[IPython-dev] thoughts on the notebook, alternative front-ends and remote editing
Ryan Nelson
rnelsonchem at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 10:25:48 EST 2015
Not an IPython dev here, but I have a partial solution that might work for
I also have a very powerful desktop that I use to run calculations
remotely. Instead of X session tunneling, I use port forwarding. Here's an
edited excerpt from my .ssh/config file for connecting to my desktop from
my laptop while at home:
Host athomenb
# The IP address for my desktop on the router
# Add your username here
User my_user_name
# Change id_rsa to the name of your key file if you use it
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# For the notebook
LocalForward 8080 localhost:8080
# Optional other stuff
Compression no
ForwardX11 yes
ForwardX11Trusted yes
# Add this if you need to connect via a non-standard ssh port
#Port 30000
>From the command line, I can access my home computer as follows:
>$ ssh athomenb
>From my desktop, I fire up tmux and then Ipython notebook:
desktop>$ tmux
desktop:tmux>$ ipython notebook --no-browser --port 8080
At this point, I can actually use my web browser on my laptop to connect to
"Localhost", which is actually forwarding to my remote computer. This is
much, much faster than using a remote X window. Connect to this website
I can do all of my stuff. If you have something running, just save the
notebook and close the window *without* halting. You can also close the
IPython file browser. In your ssh session, you can detach from your tmux
session without the notebook stopping. ("Ctrl-b d" is the detach command
that you have set for tmux.)
desktop:tmux>$ Ctrl-b d
desktop>$ exit
Now, to check on the progress of your calculations, you need to reestablish
the ssh connection to your remote machine, if you want, you can reattach to
the tmux session as well.
$ ssh athomenb
desktop>$ tmux a
desktop:tmux>$ #Ipython stuff
Reconnect your local webbroswer to localhost and click on the notebook
that's running.
Sorry. I glossed over a lot of the details here. If this helps, but you
need a little more info to get it running, let me know.
On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Damien Drix <damien.drix at gmail.com> wrote:
> The IPython notebook has changed the way I work. Literate programming,
> the merging of experiment scripts and experiment reports into a single
> document, and countless other productivity gains: tweaking matplotlib
> graphs interactively, easy parallelism, etc. It is quite awesome!
> Could it be improved? It certainly can. Here are the two points I find
> most prominent:
> - After one has gotten used to SublimeText & co, CodeMirror just hurts.
> - The notebook server has huge potential for remote work, but this
> potential is partly unexploitable because of some aspects of the
> client/server architecture.
> Let me explain the latter point. I have a fairly beefy desktop machine in
> my office, but I'm often working from other locations. I'd like to be
> able to open a notebook remotely on my laptop, edit it, start some long-
> running computations, close my laptop, go to lunch, and come back to it
> in the afternoon to see the results.
> Right now, it... kind of works. But the issue is that since the execution
> of cells is orchestrated by client-side javascript, at most one cell will
> be executed if I close the client. The results are there in the kernel
> namespace, but the outputs are lost -- integrating the outputs into the
> notebook is also done by client-side scripts. The client also loses track
> of which cells are still being executed.
> One solution would be to use X forwarding and keep the notebook client
> running on the desktop machine, but in my case the connection lag makes
> text editing quite unbearable. I prefer to connect to the notebook server
> from a local client process.
> Here is the solution I was thinking about:
> - A new frontend app where, instead of embedding a text editor into the
> notebook, the notebook itself is embedded into a text editor. A number of
> nice, open-source, SublimeText-class editors are already being developed:
> Atom, LimeText, LightTable, etc. LightTable has actually done some work
> on integrating the IPython kernel and displaying results inline. I
> imagine that it wouldn't be unreasonably hard to turn it into a full
> notebook client. As a bonus, no more juggling between two editors: use
> the same for the notebooks and for plain Python scripts!
> - Move the task of supervising cell execution and integrating the outputs
> into the notebook model from the client to the server, so that notebooks
> can keep running when the client disconnects.
> - Let the client app refresh its view of the notebook when it reconnects
> to the server, showing the new outputs and which cells are still running.
> Any thoughts on this? Is it all maybe already happening in the Jupyter
> project? ;-)
> Best,
> Damien
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