: nb is not defined notebook.js:2198
>> Are you on tornado 4?
> No, I was running version 3.1. I have removed that, and now I have
> 4.0.2. That didn't change the situation.
>>> The other problem is a rendering issue: when I create a new notebook (this can be done without problems, and then the results can be loaded later), and I execute, say, 3*3, I get $$9$$ in the output. This happens, when I run the the server with the ipython configuration file that I attached. Is this an issue in the kernel as such, or something in the sympyprinting extension?
>> Probably a bug in JS (cf above)
>>> These issues don't seem to be related to the browser, or the browser history: I have cleared the cache, and tried to run the notebooks in chrome and firefox. I have also run
>>>> python setup.py submodule
>>> Since that didn't work, I removed the whole git folder, and cloned the content again. That didn't help either. I still get an
>>> /> running css
>>> />/ />/ Failed to build css sourcemaps: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
>>> />/ checking package data/
>> You might need less to build the css. But if you clone --recursive, you shouldn't ned to build anything.
> I have tried this, too, the same problem.
>>> error, when trying to build. Last time Matthias suggested python setup.py submodule, and that solved the problem, but not now.
>>> What I also noticed is that the old notebooks have the header
>>> {
>>> "metadata": {
>>> "name": "",
>>> "signature": "sha256:166a240702e584a760e43c90f3d1422154ca5aec932554de10f4922aaa1e517a"
>>> },
>>> "nbformat": 3,
>>> "nbformat_minor": 0,
>>> "worksheets": [
>>> while the new ones are bare; they kick out like this:
>>> {
>>> "cells": [
>>> {
>>> "cell_type": "code",
>>> "execution_count": 1,
>>> "metadata": {
>>> "collapsed": false
>>> },
>>> "outputs": [
>>> and the metadata is moved to the end of the file, and the "worksheet" dictionary entry is removed. I wonder, whether some of the problems are related to a change in the notebook format.
>> This is indeed the noes notebook format.
>> I though we were using an ordered dict to write file on disk, but order shouldn't matter.
> But in the new version, the 'worksheets' entry is completely removed,
> isn't it?
Yes it is.
Hope we can figure this out...
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