[IPython-dev] Best practice of deployment for university courses

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Mon May 18 10:08:13 EDT 2015

Well nbgrader, beyond the deployment, is also a set of command that
will push notebooks to students home directory, and have a read-only
and read-write version, so that student can modify things, but then
still get a copy of the original in just in case.

You might want to only use this part.

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 6:57 AM, Ozan Çağlayan <ozancag at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Thanks for your fast replies :)
> I am aware of the Jess' mechanism but it was too over-engineered for
> us as we only have a quite outdated dual cpu Xeon server. So that's
> why I didn't choose to use docker based deployment. I am also aware of
> nbgrader but grading is currently a future task as I am just trying to
> setup a working environment.
> I installed a symbolic link to a system folder containing a git
> checkout of some scientific python lecture into ~/notebooks to see
> what happens. It was nice to see that a read-only file is detected and
> even represented with an icon in the web interface :) A read-only
> notebook also allows changing and running cells which maybe sufficient
> for a live lab session to teach a programming language for example.
> But once the user clicks "make a copy" the interface doesn't ask where
> to create a copy and tries creating it in the same read-only folder
> which fails. I really want to create a global repository of notebooks
> for being able to for example do a "git pull" in that folder and get
> latest versions of course materials and students will find the
> up-to-date versions once they click refresh on the web interface.
> Installing a startup notebook for telling people how to use stuff is
> also a good idea.
> I'll continue to explore and experiment :)
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