[IPython-dev] Slides on nbviewer!!!

Nicholas Bollweg nick.bollweg at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 18:20:58 EDT 2015

> And in the back of my mind, it looks like the animation is a kind of
> unprofessional childish showing-off kind of thing.

Yeah, we are serving a lot of masters here. One the one hand, there's your
use case: sounds very hard science. Definitely want to meet your level of
expectations. Some folk have been successful publishing whole books out of
notebooks, but we still have pretty far to go, I think, to get to a general
purpose publishing option, but I would see open formats being target before
the office crowd.

On the other, we're trying to make scientific content more accessible to a
broader audience... and if it needs a bit of cartoonishness to help engage
people, then I want really good cartoons. Like 80s saturday morning

> As a first step I would like to disable the animation in livereveal/RISE,
> I can live with the animation on nbviewer.I'll try to look into
> slides.reveal.tpl, thanks for the pointer.

Yeah, while the nbconvert template that will respect slideshow-level
metadata (here
needs to be changed in ipython/ipython, we should play with the UX in
livreveal first.

Are you still referring to the animation or to the powerpoint/libreoffice
> conversion here?

Was talking about the ability to do any kind of reveal configuration...
hadn't responded to the powerpoint thing. But since you mention it...

If we're talking about dreams, mine is to kill powerpoint :P

Aside from Pandoc, which is already available, there is python-pptx
<https://github.com/scanny/python-ppt>, which could serve as a baseline for
building an nbconvert formatter. Perhaps a smarter application of pandoc to
the slides is the best bet to get to where you want to go... I would be
very surprised if someone hadn't done this before!
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