From sir.gnsp at  Thu May  5 11:20:14 2016
From: sir.gnsp at (Ganesh Prasad)
Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 20:50:14 +0530
Subject: [IPython-dev] [promotional] ghournal - a commandline based
	blog-engine for gh-pages
Message-ID: <>


*This is a self promotional message and quite unrelated to IPython and
development in python in general. But I believe, it's something that makes
lives of developers easier, in fact I built it to make my life easier. Now,
as an OpenSource activity it needs some promotion to attract users and
contributors alike. *

*Also, I am not good at writing promotional messages, so this mail might
look really messy. Hence, apologies in advance.*


git is the lifeline of most of the OpenSource activities around the globe.
We all write code, create projects on github and push our changes to the
repo and blah blah blah... That's what we all do, git add | commit | merge
| push are probably the most used commands on a developer's console, the
command pattern is muscle memory.

Now with the introduction of github-pages it has been possible to host
static websites for your projects on github, most of the serious projects
on github already have their static websites there.

Sometimes we want to maintain blogs for our projects on the project
website. But github-pages being a static platform does not provide backend
scripting or database capabilities. So, conventional blogging (like on
blogger/wordpress) is not natively possible on github-pages. Sometimes we
wish that blogging was possible and conveniently easy to use on

Also, some of us (like me for instance) sometimes think like, "life would
have been easier if blogging was as simple as git init..git commit...git
push, maybe something like blog init... blog new... blog publish".

*ghournal <>* as a tool designed for
users of git, makes these above wishes come true. It is a command line
based blog management tool for static web hosts,  targeted primarily
towards the github-pages platform.

*ghournal  <> *exposes a git like
command structure for blogging from the terminal. Creating a blog is as
easy as 'ghournal init', adding a new post is as simple as 'ghournal new
<postID>'  etc. The complete command structure is documented in the project

*ghournal <>* is written in
javascript and is available on npm. Hence installing and using it can not
me easier.

In short, it is designed to make the lives of developers who want to blog
about their projects easier.

So, if this sounds cool, please have a look at  and thanks :)

Ganesh Prasad
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From bussonniermatthias at  Thu May  5 12:34:22 2016
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 09:34:22 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
Message-ID: <>

Hello List, 

A few minutes ago we merged a PR[1] adding jedi[2] integration to IPython, this make the IPython completer a bit smarter, 
as it now knows about situation like:

In[1]: ('je'+'di').upper().<tab>

Where it will infer that you are actually calling a method on a string, which before was requiring setting `IPCompleter.greedy` to `true` 
which has the drawback of evaluating your code with its side effects. 

Though, the API Jedi provide and API IPython expect are slightly different, we did our best to adapt the two, still I would expect
a few edge cases to appear where the result of the completion might be wrong. 

We would appreciate if you could look out for these cases, and report any completion that misbehave. 
This will likely affect both IPython when using the notebook, and the plain IPython terminal. 

Enjoy pressing the "weaponized" tab key even more, and kudos to @liukelly [3] for her work



Extra notes: Jedi appears as a mandatory dependency, but IPython should still work if Jedi is not importable. 
IPCompleter.use_jedi_completions=<Bool> config parameter can be use to deactivate jedi completions if they are by any chance annoying. 

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>

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From ellisonbg at  Thu May  5 12:39:33 2016
From: ellisonbg at (Brian Granger)
Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 09:39:33 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Matthias Bussonnier
<bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
> Hello List,
> A few minutes ago we merged a PR[1] adding jedi[2] integration to IPython,
> this make the IPython completer a bit smarter,
> as it now knows about situation like:
> In[1]: ('je'+'di').upper().<tab>
> Where it will infer that you are actually calling a method on a string,
> which before was requiring setting `IPCompleter.greedy` to `true`
> which has the drawback of evaluating your code with its side effects.
> Though, the API Jedi provide and API IPython expect are slightly different,
> we did our best to adapt the two, still I would expect
> a few edge cases to appear where the result of the completion might be
> wrong.
> We would appreciate if you could look out for these cases, and report any
> completion that misbehave.
> This will likely affect both IPython when using the notebook, and the plain
> IPython terminal.
> Enjoy pressing the "weaponized" tab key even more, and kudos to @liukelly
> [3] for her work
> Thanks,
> --
> Matthias
> Extra notes: Jedi appears as a mandatory dependency, but IPython should
> still work if Jedi is not importable.
> IPCompleter.use_jedi_completions=<Bool> config parameter can be use to
> deactivate jedi completions if they are by any chance annoying.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Brian E. Granger
Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
@ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
bgranger at and ellisonbg at

