[IPython-dev] IntText width

Nontas Antonakos antonakosn at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 13:25:54 EDT 2015


My colleagues and I have been extensively using the IPython widgets for our
project. They are awesome and thanks for your good work! However, since
upgrading to IPython 3, all our stuff broke, as expected, and we are in the
process of refixing them by replacing the old ContainerWIdget with FlexBox.
One of the problems we encountered has to do with IntText. It seems that
IntText consists of a 'widget-hbox', which has 'widget-label' and 'text' as
children. By changing the width of IntText, it seems like only the width of
the 'text' is updated and not the one of the 'widget-hbox' object.
Consequently, it is impossible to control the width of the text area when
it is part of a FlexBox.

Is this the expected behaviour of IntText? We weren't sure whether this is
a bug or the desired behaviour. How should I change the width of IntText so
that the width of its hbox is also changed?

Thank you in advance for your time!

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