[IronPython] Re: users-ironpython.com Digest, Vol 2, Issue 3

Randall Burns randall_burns at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 2 21:10:31 CEST 2004

Why can use of static types be done in libraries
specfic to IronPython? That would given IronPython
programs a limited interface using static types to
call DLL's and such -or am I  missing something here?

Curt Hagenlocher
curt at hagenlocher.org wrote
>Isn't it more than that?  IronPython would actually
>need to be able to create static type definitions in
>order to get "native"
>support in VB or C#, and that's not a Python language
>feature at all.  Without that, there are only two
>1. Define your type information as an interface in VB
>or C# and distribute either two assemblies or a
single >multi-module assembly.
>2. Load the assembly dynamically and use reflection
to >interact with it.

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