[IPython-dev] Nbparameterise: simple forms for notebook input

Ian Stokes-Rees ijstokes at alumni.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Oct 9 21:58:23 EDT 2014

FWIW, We (at Continuum) have done some work on something similar, 
loosely tied to conda:


It supports 3 modes:

1. CLI invocation of a notebook
2. auto-generated web-form of a notebook
3. RESTful API with URL (GET) or POST-encoded arguments

It doesn't require any customization of IPython, and the 
parameterization can either be in the notebook meta-data, or "inline" if 
the last cell is a "raw" cell with the appropriate JSON.

The parameterization meta-data can also include a set of dependencies, 
in which case a custom conda-environment will be created in which the 
notebook will be run.  The goal is to be able to generate notebook 
output (HTML, data file, figures, return specific serialized references) 
with no retained state or persisted processes, basically a 
notebook-based CGI python script.

It runs reasonably well right now, but the input form styling is pants 
(my CSS skills stink!).

I haven't had time to read the thread on nbparameterize, but look 
forward to exploring it next week.  Perhaps the two efforts can be merged.


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