From at  Fri May  6 01:30:47 2016
From: at (Fernando Perez)
Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 22:30:47 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at> wrote:

> Awesome!!!


For reference, this will provide 90% of the benefit of

%config IPCompleter.greedy=True

without any of the downsides (side effects from evaluation of code).  So
the need for activating the greedy completer should go dramatically down
(which is a good thing, since that's a somewhat dangerous piece of code and
always the source of obscure and hard to understand problems).

Many thanks for this!!

Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
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From bussonniermatthias at  Fri May  6 01:40:53 2016
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 22:40:53 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On May 5, 2016, at 22:30, Fernando Perez < at> wrote:
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at <mailto:ellisonbg at>> wrote:
> Awesome!!!
> +lots!!


Small update, there seem to have been some criss-cross of commit with the release of prompt-toolkit 1.0.0 (congratulation on @jonathansleders)
So you might need to test with the following extra PR : <>


> For reference, this will provide 90% of the benefit of
> %config IPCompleter.greedy=True
> without any of the downsides (side effects from evaluation of code).  So the need for activating the greedy completer should go dramatically down (which is a good thing, since that's a somewhat dangerous piece of code and always the source of obscure and hard to understand problems).
> Many thanks for this!!
> -- 
> Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; <>)
> mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
> fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

-------------- next part --------------
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From nathan12343 at  Fri May  6 12:08:36 2016
From: nathan12343 at (Nathan Goldbaum)
Date: Fri, 6 May 2016 11:08:36 -0500
Subject: [IPython-dev] #ipython on freenode
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I was just in contact with one of the staff members on freenode. Apparently
right now the #ipython channel doesn't have an operator, and if anyone
involved in the ipython or jupyter project would like, they could take over.

I see maybe 2-3 questions per day in #ipython from random users. I know
that the project moved away from IRC a long time ago, but it still might be
worth having op just to keep the topic updated with the correct place to
ask questions.

I was talking with freenode staff member "uptime" - if any jupyter or
ipython developers would like op on #ipython, they should msg uptime.

-Nathan Goldbaum
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From bussonniermatthias at  Fri May 20 19:04:41 2016
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 16:04:41 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

So small update,

Integrating with jedi completion had a few undesired side-effect, well
roll back the integration for 5.0 and rework it for 6.0.
So no jedi for now...

Still for it was a nice experience and the integration in 6.0 should
improve completion a lot.

Thanks !

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at> wrote:
> Awesome!!!
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Matthias Bussonnier
> <bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> A few minutes ago we merged a PR[1] adding jedi[2] integration to IPython,
>> this make the IPython completer a bit smarter,
>> as it now knows about situation like:
>> In[1]: ('je'+'di').upper().<tab>
>> Where it will infer that you are actually calling a method on a string,
>> which before was requiring setting `IPCompleter.greedy` to `true`
>> which has the drawback of evaluating your code with its side effects.
>> Though, the API Jedi provide and API IPython expect are slightly different,
>> we did our best to adapt the two, still I would expect
>> a few edge cases to appear where the result of the completion might be
>> wrong.
>> We would appreciate if you could look out for these cases, and report any
>> completion that misbehave.
>> This will likely affect both IPython when using the notebook, and the plain
>> IPython terminal.
>> Enjoy pressing the "weaponized" tab key even more, and kudos to @liukelly
>> [3] for her work
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Matthias
>> Extra notes: Jedi appears as a mandatory dependency, but IPython should
>> still work if Jedi is not importable.
>> IPCompleter.use_jedi_completions=<Bool> config parameter can be use to
>> deactivate jedi completions if they are by any chance annoying.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> --
> Brian E. Granger
> Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
> @ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
> bgranger at and ellisonbg at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From ellisonbg at  Fri May 20 22:11:17 2016
From: ellisonbg at (Brian Granger)
Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 19:11:17 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I was enjoying the new completions in ipython. Can you outline what
undesired side effects there were. I am fine reverting for 5.0, just

