[IPython-dev] Jupyter and Other Kernels
John Omernik
john at omernik.com
Sat Feb 21 14:15:38 EST 2015
Thanks to both of you for your thoughts. This is interesting on the
interactions etc.
On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 12:57 PM, Matthias Bussonnier
<bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:
> Le 21 févr. 2015 à 10:40, John Omernik <john at omernik.com> a écrit :
>> Thanks for the info on the magics. I'll think that one through. Both
>> of these issues are interesting in that Kernel devs can be totally
>> independent of Jupyter in style (yes they have to follow the API) but
>> stylistically, they don't and thus there is not going to be easy
>> movement from one kernel to another for users...
> Like many things, it would be nice to have a common place to
> have configuration, and we would be happy to have people from other
> languages comme into Jupyter steering comity and decide that
> it would be a topic to tackle.
> But it is not something we can enforce, or even want to try to tackle,
> as we are mostly python programmer, and we are not completely aware
> of the need of other languages.
> Let say we create a common place for configuration,
> then people using many kernels will feel at home.
> Though, people coming from other IDE, or programming environment
> would be lost.
> What if I suddenly tell you that if you use in browser ipython terminal
> your .bashrc is not read anymore and that you have to use
> /usr/local/jupyter/profile_xxx/terminal/.bashrc ?
> Would you be happy ? Would we be happy to get 30+ bug report per month
> of people not reading the docs ?
> I'll take the example of .xdg spec, which is a nice spec.
> but if you take 30 people and put them into a room for a month so that they
> produce a spec. You will end up with something that has probably some good points,
> but most likely can't be applied in real-world.
> So I wouldn't juge before having tried to see what we can do to juge what
> would be the best way.
> There is one things for sure, it is always easier to add a feature, that to remove one.
> --
> M
>> Not a terrible thing
>> and maybe that's fine for most users, but hmm... lots to think about
>> here.
>> Thanks!
>> On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Matthias Bussonnier
>> <bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Le 21 févr. 2015 à 09:04, John Omernik <john at omernik.com> a écrit :
>>>> Since the Kernels that are developed for Jupyter look to be different
>>>> projects, I am guessing that my question is ok to ask here, but
>>>> understand if the response is "not an iPython or Jupyter" question.
>>> The question looks fine here.
>>>> I am playing with the iRKernel. https://github.com/takluyver/IRkernel
>>>> and have a few questions on how kernels in general interact with
>>>> Jupyter (not just IRKernel)
>>>> 1. Magics: Based on what I am seeing in the iRKernel, Magics appear to
>>>> be a "per Kernel" thing rather than a Jupyter thing. Is this correct?
>>>> In the iRKernel %lsmagic gets me
>>> Yes, they are per-kernel.
>>> If you write a python-base one, looks at Doug Blank Metakernel
>>> that add some facilities to write magics.
>>>> Error in parse(text = x, srcfile = src): <text>:1:1: unexpected input
>>>> 1: %lsmagic
>>> As magic are per-kernel, the kernel is responsible to parse them.
>>> %lsmagic could be a perfect valid syntax in (perl | php | OCaml | ....)
>>> because it is **not** valid syntax in Python, wa can make them magic in
>>> IPython.
>>>> So anythoughts on how to implement magics in other kernels if this is
>>>> not case? Am I missing something basic here?
>>> Depends on your language.
>>> Julia decided they did not need magics.
>>> For example shell access in julia is with `;`
>>> but it's a property of the language.
>>> Julia have strings macro, so that can do:
>>> matlab"""
>>> (some matlab code)
>>> """
>>> Ruby have the same.
>>> Advice:
>>> Pick a syntax that is not valid R. and pre-parse to make it valid R.
>>> which is what IPtyhon does.
>>>> 2. So I have a some stuff running in iPython through my
>>>> profile_default startup directory. How do duplicate this so when an R
>>>> Kernel starts up, I can have certain imports run all the time etc. Is
>>>> that a kernel specific thing as well?
>>> That depends on your kernel.
>>> The kernel do whatever it likes.
>>> If it want to copy us and run the .r files in .ipython/startup, I suppose that would be fine.
>>> If we wan another common way of doing things, we can do a working group.
>>> But obviously, .py fies are not the right way to configure a R process.
>>> --
>>> M
>>>> Thanks1
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