[IPython-dev] question about KernelClient.is_alive()

Lev Givon lev at columbia.edu
Sun Jan 18 08:28:55 EST 2015

I recently tried using IPython.kernel.KernelClient (in IPython 2.3.1 on Ubuntu
14.04.1) to connect to a locally running kernel (started from the command line
by running "ipython kernel") by passing it the connection file associated with
the latter. While doing so, I noticed that KernelClient.is_alive() returns True
even when KernelClient is instantiated with a nonexistent connection file, i.e.,

import IPython.kernel
kc = IPython.kernel.KernelClient(connection_file='/tmp/nonexistent_file')
print kc.is_alive()

Is this expected? The online documentation seems to imply that is_alive() should
return True only if the kernel to which KernelClient is connected is running.
Lev Givon
Bionet Group | Neurokernel Project

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