[IPython-dev] Customize IPython tree / dashboard with machine name

G Jones glenn.caltech at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 12:34:54 EDT 2015

I agree, the multiple server on one machine case is unnecessary; I did it
occasionally for working on two very different areas of research in
parallel, to just be able to instantly switch between the two.
Anyway, the main issue is that I have many machines on which I run a server
on, so accessing the whole hard drive doesn't help in that case.


On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Matthias Bussonnier <
bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:

> > On Aug 6, 2015, at 09:19, G Jones <glenn.caltech at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > I run ipython notebook servers on several different machines, and then
> set up ssh tunnels from my personal machine to access the notebook servers
> in my browser. The trouble is I have so many now that I am forgetting which
> port number corresponds to which notebook server. So I'd like to add a bit
> of text to the dashboard that says at least the machine name, and
> preferably some other identifying info, in case I have two servers running
> on the same machine. Is there an easy way to do this? I looked at the
> generate_page_title function in html/tree/handlers.py, but it seems to be
> hard coded to return either Home or the current directory path. Is there
> something built in configurable? I'd like to avoid having to do anything
> specialized as much as possible. I'm running ipython 3.1.0, but could
> upgrade if this feature is available in a newer version.
> >
> Out of curiosity, why are you running multiple servers ?
> One server should be enough to browse all your hard drive and have access
> to many kernel ?
> If you really need multiple server, it might be possible to host them
> behind a jupyterHub modified instance so that they are behind a unique port,
> but at different urls.
> Would that suit you ?
> --
> M
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