[IronPython] Developing a System.Web.Service.WebService

Jim Hugunin jimhug at exchange.microsoft.com
Wed May 4 05:23:09 CEST 2005

Anthony Tarlano wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has successfully created a WebService in
> IronPython and deployed it using ASP.NET?
> If not I will make it a point to post my results after accomplishing
> the task..  ;-)

I haven't done it, but I'd love to see your results.  I think that
you're going to need to think out of the box to get this to work well.

> One piece of information I need in order to begin is how I set the
> namespace for a package? I.e. in C# you can say namespace
> NicelyNamedSpace {... }, how do you do this with IronPython?

You can't really do this in IronPython without a static compiler.  We're
planning to provide a static compiler sometime in the future, but it's
not available today.  I'm also afraid that you're going to run into
trouble with the custom attributes that are used a lot for web services.
We plan to support these with Python 2.4 decorator syntax, but that's
not implemented yet either.

Wish I could be more helpful - Jim

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