[IronPython] Bug Report

Ying-Shen jonnyyu at online.sh.cn
Thu Apr 7 17:10:16 CEST 2005


I knew GDN bug tracker maybe the right place for this issue, but 
unfortunatelly due to some limitations, I don't have access to that 
site, so I apologize to post it here.

I was playing with IronPython 0.7.1 and want to generate a method list 
for string, basically I'm using the code snippet like below:
 >>> obj = "aaa"
 >>> typeList = [ getattr(obj, method ) for method in dir(obj) ]
the above code works as expected in my python 2.3.3 but fails with error 
msg: System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Parameter count 
<exception stacktrace omitted>

Anyone could verify it and help me submit to GDN, thanks!

Ying-Shen Yu

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