[IronPython] Re: MSH vs IronPython

Lloyd Dupont ld at galador.net
Wed Sep 29 23:33:59 CEST 2004

>>>> in the doc they speak about a new-object type syntax, but that doesn't 
>>>> work.....
> I find your "review" somewhat misleading (the it doesn't work bit?) :)
my "review" is really just a half an hour first imprssion before going to 
furthermore, many things are really cool.
I even stated (just as briefly) that you could easily browse registry, file 
system, environment, and that's cool.

however it is stated in the GettingStarted.rtf
You can also call the constructor for a .NET type or bind to a 

MSH> $d= new-object System.DateTime 2004 12 1

and I was frustrated that new-object get me:
'new-object' is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program or 
script file.

and a 'get-command' (cool tool to get..... the list of available command) 
gives me only 'new-item' as potential candidate, but it was not the one!

aynyway it's very much a  beta product, as they said in the GettingStarted:
The MSH language is partially implemented at this time; the following 
constructs may be used from the command line:


however what work seems to work well, don't get me wrong!

> MSH isn't really intended to be a script based application development
> environment for developing object oriented applications - it really is
> an administrative scripting tool that provides the glue that connects
that was my impression too.
you could "dir" (get-childitem) the environment, the file system, the 
regisry in a consistent manner, you almost believe they are same kind of 

> IronPython addresses a different market - one more geared to take
I think too... more and more..

> advantage of its shell, concise yet elegant object oriented language,
> and ability to easily reuse non-binary code - in order to create
> somewhat more traditional executables and libraries.
> I'm blown away by MSH's object pipeline, composable architecture and
> simple mechanism for command discovery - but dismayed by its $#*!
> syntax.
me too... and -lt 1 2 too.... but you could use 1<2 too :)
and after half an hour yesterday, in the end, it becomes to be less alien.

OK, time to go to work now, bye...

> I'm blown away by (Iron)Python's sheer productivity, concise predictable
> syntax, interactive mode, dynamic (yet strongly-typed) types and ability
> to produce (soon?) and consume CLR types - for more traditional
> development.
> Alex Hoffman
> ----- Original message -----
> From: "Lloyd Dupont" <ld at galador.net>
> To: users-ironpython.com at lists.ironpython.com
> Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 19:59:43 +1000
> Subject: Re: [IronPython] Re: users-ironpython.com Digest, Vol 2, Issue
> 20
> I could already gives you my 1st impression.
> (but not yet the 2nd one...)
> it looks awfull and scriptic like
> while ( $var -lt 10 ) { write-host $var; $var += 1 }
> and then it seems more file system oriented (I could get-childitem C: or
> (better) dir HKCU:\Printers)
> but I haven't been able to create a normal object (let say a form).
> in the doc they speak about a
> new-object type syntax, but that doesn't work.....
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Randall Burns" <randall_burns at yahoo.com>
> To: <users-ironpython.com at lists.ironpython.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 5:28 AM
> Subject: [IronPython] Re: users-ironpython.com Digest, Vol 2, Issue 20
>> --- users-ironpython.com-request at lists.ironpython.com
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 21:50:17 +1000
>>> From: "Lloyd Dupont" <ld at galador.net>
>> What I've found:
>> I tend to write stuff in Python over  bash or similar
>> shells from the standpoint of maintainability-and
>> avoiding a tower of babel(one language can do more).
>> This works because the classes for doing stuff largely
>> equivalent to bash are reasonbly mature in Python.
>> What Microsoft _appears_ to be doing with this stuff
>> is creating a next generation shell that takes
>> advantage of some of the .NET features. That would I
>> expect mean that to provide equivalent functionality,
>> Python would
>> need some new libraries/classes.
>> I'd really like to know your thoughts as you get more
>> familiar with MSH.
>>> I've been confirmed beta tester of MSH, should be
>>> able to start testing
>>> tomorrow (well, this wek-end)
>>> however I have the feeling, somehow, that python has
>>> a definitive edge which
>>> is:
>>> Python could be embeded into your application, to
>>> provide configurable UI.
>>> Well, any kind of configuration in fact, that's
>>> really great!
>>> Infact even run-time modification (maybe there is
>>> security setting to
>>> investigate before though :S)
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Randall Burns" <randall_burns at yahoo.com>
>>> To: <users-ironpython.com at lists.ironpython.com>
>>> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 5:34 AM
>>> Subject: [IronPython] Re: users-ironpython.com
>>> Digest, Vol 2, Issue 18
>>> > How do folks see the new Microsoft command shell
>>> > relates to IronPython? Will Iron Python be able to
>>> > leverage any of this work?
>>> >
>>> >
>> http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/21/0153251&tid=201&tid=156&tid=8
>>> >
>>> >
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