[IPython-dev] June 30 Jupyter/IPython Developer meeting minutes

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 16:34:37 EDT 2015

Hi all,

in the spirit of doing it quickly and decently but without over-burdening
us, her we go with the meeting minutes.

I'm going to post them both as a copy-paste job straight from HackPad into
Gmail (should do HTML) and then below as an export into Markdown.

I'd appreciate feedback on whether we should do only HTML, only Markdown or
both (or both in separate back to back emails)...  I know many folks have
moved over to HTML clients, but others still prefer text-only clients, so
feedback welcome.



----- HTML format

   - June 30

Trying with BlueJeans. We recorded the video, it's now posted here: `

new faces !

Craig Citro:
Employee at Google, joined the CoLaboratory team, was involved in
SageMath since
its early days, was a postdoc with Sage, worked on Cython.  Has known the
IPython/Sage devs since ~2005.

Min <https://github.com/minrk>
Been  teaching in Southampton last week. Worked on getting jupyter_core
ready to  ship, we're almost there. Getting the dependencies of the QtConsole
out  of the way. Nobody's blocking me, back from travel.

Matthias Bussonnier <https://github.com/carreau/>
Was in France for two weeks, worked on SciPy tutorial, need to catch up
with Kester and Jason Grout
<https://ipython.hackpad.com/ep/profile/u3HlUfbBz75> on RealTime work.
Kester suggested setting up weekly/biweekly meeting for RT sync.

Thomas Kluyver <https://ipython.hackpad.com/ep/profile/oytFGQZl714>
Focusing on teaching material, getting things ready for 4.0. Some changes
in jupyter_core, want to release that tomorrow, and then move on next
packages that need to be released .

Version numbering of different pieces when 4.0 is released

   - We think slower moving pieces will be +0.1 until branching is
   necessary, faster moving ones will be +1 straight after release.

4.0 release status

   - jupyter_core merged some simple changes on Monday. Hope to release
   tomorrow (Wednesday) unless anything else comes up.


   - Working on teaching materials, didn't get to go to Southampton :-(

   - Decisions about what communications media we use for what - see email

   - Blocked, but not by any of us

Study on how people use PR:
 - http://www.gousios.gr/blog/How-contributors-use-pull-requests-GitHub/
 - full study http://www.gousios.gr/pub/pullreq-contrib-tr.pdf
 - 2014 : http://gousios.gr/blog/Exploration-pull-requests/

It's interesting too see what are the pain point globally, cover
communication and technical challenge.  Interesting to see that most
struggle in project is developer responsiveness.

 Brian Granger <https://ipython.hackpad.com/ep/profile/BQ7pw5ScLjz>
 Mailing list traffic, hiring: Will Whitney
<https://ipython.hackpad.com/ep/profile/riDs1o645Fd> will be working for
the summer on completion machinery at Cal Poly. Students also at CalPoly.
This coming week there will be big refactoring push at SciPy and lots of
discussions, a BoF, etc.  Planning for that, ordering stickers, t-shirts,
etc. Other than being sick, no big blockers.

Nick Bollweg <https://github.com/bollwyvl>
High uptick on issues on Nbviewer, lots of security issues, XSS. Planning
on automated exploit testing framework that we can also reuse for tmpnb,
our other REST APIs, etc. Been also working with Cyrille Rossant on ipymd
support as an alternate content manager to better support metadata. Using
yaml custom tags to indicate what's a slide, what's a notebook, etc. Still
evolving. Also working on nosebook to integrate notebooks as tests. At
workplace, integrating notebooks as semantic storytelling systems

Jonathan Frederic <https://ipython.hackpad.com/ep/profile/FaLk90y9B5J>
Working on widget docs and tutorial content for scipy. Also working with
Cameron on design scheme for diagrams to unify style across our technical
diagrams in general.  draw.io is an on-line diagram drawing tool (backed by
GDocs, Dropbox, etc.)

Kyle Kelley <https://ipython.hackpad.com/ep/profile/Gon8Ql8QYJN>
Went to CodeConf (github's code conference).  Lots about Atom & Electron.
Talked about web components and met the Atom devs about being able to
include the output area for Hydrogen
<https://github.com/willwhitney/hydrogen> inline within the editor itself,
the Atom devs were amenable to that. They also would consider bundling zmq
with Atom or Electron, to solve some of the node-gyp installation/update
deployment headaches we have right now. Hacking on a sidecar
<https://github.com/rgbkrk/jupyter-sidecar> for rich display output,
somewhat like the QTConsole.

