[IPython-dev] IPython, debian, anaconda - LTS strategy

Frédéric Mantegazza mantegazza at ill.fr
Wed Dec 2 05:26:34 EST 2015

Le 02/12/2015, MinRK a écrit :

Thanks for your answers!

> Anaconda is pretty quick to ship updates upon release of packages (often
> within hours of release). One *major* advantage of using conda over apt
> is you can have it both ways. You can have one conda env running
> ‘stable’, pinning major versions of relevant packages until you have
> verified that a release works for your own applications, and another
> ‘unstable’ which stays up-to-date with the latest conda packages. The
> same technically goes for virtualenv, but conda’s use of bdists and
> hardlinks makes multiple envs more pleasant in my experience.

Another point in favor of anaconda is it exists on the 3 major systems;
so, anyone will be able to build the same environment to run our
applications... This looks interesting to me.

We will give it a try.

    Frédéric MANTEGAZZA             CEA-Grenoble
    Tel.     : 33 (0) 476 207 617   INAC/SPSMS/MDN
    Fax      : 33 (0) 476 483 906   17, rue des Martyrs
    Courriel : mantegazza at ill.fr    F-38054 Grenoble Cedex 09

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