[IPython-dev] Best practice of deployment for university courses

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Mon May 18 12:02:56 EDT 2015

Hum, I'm not sure about nbgrader either. But on the other hand you

1) probably don't want all user to use nbgrader.
2) need to mess with each nbgrader-admin-user permissions if you want
them to be able to  distribute notebooks in students homes.

So I'm not 100% sure a systemwide install/configration of nbgrader is
wise or doable.

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 7:42 AM, Ozan Çağlayan <ozancag at gmail.com> wrote:
> n Mon, May 18, 2015 at 5:13 PM, Ozan Çağlayan <ozancag at gmail.com> wrote:
>> aah, well i didn't know about that! So I'll recheck it.
>> Meanwhile I have another question :)
>> Once everything seems ok, I'll create UNIX user accounts automatically
>> with a script but currently I do not know whether I need some
>> precreated jupyter/ipython related configuration folders or files in
>> user's home directories. For example I just installed a Py2.7
>> environment with conda globally and did run "ipython kernelspec
>> install-self" as root. Now when I login through jupyterhub, my regular
>> user can benefit from both the default Python3 environment and the
>> newly installed Python2 one. Do you think that at some point, I will
>> need to modify/copy stuff into each user's home directory in order to
>> add a feature or change a behaviour in the jupyter stack?
>> I hope the question is clear :/
> To clarify now,
> I just installed and activated nbgrader as root but apparently I
> should do this for each user on the system who would like to use
> nbgrader as the activation happens inside ~/.ipython. That was a case
> for the question above I think. Or maybe it is possible to create a
> system-wide ipython profile which will get inherited by regular users.
> I don't know, I'm confused :)
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