[IPython-dev] Removing "Out[]" prompts in nbconvert PDF output

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 15:06:17 EDT 2015

Hey !

Le 23 mars 2015 à 05:41, Maximilian Albert <maximilian.albert at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I know this has been brought up a few times before on various forums, but I'm getting a bit lost in all the recent changes to nbconvert, templating, etc., and most of the info I can find online is somewhat out of date.
> Is there currently a way to convert a notebook to PDF which removes all the input code cells *and* omits the "Out[]" prompts in the converted output? Removing the input code cells is easy: the edited version of this answer [1] on StackOverflow works beautifully. However, the converted output still has the "Out[]" prompts. I tried to fiddle with the template but didn't manage to get rid of it. Am I missing something or is this currently not easily possible?

I guess you need to inherit the following block :

((* block execute_result scoped *))
    ((*- for type in output.data | filter_data_type -*))
        ((*- if type in ['text/plain']*))
            ((( add_prompt(output.data['text/plain'] | escape_latex, cell, 'Out', 'outcolor') )))
        ((* else -*))
\texttt{\color{outcolor}Out[{\color{outcolor}((( cell.execution_count )))}]:}((( super() )))
        ((*- endif -*))
    ((*- endfor -*))
((* endblock execute_result *))

form IPython/nbconvert/templates/latex/style_ipython.tplx

And replace by what you wish. 
You did it for input cells, so you should achieve it here :-) 

> Many thanks,
> Max
> P.S.: It's already been a little while, but I'd like to extend a huge thanks to the dev team for their awesome work on the 3.0 release. Fantastic job, everyone!!

Thanks !

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