[IronPython] C# code calling IP subclass weirdness

Michael Shilman shilman at microsoft.com
Mon Nov 14 10:02:04 CET 2005

A question about subclassing, virtual methods, C#/IP interop, etc in
IronPython-0.9.4.  I have a library of two classes Helper & Master
(greatly simplified from my actual situation, but analagous):


using System;

namespace TestLib


    public class Helper


        int _id;

        public Helper(int id)


            _id = id;


        public void DoSomething()






    public class Master


        protected virtual Helper CreateHelper(int id)


            return new Helper(id);


        public void DoSomething()


            Helper helper = CreateHelper(0);






Master has a factory-style method that creates a helper, and then
invokes a method on it.  I want to insert some throw-away behavior, by
subclassing both Master and Helper, so that FooMaster creates a
FooHelper, and then invokes the FooHelper version of DoSomething.


from TestLib import *


class FooHelper(Helper):

    def __init__(self, id):

        self._id = id

    def DoSomething(self):

        print "FooHelper"


class FooMaster(Master):

    def CreateHelper(self, id):

        return FooHelper(id)


# === Main ==================

fooMaster = FooMaster()



I expect this to print out "FooHelper". Instead it prints out "Helper".


Note that if I were to define the superclasses Helper/Master in Python
instead of C#, everything works like a charm, and it prints out


class Helper:

    _id = 0

    def __init__(self, id):

        self._id = id;

    def DoSomething(self):

        print "Helper"


class Master:

    def CreateHelper(self, id):

        return Helper(id)

    def DoSomething(self):



This leads me to believe it is impossible for a C# object to call a
Python method that overrides a virtual method.  However, also note that
if I define the Helper class to be abstract in C#, it also works fine
and I see "FooHelper".


using System;

using System.Text;


namespace TestLib


    public abstract class Helper


        int _id;

        public Helper(int id)


            _id = id;


        public abstract void DoSomething();



    public class Master


        protected virtual Helper CreateHelper(int id)


            return null;


        public void DoSomething()


            Helper helper = CreateHelper(0);






Furthermore, when I simplify things even further, it also works the way
I'd expect:


public class Helper


    public Helper(int id) { }

    public virtual void DoSomething() { Console.WriteLine("Helper"); }



public class Master


    public Master(Helper helper) { helper.DoSomething();  }



class FooHelper(Helper):

    def __init__(self, id): pass

    def DoSomething(self): print "FooHelper"


Can anybody tell me what's going on?  Is this a bug in IronPython or am
I doing something wrong?


Many thanks,





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