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Matthias Bussonnier
<bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
> So small update,
> Integrating with jedi completion had a few undesired side-effect, well
> roll back the integration for 5.0 and rework it for 6.0.
> So no jedi for now...
> Still for it was a nice experience and the integration in 6.0 should
> improve completion a lot.
> Thanks !
> --
> M
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at> wrote:
>> Awesome!!!
>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Matthias Bussonnier
>> <bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
>>> Hello List,
>>> A few minutes ago we merged a PR[1] adding jedi[2] integration to IPython,
>>> this make the IPython completer a bit smarter,
>>> as it now knows about situation like:
>>> In[1]: ('je'+'di').upper().<tab>
>>> Where it will infer that you are actually calling a method on a string,
>>> which before was requiring setting `IPCompleter.greedy` to `true`
>>> which has the drawback of evaluating your code with its side effects.
>>> Though, the API Jedi provide and API IPython expect are slightly different,
>>> we did our best to adapt the two, still I would expect
>>> a few edge cases to appear where the result of the completion might be
>>> wrong.
>>> We would appreciate if you could look out for these cases, and report any
>>> completion that misbehave.
>>> This will likely affect both IPython when using the notebook, and the plain
>>> IPython terminal.
>>> Enjoy pressing the "weaponized" tab key even more, and kudos to @liukelly
>>> [3] for her work
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> Matthias
>>> Extra notes: Jedi appears as a mandatory dependency, but IPython should
>>> still work if Jedi is not importable.
>>> IPCompleter.use_jedi_completions=<Bool> config parameter can be use to
>>> deactivate jedi completions if they are by any chance annoying.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> --
>> Brian E. Granger
>> Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
>> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
>> @ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
>> bgranger at and ellisonbg at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Brian E. Granger
Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
@ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
bgranger at and ellisonbg at

From bussonniermatthias at  Fri May 20 22:47:47 2016
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 19:47:47 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Brian, yes: (crash IPython on tab completion) ( `[x for x in n<tab>
if condition]` -> garbage, can't complete in middle of line) (need to type 2 letters
of a token to actually complete) (ipython >
foo.out ; crash ipython)

Plus a few personal communication I got from users frustrated that
couldn't get work done, and things like

`from import a_thi<tab>` -> `from importort
fromfoo.barfoo a_thing`

You can look at the list of issue on github:

More generally I think we can make a much better integration with jedi
if we update the IPython completion machinery instead of bolting jedi
on the side. And we can likely iron af ew of jedi quirk with the
`Interpreter` completer, that report each completion as being a module
for example.

If you really don't suffer from any of above issues it should be
pretty straitforward to implement the reverted code as a custom


