[IPython-dev] [jupyter] Fwd: [sage-devel] European Horizon 2020 project OpenDreamKit accepted

Cyrille Rossant cyrille.rossant at gmail.com
Wed May 20 04:23:25 EDT 2015

Hi Marcin

VisPy (http://vispy.org/) has a distributed architecture very close to
what you describe. You can write your visualization in pure
Python/GLSL (the GPU language in OpenGL) and see it either on the
desktop or in the browser with WebGL, in real time. It can scale well
to huge datasets, since you can stream only a subset of the data in
real-time. It works in the Jupyter notebook out of the box. You could
also export your Python visualization to a standalone HTML/JS
interactive document. The architecture is relatively general and

It's still a bit experimental, and there is not much documentation,
but it would be great if we could work together on a common system.

Let me know if you want more details about the architecture.


2015-05-20 10:10 GMT+02:00 Marcin Kostur <marcinofulus at gmail.com>:
> Dear ipython-developers,
> Since I will have a small contribution in 3d visualization in this grant
> (T4.9 in the grant proposal - see repo;-),
> I would like to ask if there exists any ongoing effort in this topic?
> Our contribution will be focused in visualization of computational fluid
> dynamics fields.
> Certainly it can be fully distinct project from typical "plot3d" routines,
> but the optimal solution would of course be to have as much of the
> architecture in common as possible.
> Some very preliminary draft of our visualization architecture is at:
> https://github.com/mjanusz/sailfish/blob/master/doc/visualizer_design.md and
> we think that the idea of some kind of generalized proxy server would do the
> job for both large datasets as well as for surface plotting of f(x,y).
> The other opportunity is that I have some funding for subcontracting from
> another source which have to be spend this year. It has to go through our
> University and a public tender procedure, and I plan to write specs for some
> pre0.1 version of our concepts as soon as possible. In this action I would
> deeply appreciate you expertise and help.
> the best
> Marcin Kostur
> --
> Department of Theoretical Physics
> Institute of Physics
> University of Silesia
> 40-007 Katowice, Poland
> tel. +48 32 3497 612
> http://zft.us.edu.pl/kostur
> http://icse.us.edu.pl
> http://twing.us.edu.pl
> ---------------------------
> Linux: because rebooting is for adding new hardware.
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