Will Whitney <https://ipython.hackpad.com/ep/profile/riDs1o645Fd>
Working on Hydrogen, which is a plugin for Atom that provides integration
with the Jupyter kernel protocol. Going to be adding rich info (e.g. type
hints) to the autocomplete message spec.
<https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_client/issues/38>  <- Proposal for
message-spec change.

Chris Colbert <https://github.com/sccolbert>
Working on phosphor list and grid controls, scrolling, trees. Mostly
working on virtual scrolling (virtual means that it only renders what is
visible in the viewport). Performance seems to scale very well (to the
quadrillions of rows).

We need to think of what a 20 second description of Phosphor should be.  "In
browser tiling windows manager" is unfair and restrictive. At the same
time, it's not a full-blown widget toolkit with buttons and sliders etc. It
focuses on low-level "scaffolding" layouts and widgets which are hard to
get right.

Steve Silvester <https://github.com/blink1073>
Working for Continuum Analytics with Chris. Adding phosphor signals,
cleaning up the callback machinery in the notebook with a "kernel future"
 object. Will be at Scipy for the meeting. Also working on the Term.js
component: took the existing terminado tool and turned into a phosphor
terminal, and also took (as a proof of concept) a sidecar
<https://github.com/rgbkrk/jupyter-sidecar> and put it into phosphor too.

Auberon López <https://github.com/alope107>
Work on Spark integration of PySpark, persist some of the configuration in
profiles, and creating magic to work with SparkSql.
minrk/findspark#3 <https://github.com/minrk/findspark/pull/3>

Cameron Oelsen <https://github.com/cameronoelsen>
Working on updating both IPython and Jupyter websites to have more unified
visual languages, support mobile, and unified styling for technical
diagrams. Also worked on design of stickers and t-shirts. Need content for
what we want the Jupyter site to have on each tab in comparison to what is
on the IPython site. Please give input on the hackpad link below:

Simon Vurens <https://github.com/svurens>
Jupyter widget prototype for a spreadsheet using phosphor. A widget to
manipulate data, copy/pasting is supported. Using JQuery for now.

Ryan Morshead <https://github.com/rmorshea>
Implementing configurables into matplotlib, looking at where configurable
objects could be referenced, looking at all the getter/setter functions in

Jason Grout <https://ipython.hackpad.com/ep/profile/u3HlUfbBz75>
Working on Phosphor nb and widgets with Chris, Steven, and Sylvain, getting
ready for Scipy meeting.

----- Markdown format

## June 30

Trying with BlueJeans. We recorded the video, it's now posted here: `[](

new faces !

Craig Citro:

Employee at Google, joined the CoLaboratory team, was involved in SageMath
since its early days, was a postdoc with Sage, worked on Cython.  Has known
the IPython/Sage devs since ~2005.


Been  teaching in Southampton last week. Worked on getting jupyter_core
ready to  ship, we're almost there. Getting the dependencies of the
QtConsole out  of the way. Nobody's blocking me, back from travel.

[Matthias Bussonnier](https://github.com/carreau/)

Was in France for two weeks, worked on SciPy tutorial, need to catch up
with Kester and [Jason Grout](/ep/profile/u3HlUfbBz75) on RealTime work.
Kester suggested setting up weekly/biweekly meeting for RT sync.

[Thomas Kluyver](/ep/profile/oytFGQZl714)

Focusing on teaching material, getting things ready for 4.0. Some changes
in jupyter_core, want to release that tomorrow, and then move on next
packages that need to be released .

Version numbering of different pieces when 4.0 is released

*   We think slower moving pieces will be +0.1 until branching is
necessary, faster moving ones will be +1 straight after release.

4.0 release status

*   jupyter_core merged some simple changes on Monday. Hope to release
tomorrow (Wednesday) unless anything else comes up.


*   Working on teaching materials, didn't get to go to Southampton :-(
*   Decisions about what communications media we use for what - see email
*   Blocked, but not by any of us

Study on how people use PR:

 - [](

 - full study [](

 - 2014 : [](

It's interesting too see what are the pain point globally, cover
communication and technical challenge.  Interesting to see that most
struggle in project is developer responsiveness.

