[IPython-dev] Kernels, located on the remote machines, in ipython-notebook
Wes Turner
wes.turner at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 11:24:24 EDT 2015
Are there documentation and source links for this functionality?
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 9:43 AM, Ruslan Korniichuk <
paad.ruslan.korniichuk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to solve the task of *adding the kernel, located on a remote
> machine*, on the menu *Kernel->Change kernel* of the Jupyter (IPython)
> Notebook for scientific needs. The visual example HERE:
> http://goo.gl/pA3QRG
> Otherwise it can be named as *$ ipython notebook --existing*.
> I know that can to add the kernel, located on a local machine, on this
> menu, for example, like this:
> 1. Create the folder for kernels:
> */home/user-ruslan/.ipython/kernels*
> 2. Inside the previous folder, create the folder for Python 3 kernel:
> */home/user-ruslan/.ipython/kernels/python3*
> 3. In the */home/user-ruslan/.ipython/kernels/python3* folder, create
> the JSON file:
> *{*
> * "display_name": "Python 3", *
> * "language": "python", *
> * "argv": [*
> * "python3", *
> * "-c", *
> * "from IPython.kernel.zmq.kernelapp import main; main()", *
> * "-f", *
> * "{connection_file}"*
> * ],*
> * "codemirror_mode": {*
> * "version": 2, *
> * "name": "ipython"*
> * }*
> * }*
> But in my task, probably, need to run a kernel on a remote server via SSH,
> and after this step copy a *kernel-????.json* file using *scp*. Likewise,
> in IPython for parallel computing (starting the IPython controller and
> engines in SSH mode).
> *Critically important that the functional of addition the kernels, located
> on the remote machines MUST work after the Jupyter (IPython) Notebook
> update. Therefore, I must ask you:*
> *Does this not contradict to the philosophy and the way of the Jupyter
> (IPython) project?* For this definition, this task is OK: "IPython is a
> tool for managing the entire lifecycle of a scientific idea":)
> *In addition, please answer why the Jupyter (IPython) Notebook,
> necessarily, MUST run kernel when starts (no empty ipython-notebook w/o own
> kernel)?*
> *Who can help me find good algorithm for this task?*
> My skype: ruslan.korniichuk
> ---
> Best regards,
> Ruslan Korniichuk
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