On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 7:11 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at> wrote:
> I was enjoying the new completions in ipython. Can you outline what
> undesired side effects there were. I am fine reverting for 5.0, just
> curious.
> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Matthias Bussonnier
> <bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
>> So small update,
>> Integrating with jedi completion had a few undesired side-effect, well
>> roll back the integration for 5.0 and rework it for 6.0.
>> So no jedi for now...
>> Still for it was a nice experience and the integration in 6.0 should
>> improve completion a lot.
>> Thanks !
>> --
>> M
>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at> wrote:
>>> Awesome!!!
>>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Matthias Bussonnier
>>> <bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
>>>> Hello List,
>>>> A few minutes ago we merged a PR[1] adding jedi[2] integration to IPython,
>>>> this make the IPython completer a bit smarter,
>>>> as it now knows about situation like:
>>>> In[1]: ('je'+'di').upper().<tab>
>>>> Where it will infer that you are actually calling a method on a string,
>>>> which before was requiring setting `IPCompleter.greedy` to `true`
>>>> which has the drawback of evaluating your code with its side effects.
>>>> Though, the API Jedi provide and API IPython expect are slightly different,
>>>> we did our best to adapt the two, still I would expect
>>>> a few edge cases to appear where the result of the completion might be
>>>> wrong.
>>>> We would appreciate if you could look out for these cases, and report any
>>>> completion that misbehave.
>>>> This will likely affect both IPython when using the notebook, and the plain
>>>> IPython terminal.
>>>> Enjoy pressing the "weaponized" tab key even more, and kudos to @liukelly
>>>> [3] for her work
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> --
>>>> Matthias
>>>> Extra notes: Jedi appears as a mandatory dependency, but IPython should
>>>> still work if Jedi is not importable.
>>>> IPCompleter.use_jedi_completions=<Bool> config parameter can be use to
>>>> deactivate jedi completions if they are by any chance annoying.
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>> IPython-dev at
>>> --
>>> Brian E. Granger
>>> Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
>>> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
>>> @ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
>>> bgranger at and ellisonbg at
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> --
> Brian E. Granger
> Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
> @ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
> bgranger at and ellisonbg at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

From ellisonbg at  Mon May 23 10:40:04 2016
From: ellisonbg at (Brian Granger)
Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 07:40:04 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the summary! I will keep using it to help find problems.

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 7:47 PM, Matthias Bussonnier
<bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
> Hi Brian, yes:
> (crash IPython on tab completion)
> ( `[x for x in n<tab>
> if condition]` -> garbage, can't complete in middle of line)
> (need to type 2 letters
> of a token to actually complete)
> (ipython >
> foo.out ; crash ipython)
> Plus a few personal communication I got from users frustrated that
> couldn't get work done, and things like
> `from import a_thi<tab>` -> `from importort
> fromfoo.barfoo a_thing`
> You can look at the list of issue on github:
> More generally I think we can make a much better integration with jedi
> if we update the IPython completion machinery instead of bolting jedi
> on the side. And we can likely iron af ew of jedi quirk with the
> `Interpreter` completer, that report each completion as being a module
> for example.
> If you really don't suffer from any of above issues it should be
> pretty straitforward to implement the reverted code as a custom
> completer.
> Cheers,
> --
> M
> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 7:11 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at> wrote:
>> I was enjoying the new completions in ipython. Can you outline what
>> undesired side effects there were. I am fine reverting for 5.0, just
>> curious.
>> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Matthias Bussonnier
>> <bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
>>> So small update,
>>> Integrating with jedi completion had a few undesired side-effect, well
>>> roll back the integration for 5.0 and rework it for 6.0.
>>> So no jedi for now...
>>> Still for it was a nice experience and the integration in 6.0 should
>>> improve completion a lot.
>>> Thanks !
>>> --
>>> M
>>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg at> wrote:
>>>> Awesome!!!
>>>> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Matthias Bussonnier
>>>> <bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
>>>>> Hello List,
>>>>> A few minutes ago we merged a PR[1] adding jedi[2] integration to IPython,
>>>>> this make the IPython completer a bit smarter,
>>>>> as it now knows about situation like:
>>>>> In[1]: ('je'+'di').upper().<tab>
>>>>> Where it will infer that you are actually calling a method on a string,
>>>>> which before was requiring setting `IPCompleter.greedy` to `true`
>>>>> which has the drawback of evaluating your code with its side effects.
>>>>> Though, the API Jedi provide and API IPython expect are slightly different,
>>>>> we did our best to adapt the two, still I would expect
>>>>> a few edge cases to appear where the result of the completion might be
>>>>> wrong.
>>>>> We would appreciate if you could look out for these cases, and report any
>>>>> completion that misbehave.
>>>>> This will likely affect both IPython when using the notebook, and the plain
>>>>> IPython terminal.
>>>>> Enjoy pressing the "weaponized" tab key even more, and kudos to @liukelly
>>>>> [3] for her work
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Matthias
>>>>> Extra notes: Jedi appears as a mandatory dependency, but IPython should
>>>>> still work if Jedi is not importable.
>>>>> IPCompleter.use_jedi_completions=<Bool> config parameter can be use to
>>>>> deactivate jedi completions if they are by any chance annoying.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> [3]
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>>> IPython-dev at
>>>> --
>>>> Brian E. Granger
>>>> Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
>>>> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
>>>> @ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
>>>> bgranger at and ellisonbg at
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>>> IPython-dev at
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IPython-dev mailing list
>>> IPython-dev at
>> --
>> Brian E. Granger
>> Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
>> Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
>> @ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
>> bgranger at and ellisonbg at
>> _______________________________________________
>> IPython-dev mailing list
>> IPython-dev at
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Brian E. Granger
Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
@ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
bgranger at and ellisonbg at