 [Brian Granger](/ep/profile/BQ7pw5ScLjz)

 Mailing list traffic, hiring: [Will Whitney](/ep/profile/riDs1o645Fd) will
be working for the summer on completion machinery at Cal Poly. Students
also at CalPoly. This coming week there will be big refactoring push at
SciPy and lots of discussions, a BoF, etc.  Planning for that, ordering
stickers, t-shirts, etc. Other than being sick, no big blockers.

[Nick Bollweg](https://github.com/bollwyvl)

High uptick on issues on Nbviewer, lots of security issues, XSS. Planning
on automated exploit testing framework that we can also reuse for tmpnb,
our other REST APIs, etc. Been also working with Cyrille Rossant on ipymd
support as an alternate content manager to better support metadata. Using
yaml custom tags to indicate what's a slide, what's a notebook, etc. Still
evolving. Also working on nosebook to integrate notebooks as tests. At
workplace, integrating notebooks as semantic storytelling systems


[Jonathan Frederic](/ep/profile/FaLk90y9B5J)

Working on widget docs and tutorial content for scipy. Also working with
Cameron on design scheme for diagrams to unify style across our technical
diagrams in general.  draw.io is an on-line diagram drawing tool (backed by
GDocs, Dropbox, etc.)


[Kyle Kelley](/ep/profile/Gon8Ql8QYJN)

Went to CodeConf (github's code conference).  Lots about Atom & Electron.
Talked about web components and met the Atom devs about being able to
include the output area for [Hydrogen](
https://github.com/willwhitney/hydrogen) inline within the editor itself,
the Atom devs were amenable to that. They also would consider bundling zmq
with Atom or Electron, to solve some of the node-gyp installation/update
deployment headaches we have right now. Hacking on a [sidecar](
https://github.com/rgbkrk/jupyter-sidecar) for rich display output,
somewhat like the QTConsole.

[Will Whitney](/ep/profile/riDs1o645Fd)

Working on Hydrogen, which is a plugin for Atom that provides integration
with the Jupyter kernel protocol. Going to be adding rich info (e.g. type
hints) to the autocomplete message spec.

https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_client/issues/38)  <- Proposal for
message-spec change.

[Chris Colbert](https://github.com/sccolbert)

Working on phosphor list and grid controls, scrolling, trees. Mostly
working on virtual scrolling (virtual means that it only renders what is
visible in the viewport). Performance seems to scale very well (to the
quadrillions of rows).


We need to think of what a 20 second description of Phosphor should be.
 "In browser tiling windows manager" is unfair and restrictive. At the same
time, it's not a full-blown widget toolkit with buttons and sliders etc. It
focuses on low-level "scaffolding" layouts and widgets which are hard to
get right.

[Steve Silvester](https://github.com/blink1073)

Working for Continuum Analytics with Chris. Adding phosphor signals,
cleaning up the callback machinery in the notebook with a "kernel future"
object. Will be at Scipy for the meeting. Also working on the Term.js
component: took the existing terminado tool and turned into a phosphor
terminal, and also took (as a proof of concept) a [sidecar](
https://github.com/rgbkrk/jupyter-sidecar) and put it into phosphor too.




[Auberon López](https://github.com/alope107)

Work on Spark integration of PySpark, persist some of the configuration in
profiles, and creating magic to work with SparkSql.




[Cameron Oelsen](https://github.com/cameronoelsen)

Working on updating both IPython and Jupyter websites to have more unified
visual languages, support mobile, and unified styling for technical
diagrams. Also worked on design of stickers and t-shirts. Need content for
what we want the Jupyter site to have on each tab in comparison to what is
on the IPython site. Please give input on the hackpad link below:


[Simon Vurens](https://github.com/svurens)


Jupyter widget prototype for a spreadsheet using phosphor. A widget to
manipulate data, copy/pasting is supported. Using JQuery for now.

[Ryan Morshead](https://github.com/rmorshea)

Implementing configurables into matplotlib, looking at where configurable
objects could be referenced, looking at all the getter/setter functions in

[Jason Grout](/ep/profile/u3HlUfbBz75)

Working on Phosphor nb and widgets with Chris, Steven, and Sylvain, getting
ready for Scipy meeting.

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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