[IPython-dev] rant: "%matplotlib inline"

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 00:53:10 EDT 2015

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 9:15 PM, Matthias Bussonnier <
bussonniermatthias at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, that would be a step-back from what we have been doing for the last
> 2 release to remove knowlege of IPython in Jupyter.
> Or, actually break one abstraction that kernel do not know what have
> started them.
> If we do one I would prefer the more general one.

No, it's not IPython-specific, it would simply be recording in any kernel
how they were started. That information could be useful in a variety of

>> The path forward is ti have fig object define a _repr_png_, the we don’t
>> have to deal with %matpltlib inline
> No, that wouldn't cover at all a case like the 'notebook' backend, that is
> the preferred one for matplotlib, that allows panning/zooming (and
> hopefully one day all MPL events in the notebook):
> Well, also define _repr_html_ or _repr_js_ for notebook then.
> The general message is to use our display_protocol the way it is design
> for matplotlib too.
> Julia and R don’t need special activation and don’t have these issues, I
> don’t see why we can’t figure
> out how to do theses things.

If we can find a cleaner solution with our display protocol, great!  Those
ideas are certainly a lot more mature now than when we first hacked up the
backend support in the early days of the qt console, and we also have a lot
of real-world experience using it, teaching with it, etc.  It's a good time
to take stock of that knowledge and update the toolchain...

I see one or more PRs coming next week from Scipy :)

PS: Booooo Pylab :-)

Actually, I use it a lot, and I think it's a mistake to berate it: %pylab
is exactly the right thing to do when you need to quickly have something
that puts at your fingertips a bunch of numerical tools.

When I'm writing code that I *know* is purely numerical, with no chance
whatsoever of a namespace conflict, what exactly do I gain by having to

import numpy as np
x = np.sin(np.pi*np.e)+np.log(z)

instead of the vastly more readable, debuggable, comprehensible

 x = sin(pi*e) + log(z)

???  (and yes, I could do a lot of explicit single-function imports, but
that gets old in a hurry when writing a lot of numerical code).

For essentially one-off, matlab-style notebooks, I think that we need to be
pragmatic and remember that ease of use, readability, ease of remembering
what to write, are important.  These are cases where people are not
building large software engineering projects, and where getting something
done *now* is what matters, so let's not get too dogmatic in berating them
for using tools that actually help them accomplish something.

So yes, I still use, and will continue to use %pylab quite a bit...

Remember, readability counts and practicality beats purity... Don't forget
to import this every now and then, it's always a good antidote against



Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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