[IronPython] Gtk.TreeStore(what)?

Phillip Neumann bob at sofsis.cl
Tue Sep 28 22:37:11 CEST 2004


What should i put as arguments in Gtk.TreeStore?

>>> import Gtk
>>> Gtk.TreeStore(str)
System.ArgumentException: parameters
in <0x00085> System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:Invoke
in <0x0001d> System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:Invoke
in <0x00044> System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:Invoke (object[])
in <0x000f9> IronPython.Objects.ReflectedMethodBase:Call (object[])
in <0x00029> IronPython.Objects.ReflectedType:Call (object[])
in <0x001f5> IronPython.Objects.Ops:Call (object,object)
in <0x0007f> input_1:Run (IronPython.Objects.Frame)
in <0x001c5> IronPythonConsole.IronPython:DoInteractive ()

thanks in advance and sorry for the previouse messages..

Phillip Neumann <bob at sofsis.cl>

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