[IPython-dev] Cannot connect to kernel when not using localhost

Justin jg3705a at student.american.edu
Fri Mar 27 10:26:34 EDT 2015

On 03/26/2015 05:37 PM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
> On 26 March 2015 at 16:40, Justin <jg3705a at student.american.edu 
> <mailto:jg3705a at student.american.edu>> wrote:
>     Note that I can edit markdown and raw text cells, I just cannot
>     execute
>     code.
> This sounds like websockets are getting blocked somewhere - is there 
> any proxy involved? If you have a proxy set up for other internet 
> access, you may need to specifically tell it to let local IPs go 
> through directly.
Thanks for the reply.  I do not believe (I know almost nothing about 
networking so I can never be 100% sure) I have any  proxies set up.   I 
do have my machine setup so that I can ssh into it from my laptop but  I 
don't think that is related.  Is there any procedure I can follow to see 
if the websockets are getting blocked and how to specifically tell it to 
let local IPs go through directly?

>     On another note, it takes a very long time (~ 1 minute) for my
>     browser to
>     connect to https://<myip>.9999/  Not sure if this is part of the issue
>     but I thought
>     it might be useful.
> Timeouts of ~1 minute can be related to DNS - it's trying something 
> until it times out, and then falling back to another thing which 
> succeeds. I don't know why that would come up when you're going 
> directly to an IP address, though.
> Thomas
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