[IPython-dev] Notebook format "incompatible" changes

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 13:47:34 EST 2014

So, if I was to try and add structured data RDF properties, I would add
those as keys in the notebook-level metadata object?

I'm assuming I could just merge the nbformatv4 @context with an @context
that would allow me to abbreviate additional URI predicates as regular JSON
object strings.



Yesterday, I sent an email to the public-vocabs at w3.org (schema.org) list
asking what subtype of schema:CreativeWork would most accurately describe
an IPython notebook, but have not yet received a response.

At the cell-level, it would be cool if we could say, "this is the
abstract", " these are figures derived from this dataset with thus URI
retrieved from this URL" and "thus is the conclusion" e.g. for PLoS.

I've looked at PROV for something like recording an additive journal of
@datastep transformations ( https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/3402 )
but have nothing like an actual implementation. It would be great to see it.

For clinical studies (e.g. RCTs), an ontology of study-control URIs would
also be helpful.

Thanks again for this @context, this is great work.
On Nov 4, 2014 9:15 AM, "Nicholas Bollweg" <nick.bollweg at gmail.com> wrote:

> News from the JSON-LD front: Everything looks pretty good, except for the
> mime-types.
> Here's the gist <https://gist.github.com/bollwyvl/e7f8136bd2ea5674dd00>.
> Here's a JSON-LD playground
> <http://json-ld.org/playground/index.html#startTab=tab-compacted&json-ld=https%3A%2F%2Fgist.githubusercontent.com%2Fbollwyvl%2Fe7f8136bd2ea5674dd00%2Fraw%2Ftest4.linked.context.ipynb%23&context=https%3A%2F%2Fgist.githubusercontent.com%2Fbollwyvl%2Fe7f8136bd2ea5674dd00%2Fraw%2Fnb4.context.jsonld>.
> Here's the cross-post
> <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-linked-json/2014Nov/0001.html>
> to public-linked-json.
>    - A term can't be mapped to two things, say cells.0.cell_type to both
>    the @type and nb4:cell_type. I've opted for @type, as I think the goal
>    here is to make a context that makes content more machine-understandable,
>    rather than something that can round-trip back to the original format.
>    - I've manually added a few mime types as lists, but this task is
>    almost impossible, as its completely arbitrary... this means you won't be
>    able to ask graph questions about your base64-encoded application/x-pdf,
>    unless it has been captured.
>    - I really wish there was a way to do get an @id. Change signature from
>    foaf:sha1 to @id is so tempting, but then all the URIs would, again,
>    be off the main namespace. However, since the signature contains some
>    secret salt, it may not be worthwhile, as it's capturing notebook+user...
>    though maybe that is useful.
> I think the most likely way to understanding the meaning of a notebook
> fully would require some preprocessing, such as an nbconvert exporter :).
> Cheers!
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