[IPython-dev] [ANN] 2019 Scipy Conference: Call for Proposals

Nathan Goldbaum nathan12343 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 18:12:37 EST 2019

SciPy 2019, the 18th annual Scientific Computing with Python conference,
will be held July 8-14, 2019 in Austin, Texas. The annual SciPy Conference
brings together over 800 participants from industry, academia, and
government to showcase their latest projects, learn from skilled users and
developers, and collaborate on code development. The call for abstracts for
SciPy 2019 for talks, posters and tutorials is now open. The deadline for
submissions is February 10, 2019.

Conference Website: https://www.scipy2019.scipy.org/

Submission Website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=scipy2019

*Talks and Posters (July 10-12, 2019)*
In addition to the general track, this year will have specialized tracks
focused on:

   - Data Driven Discoveries (including Machine Learning and Data Science)
   - Open Source Communities (Sustainability)

*Mini Symposia*

   - Science Communication through Visualization
   - Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
   - Image Processing
   - Earth, Ocean, Geo and Atmospheric Science

There will also be a SciPy Tools Plenary Session each day with 2 to 5
minute updates on tools and libraries.

*Tutorials (July 8-9, 2019)*

Tutorials should be focused on covering a well-defined topic in a hands-on
manner. We are looking for useful techniques or packages, helping new or
advanced Python programmers develop better or faster scientific
applications. We encourage submissions to be designed to allow at least 50%
of the time for hands-on exercises even if this means the subject matter
needs to be limited. Tutorials will be 4 hours in duration. In your
tutorial application, you can indicate what prerequisite skills and
knowledge will be needed for your tutorial, and the approximate expected
level of knowledge of your students (i.e., beginner, intermediate,
advanced). Instructors of accepted tutorials will receive a stipend.
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