[IPython-dev] Upgrading Kernels for IPython 3
kikocorreoso at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 03:03:42 EST 2014
2014-11-25 3:48 GMT+01:00 Andrew Gibiansky <andrew.gibiansky at gmail.com>:
> Thanks all. You've answered most of my questions, but I'm still a little
> unsure – when I run IPython (v3), it starts up a IPython+Python kernel
> console (as expected). In previous IPythons, you'd ask for a different
> kernel via "--profile". Now, since the kernels directory and registry
> exists, the profiles will be less important; however, is there still a way
> to request a particular kernel at startup? (without using --profile?)
See the "Running the notebook" section here:
Or at the end of this notebook:
> In addition, I'd like to request/ask about an addition to the kernel
> directory. Could kernels ship their own nbconvert templates in addition to
> the custom.css/custom.js? If they could, I think that would eliminate
> completely my need to use IPython profiles for IHaskell, which would be a
> boon.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 23 November 2014 at 23:01, Andrew Gibiansky <
>> andrew.gibiansky at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 1. When is IPython 3 slated to be out (and on PyPI)? I saw the roadmap
>>> on the wiki, which indicated Fall 2014 – are there any more detailed plans?
>> It will probably be early in the new year now.
>>> 2. Is there a list of things kernel authors need to do to update
>>> kernels? I've attempted to use the same kernel with IPython 3 and found
>>> that nothing works (my guess is there are several things in need of
>>> updating).
>> There is a new version (5) of the message spec, but as Matthias
>> mentioned, IPython should detect a kernel using the version 4 message spec
>> and translate messages so it keeps working. Other than that, you should
>> write a kernel spec, as described here:
>> http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/kernels.html#kernel-specs
>> If you have custom JS overrides, they will almost certainly need to be
>> updated, but there's no documentation of how to do that; the frontend
>> interfaces are all changing much too fast to be worth documenting at
>> present. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask us. We will also
>> make a way to provide custom JS with a kernelspec for the kernel selection
>> mechanism, but this isn't in place yet.
>>> 3. It seems that the new architecture assumes that kernels will install
>>> themselves into the ipython kernels directory, after which the user will
>>> invoke "ipython notebook" and choose the kernel. While I like this and
>>> would like to support this usage, historically I have shipped an "IHaskell"
>>> command which just ran IHaskell directly via "ipython --profile haskell"
>>> (along with doing a whole suite of other things). I would like to continue
>>> to provide this sort of mechanism to start IHaskell specifically, but it
>>> looks like "--profile" is deprecated (although it still appears in
>>> "--help"). What should I do? (Also, is "--profile-dir" also deprecated? It
>>> also appears in help and doesn't say it's deprecated.)
>> I don't remember that we've deprecated --profile, though we haven't
>> decided yet what will happen with profiles when we separate IPython and
>> Jupyter.
>> Best wishes,
>> Thomas
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