[IPython-dev] [ANN] IPython 7.1 on PyPI and other stuff.

Matthias Bussonnier bussonniermatthias at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 17:01:54 EDT 2018

Hi all,

It is my pleasure to announce the release of IPython 7.1. just a month
after 7.0.
As unusual it is already on PyPI so you can upgrade with :

$ pip install ipython --upgrade


There are many small task left if you wish to participate in finishing
releasing 7.1:
  - https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/11457
Like for example updating wikipedia entry if you want to earn some
wikipedia cred, update ipython.org news section, update the conda recipe,
to have IPython available soon on conda-forge... IF you have never one it
it's also time to learn.

As a personal note, I am no longer employed full-time to work on
IPython/Jupyter, and I am no longer working at UC Berkeley since slightly
over a month ago, so you've likely already seen me less during working
hours on the various projects – and hence why this release is on the
week-end. So looking for help to maintain IPython and keep track of what's

I remind you that on the IPython repo, you should all have the ability to
tag and close issue via our bot, and that triaging issues/PR is of
tremendous help to be help other contributors and maintainers find the
correct tasks.


A number of bug fixes (especially for command line IPython) in this release
(31 issues and 54 pull requests) vs (20 issues and merged 76 pull requests
for 7.0), so not a small release. + **compatibility with Python 3.7.1**

You can see what's new there:

There are a couple of user-facing changes in \latex<tab> completion, for Vi
and a few changes in the IPython directive for sphinx.


We in particular welcome Jonathan Slender  (prompt toolkit author) to the
team to recognise all his good work.

Many thanks to all the contributors who participated (and are still
participating to hacktoberfest), we had many good contributions, you've
earned your t-shirt. If you haven't participated it's still time !

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