From bussonniermatthias at  Mon May 23 12:20:32 2016
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 09:20:32 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hey Brian,

Can I request a clarification ?

> Thanks for the summary! I will keep using it to help find problems.

By "it" do you mean master, or the branch of IPython that still have
jedi integration ?

I would appreciate if you stayed on master, we are wrapping up the 20
remaining issues and should do a beta soon.
Once we are on 6.0 branch, we can easily re-integrate jedi and
refactor the completion.


From ellisonbg at  Mon May 23 16:20:19 2016
From: ellisonbg at (Brian Granger)
Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 13:20:19 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] New Feature, feedback requested,
	IPython Jedi Completions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yes, I can run master...

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Matthias Bussonnier
<bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
> Hey Brian,
> Can I request a clarification ?
>> Thanks for the summary! I will keep using it to help find problems.
> By "it" do you mean master, or the branch of IPython that still have
> jedi integration ?
> I would appreciate if you stayed on master, we are wrapping up the 20
> remaining issues and should do a beta soon.
> Once we are on 6.0 branch, we can easily re-integrate jedi and
> refactor the completion.
> Thanks,
> --
> M
> _______________________________________________
> IPython-dev mailing list
> IPython-dev at

Brian E. Granger
Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
@ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
bgranger at and ellisonbg at

From bussonniermatthias at  Wed May 25 14:49:53 2016
From: bussonniermatthias at (Matthias Bussonnier)
Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 11:49:53 -0700
Subject: [IPython-dev] Need help review change that affect IPython/Emacs
Message-ID: <>

Hello list,

As you might know the current master of IPython is now using
Prompt-toolkit to provide crazy awesome multi line-editing, and
syntactic coloration.

Though it might have some effect with emacs python.el integration and
in particular the 'inferior shell' (whatever that is).

We'll appreciate any help on testing potential issues, see here:

So if you are or know any emacs user that have slightly more
competence[1] than us  to investigate the emacs side of things, we
would really appreciate for you/them to pitch in, and propagate the

Thanks a lot for your help,

[1]: That is to say more than typing `emacs` and then wondering how
the hell to quit.

From asmeurer at  Wed May 25 14:56:41 2016
From: asmeurer at (Aaron Meurer)
Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 14:56:41 -0400
Subject: [IPython-dev] Need help review change that affect IPython/Emacs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Some potentially useful information about this

Aaron Meurer

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Matthias Bussonnier
<bussonniermatthias at> wrote:
> Hello list,
> As you might know the current master of IPython is now using
> Prompt-toolkit to provide crazy awesome multi line-editing, and
> syntactic coloration.
> Though it might have some effect with emacs python.el integration and
> in particular the 'inferior shell' (whatever that is).
> We'll appreciate any help on testing potential issues, see here:
> So if you are or know any emacs user that have slightly more
> competence[1] than us  to investigate the emacs side of things, we
> would really appreciate for you/them to pitch in, and propagate the
> message.
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> --
> M
> [1]: That is to say more than typing `emacs` and then wondering how
> the hell to quit.
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