[IPython-dev] thoughts on the notebook, alternative front-ends and remote editing

Nicholas Bollweg nick.bollweg at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 13:09:58 EST 2015

Sorry for the stealth mode, but it's really a pretty recent development!

The current issue on the "refactoring of notebook javascript" is what got
me thinking about this:

I am working towards a demo for some other research that has been
ongoing... we just didn't have an execution environment... and I was kinda
waiting to see what happened. Our eventual use case would be a poor fit for
SaaS, and the derby stack gives us everything we need to host our own and
scale it, so the google stuff is not a good fit for my needs... but we
should definitely be looking at how to make sure that the architecture is
"open", to use an over-taxed term.

Definitely interested in seeing where it all goes!
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