[IPython-dev] Default Kernel for Jupyter

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 16:57:59 EST 2015


Le 9 févr. 2015 à 12:34, John Omernik <john at omernik.com> a écrit :

> As I am opening my old iPython notebooks for 2.3 in Jupyter, it's
> converting them to the format, but sometimes it changes the kernel to
> python3.  We were using all Python2, and that's what I'd like to keep
> using in Jupyter. Is there away to set a default Kernel to be Python2,
> both for new notebooks and converted notebooks?

$ jupyter notebook --help-all

MappingKernelManager options
    Default: 'python3'
    The name of the default kernel to start

So c.MappingKernelManager.default_kernel_name='python2'
Or equivalent should work for you. 

Have you still considered migrating to Python 3 ? 

> Thanks
> John
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