[IPython-dev] notebook hangs with latest master

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 08:45:28 EST 2014

Le 4 nov. 2014 à 14:35, Zoltán Vörös <zvoros at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Actually, this is the part of the code that checks for the notebook version
> if (orig_nbformat !== undefined && nbmodel.nbformat !== orig_nbformat) {
>            var src;
>            if (nb.nbformat > nb.orig_nbformat) {
>                src = " an older notebook format ";
>            } else {
>                src = " a newer notebook format ";
>            }

Ok, so it shouldn't be nb. but nbmodel. I guess. 

Would you like to fix it and submit a PR ? 

You can add "use strict"; at the top of the main function to be sure it does not reproduce anymore. 


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