[IPython-dev] kernel spect and how to thest them

Alessandro Dentella sandro.dentella at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 18:10:32 EST 2019


I'd like to bettere understand "argv" list. It's the arguments passed
to what exactely? -m and --ext are for python/ipython, who interprets -f?

The setup

I have a django project whit a std virtualenv with a working kernel
defined as follows:

    "env": {
    	   "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "web.settings",
	   "PYTHONPATH": "$PYTHONPATH:/misc/src/hg/thunder/siti/alma/django" },
    "argv": [
    "display_name": "Alma ",
    "language": "python"

>From a jupyter lab I can connect to that and it just works fine.

In my normal setup I use buildout that means I have an "empty"
vitualenv and a scipt that initializes the sys.path. So I tried to
modify the configuration as follows:

    "env": {
    	   "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "web.settings",
	   "PYTHONPATH": "$PYTHONPATH:/misc/src/hg/thunder/siti/alma/django/env" },
    "argv": [
    "display_name": "Alma 2",
    "language": "python"

Where setup_jupiter is in PYTHONPATH and uses site.addsitedir():

   import os
   import site
   import ipykernel_launcher


But this modified kernel spec does not work (sys.path it's correclty
setup due to a custom path.pth)

Jupiter lab (run in a different virtualenv) complains:

   [I 20:07:27.618 LabApp] Kernel started: 11cc7c35-b88b-4f87-ad42-bdf85f28c352
   [I 20:07:28.230 LabApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (2/5), new random ports
   [I 20:07:31.236 LabApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (3/5), new random ports
   [I 20:07:34.244 LabApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (4/5), new random ports
   [W 20:07:37.249 LabApp] KernelRestarter: restart failed

How can I debug what's wrong and particularly is there a way to start
that particular kernel, based on those kernel spec alone?


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