[IPython-dev] IPython 6.0 released

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 18:41:11 EDT 2017

Hi all,

We released ipython 6.0 about an hours ago.
The conda builder are currently preheating, but in the bmeantime you
can use PIP to install.

This release is Python 3 only. See our blog post
(https://blog.jupyter.org/2017/04/19/release-of-ipython-6-0/) and the
release notes (http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/whatsnew/version6.html)

  $ pip install ipython --upgrade

If you are on Python : Make sure you have pip 9 or above:

  $ pip --version
  $  pip install pip --upgrade

Or pip **will upgrade** to an incompatible Python version .

Reminder the IPython 5.x is LTS, is still compatible Python 2, and
will still get upgrades.
We should get 5.4 through the door soon hopefully (help welcome).

Thanks everyone for your help


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