[IPython-dev] Proposal: soft moratorium on re-architecting for 5.0

Brian Granger ellisonbg at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 02:30:19 EDT 2015

> What's going to be very challenging in this effort is the *coordination*
> part.  We need to make sure that we have both a chance for proper discussion
> of the key ideas, and for open coordination of the effort while it's
> happening, so that:

Yep, I definitely agree that the coordination, organizational and
communication aspects of the project will have to evolve in parallel
to the code base.

> a) whoever ends up working on the critical path can focus on that and just
> get the nasty business done
> b) the rest of the team can feel comfortable that there's still other areas
> where work can proceed cleanly and without interference or blockage.

My hope is that with the right technical choices and coordination,
that we can remove the critical paths altogether. I have ideas on how
to pull this off, and will post separately to the list about that.

> It would be great if during scipy, you folks try to draft an outline of what
> the key pieces of that refactoring would entail, identifying what areas of
> the project would effectively hold locks. That would let us more easily
> define what is NOT locked, so we can then partition things for everyone else
> to work on.

Yes, I think that should be one of the main goals. But I want the
discussion to be focused on *how* we do this, not *if*.

> Let's have that publicly documented (probably as an IPEP) so that we don't
> break the team in the process...




> Cheers
> f
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Brian E. Granger
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
@ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
bgranger at calpoly.edu and ellisonbg at gmail.com

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