[IPython-dev] Deploying JupyterHub for Education

Kenneth Tran one at kentran.net
Wed Apr 22 22:28:29 EDT 2015


I was reading your blog post and got stuck at

   1. Build a different image for each user and create that user inside the
   container at build time. Then, run the container as that user.
   2. Build a single image that runs as root, creates the user at runtime,
   and then runs the notebook server itself as the user with sudo.

What would prevent you from the following: (i) build a single image as
root; (ii) spin up a container and mount the home directory (plus files
such as /etc/group,passwd,shadow) on the host to the container file system;
(iii) then run Jupyter notebook server as the user?


On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Jessica B. Hamrick <jhamrick at berkeley.edu>

> Hi all,
> Over the past few months I've set up a deployment of JupyterHub backed by
> Docker and Docker Swarm for a class that I'm teaching this spring. I wrote
> a blog post about it over on the Rackspace developer blog, if you're
> interested:
> https://developer.rackspace.com/blog/deploying-jupyterhub-for-education/
> Thanks to people who helped out with this, especially Min and Kyle!
> Cheers,
> Jess
> --
> UC Berkeley, Department of Psychology
> Computational Cognitive Science Lab
> http://www.jesshamrick.com
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