[IPython-dev] Nbparameterise: simple forms for notebook input

Antonino Ingargiola tritemio at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 18:14:48 EDT 2014

Interesting. Your example is exactly what I have done with runipy, just
cleaner through a proper API.

My suggestion however was different. I was thinking of saving the list of
parameter values in the "template notebook" so that it will contain all the
information about the batch processing. The "runner", in the most basic
mode, would just execute the notebook iterating through the specified

Think about that. If I have 5 notebooks for 5 different analysis, I have to
maintain 5 different sets of parameters in 5 different batch-runner
functions (or on disk or other location) to be able to batch-execute all of
them (and this is what I do right know). If we would have a conventional
way of embedding the list of parameters in each notebook, it would make the
process much more transparent with all the information in one place (the
template notebook). Then I can use the same exact function to batch-execute
each of the 5 templates, regardless of which parameters are varied. And for
"custom" executions I can always use the full API to override parameters,
so no loss of generality.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Thomas Kluyver <takowl at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8 October 2014 14:08, Antonino Ingargiola <tritemio at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What I have done is completely custom (but straightforward). Would be
>> nice if nbparameterise could standardize a way to specify a "list" of
>> values for a variable so the notebook can be executed in batch mode, saving
>> the output for each execution. Saving in notebook format is somewhat
>> diff-safe. What about HTML? I suspect it may be a little more tricky to
>> diff...
> You could certainly use the API to do that. I've added an example:
> https://github.com/takluyver/nbparameterise/blob/master/batch_eg.py
> You could wrap that up in a higher level interface if you wanted, but I
> wouldn't go too high level with it: I can imagine that people might want
> the list of values to come from lots of different places, e.g. directory
> listsings, or databases.
> Thomas
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