[IPython-dev] Slides on nbviewer!!!
Damián Avila
damianavila at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 21:37:04 EDT 2015
>However, we need to look at some notebook UI/UX options for getting access
to all of the configuration features (might as well), which does present a
bit of a challenge.
That's the key... the UI/UX to make the config available without making the
"configuration" a mess ;-)
> As a first step I would like to disable the animation in livereveal/RISE,
I can live with the animation on nbviewer.I'll try to look into
slides.reveal.tpl, thanks for the pointer.
Modifying slides_reveal.tpl will let you "config" things in nbconverted
slides... but if you want to modify this in RISE, you need to set up the
config in other way... check this:
Remember that RISE and IPython slides are related but different things:
* RISE is a notebook changed on the fly to render as a reveal.js-based
slideshow... but it is LIVE as the notebook is... because it is a notebook
* IPython slides are just STATIC html/js/css generated by the
IPython.nbconvert machinery using reveal.js as part of the machinery to
render the STATIC slides an a slideshow... but the code can no be run
there. Finally, the slides on nbviewer are just another way to experience
the STATIC slides ;-)
Probably you know that... but I take to opportunity to make the
clarification so people do not confuse one with the other one.
2015-03-20 20:23 GMT-03:00 Antonino Ingargiola <tritemio at gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Nicholas Bollweg <nick.bollweg at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> As a first step I would like to disable the animation in livereveal/RISE,
>>> I can live with the animation on nbviewer.I'll try to look into
>>> slides.reveal.tpl, thanks for the pointer.
>> Yeah, while the nbconvert template that will respect slideshow-level
>> metadata (here
>> <https://github.com/ipython/ipython/blob/master/IPython/nbconvert/templates/html/slides_reveal.tpl#L172>)
>> needs to be changed in ipython/ipython, we should play with the UX in
>> livreveal first.
> link saved ;).
>> Are you still referring to the animation or to the powerpoint/libreoffice
>>> conversion here?
>> Was talking about the ability to do any kind of reveal configuration...
>> hadn't responded to the powerpoint thing. But since you mention it...
>> If we're talking about dreams, mine is to kill powerpoint :P
> I was thinking like this a few years ago, doing presentation in beamer and
> so on. But then I found that in the every-day practice of presentations
> (at least in science), you continuously do a mix&match work copying slides
> from old presentations (yours and colleagues, and for many powerpoint is
> the standard), fixing errors and annotating slides during talks and so on,
> there is no much time for the slides, adding an arrow or a circle to
> highlight something must be immediate. The powerpoint/libreoffice approach
> here has an edge.
> Right now I have 6 notebooks open with similar analysis on different data
> files. I need to make a report presentation. Do you think I will make
> another notebook? It is just faster if I dump everything (I mean figures
> and latex formulas) in powerpoint and add just a few words for create a
> logical story.
> The notebook is fantastic tool to create another kind of presentations in
> which you show in dept a computational process.
> Aside from Pandoc, which is already available, there is python-pptx
>> <https://github.com/scanny/python-ppt>, which could serve as a baseline
>> for building an nbconvert formatter. Perhaps a smarter application of
>> pandoc to the slides is the best bet to get to where you want to go... I
>> would be very surprised if someone hadn't done this before!
> Pandoc is powerful but close to impossible to install on windows.
> python-pptx on the contrary looks a really interesting project, thanks for
> mentioning it :).
> Antonio
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